robmarkcole / HASS-amazon-rekognition

Home Assistant Object detection with Amazon Rekognition
MIT License
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Create or adapt dedicated tool for monitoring the object_detected events #95

Open robmarkcole opened 3 years ago

robmarkcole commented 3 years ago

This integration is getting very complex and reimplements a lot of functionality in I am thinking now that the scope of the object detection integrations such as this and deepstack-object should be limited to performing object detection, saving basic snapshots and firing events. Then a separate integration or tool/addon should consume the events and apply all the filtering rules on ROI, confidence, and object class. This tool would have a dedicated visual UI for drawing ROI, selecting targets from drop down list, etc. For flexibility MQTT could be used so this tool is not necessarily tied to HA. Probably an automation can be used to forward object_detected events to an MQTT topic. Perhaps can be used?

robmarkcole commented 3 years ago

Using mqtt_eventstream all events can be forwarded on MQTT and consumed by another program