robmarkcole / HASS-plate-recognizer

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support for image entity type #89

Closed geftactics closed 6 months ago

geftactics commented 6 months ago

There is a new image. entity domain in home assistant. Newer versions from frigate make use of this new entity domain for object detections, rather than a camera. entity.

This component doesn't like it when the supplied entity domain is image.*

Think this will cause a problem for most users that are relying on Frigate to recognise a vehicle to feed into this component...

geftactics commented 6 months ago

Went to go and add a long line - but this reveals that it is home assistant image_processing that seems to only support cameras, and not the image domain!

Invalid config for 'image_processing' at configuration.yaml, line 88: Entity ID 'image.driveway_car' does not belong to domain 'camera' for dictionary value 'source->0->entity_id', got 'image.driveway_car', please check the docs at

Opened another issue here:

Nornode commented 5 months ago

@geftactics - Did you ever solve this? I commented on the open ticket over at the ticket you opened.

I imagine one can do a workaround and get a camera entitie made from a template and source it with the image entitiy? Which is definitvely not ideal!...