robmonie / jquery-week-calendar

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bug on date displayed on calendar title #40

Open gildonei opened 12 years ago

gildonei commented 12 years ago

I creted 3 buttons on switch display:

When the users click on the buttons 1 or 5 days, everything works fine, but when the button 3 days is clicked the calendar displays a bigger range date in comparison of the days on the calendar.

Let's supose, today is Feb 2nd. if I press the button 3 days the calendar will display the columns with days 2nd, 3rd and 4th but in the column title will appear 2 Feb 2012 - 6 Feb 2012.

I'm using date Format "d M Y" and I have the following configurations on my calendar

daysToShow : 3, switchDisplay: {'1 dia': 1, '3 dias': 3, '5 dias': 5},