robmonie / jquery-week-calendar

Now actively maintained in the following fork -
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add style box-sizing display issues #57

Open dvb3688 opened 8 years ago

dvb3688 commented 8 years ago

used jquery-week-calendar to Bootstrap project Bootstrap has css box-sizing: border-box; eg: ,:before, *:after { box-sizing: border-box; } But not supported

I changed jquery.weekcalendar.js 860th lines of code:

$calendarContainer.find('.wc-time-slot').height(options.timeslotHeight - 1); changed

$calendarContainer.find('.wc-time-slot').height(options.timeslotHeight + 0.009);

$calendarContainer.find('.wc-time-header-cell').css({ height: (options.timeslotHeight * options.timeslotsPerHour) - 11, padding: 5 }); changed $calendarContainer.find('.wc-time-header-cell').css({ height: (options.timeslotHeight * options.timeslotsPerHour) - 1, padding: 5 });