robnolen / devopsday

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Come up with BOM for event #9

Open robnolen opened 8 years ago

robnolen commented 8 years ago

How many Photons, how many kits total, what is in the kit?

leemikes commented 8 years ago

I suppose the 'Photon Kit' at $29@ (Qty 1) so perhaps we can get a price break for Qty 20? What did we figure out for max class size? 15-20 max? As previously discussed, having a few on-hand as spares arleady 'paired' to 'student accounts' incase somebody has an issue with 'activation'. (Already experienced that at Isilon HQ with Brad's MacBook-Air. Same module worked fine with my MacBookPro, so go figure... (odd glitches here/there). I blame the wifi firewalling and the MiFi coverage...

leemikes commented 8 years ago

We could also go with simpler sensors/input as well. (Hi/Low connections (ie just put each to Vcc or GND) to test, etc.. As well as the TM-36 Temp. transistor...

robnolen commented 8 years ago

The kit comes with a photoresistor, could just send the output of that to a webpage. I liked the TMP36 because it's more of an IoT type use case - telemetry from a remote device being collected in CF. Pricing is $29, and no break on the site, but we could call.