robo-friends / m-explore-ros2

Explore_lite port to ROS2
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explores for a while, and then exploration is stopped, finding no frontiers #33

Open altineller opened 1 year ago

altineller commented 1 year ago


What parameter must we change to avoid no frontiers found and exploration stopping abruptly? If I move the robot a bit with joystick and then 'ros2 topic pub -1 /explore/resume std_msgs/msg/Bool "{data: True}"' exploration resumes for a little while, and then stops.

I have tried to decrease the min_frontier_size but it did not solve the problem.

Best Regards, Can

charlielito commented 2 months ago

Could you share a rosbag with an example so we can reproduce it?

altineller commented 1 month ago

Hello, I tried this almost a year ago, and I will retry in the simulator and get the rosbag data and post it, in a matter of few days. Best regards.

altineller commented 1 month ago


I did get my test setup using willow garage and my robot, and I recorded a rosbag until it stops. However the rosbag file is 26+GB and compressed it is 8GB, so I did not upload it.

Here is screenshot when it says exploration stopped:

Screenshot from 2024-10-11 23-26-59

There are no blue markers, but there are red markers. I wonder if increasing the lidar max distance could help?

Best Regards, Can