I am new to windows app automation.
Our application is created using WPF framework. We are using RPA.Windows library for automation.
Login page is web page that is embedded inside WPF windows, I am unable to interact with elements in the login page, it throws error as "Element not found". When I inspect the page for all elements of the page the "FrameworkId" is shown as "Chrome".
Below is the inspect screen shot
Error thrown on performing Click using RPA.Windows library (Click name:"Email")
RPA.Windows . Click name:"Email"
|Documentation:|Mouse click on element matching given locator.|
| --- | --- |
|Tags:|action, mouse|
|Start / End / Elapsed:|20231026 11:32:27.802 / 20231026 11:32:38.225 / 00:00:10.423|
11:32:27.805 INFO Getting element with locator: name:"Email"
11:32:27.954 INFO Resulted root element: WindowsElement(item=<uiautomation.uiautomation.PaneControl object at 0x000001A6D61D5CD0>, locator=None, name='Desktop 1', automation_id='', control_type='PaneControl', class_name='#32769', left=0, right=1920, top=0, bottom=1080, width=1920, height=1080, xcenter=960, ycenter=540)
11:32:27.954 INFO Locator 'name:"Email"' produced matcher: MatchObject(locators=[('Name', 'Email', 0)], _classes=set(), max_level=0)
11:32:38.219 INFO 2023-10-26 11:32:38.218 locators.py[274] _get_control_from_params -> Find Control Timeout(10s): {Name: 'Email'}
11:32:38.219 FAIL ElementNotFound: Element not found with locator 'name:"Email"'
I am new to windows app automation. Our application is created using WPF framework. We are using RPA.Windows library for automation. Login page is web page that is embedded inside WPF windows, I am unable to interact with elements in the login page, it throws error as "Element not found". When I inspect the page for all elements of the page the "FrameworkId" is shown as "Chrome".
Below is the inspect screen shot
Error thrown on performing Click using RPA.Windows library (Click name:"Email")
Appreciate any help