robocup-at-work / atwork-commander

This repository hosts the completly new developed Refbox for the @Work RoboCup league.
MIT License
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Transmit Workstation Type #21

Open marcomasa opened 4 years ago

marcomasa commented 4 years ago

The workstations are only described with a string, which technically contains the type, but with the current implementation, users are required to string match to get the location type.

The old refbox implementation used to send a location type with enums defined in the msg.

We defined our own workstation msg to create a struct with ros functionality:


# basic info
string name

### status
uint8 UNKNOWN = 0
uint8 KNOWN = 1
uint8 SCANNED = 2
uint8 status

### type
uint8 GROUND = 0
uint8 TABLE = 1
uint8 SHELF = 4
uint8 ARBITRARY = 5
uint8 type
marcomasa commented 4 years ago

Please also transmit a task ID. The old refbox sent the target task every 2s or so. If thats the case, we checked for the task ID to identify old / previously received tasks. ATM this is not possible anymore