robocup-at-work / atwork-commander

This repository hosts the completly new developed Refbox for the @Work RoboCup league.
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Fix build error on Xenial Kinetic with enabled tests #22

Closed steup closed 4 years ago

steup commented 4 years ago

On Travis the build failes if tests are enabled on Xenial Kinetic because of errors in boost program_options.

steup commented 4 years ago

Currently disabled the test on travis for Xenial Kinetic. If someone needs support for Xenial Kinetic please respond to this issue.

Done in 3cc3de805d6499d79b6dd40a2a65bba324ad23e7

sthoduka commented 4 years ago

The build succeeds if the required boost version is downgraded to 1.58 here (which I guess is the default in Xenial). I don't know if this affects anything else though.

steup commented 4 years ago

Tested and solved the problem. Thanks a lot for the support!

Fixed through d1d334847ce0aeb521952d54d9a5ba54fa2f6d76