robocup-at-work / rulebook

The Rulebook for the RoboCup@Work league.
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RoboCup 2016 feedback #10

Closed frederikhegger closed 4 years ago

frederikhegger commented 7 years ago

Yiyan Wang (Team RoboErectus):

  1. The finalised rulebook should be released six months in advance like the other soccer leagues to allow teams to better prepare for the competition.
  2. Time limit given to complete each tests should be extended. Tests should be extended to around 10 minutes for each tests and 20 minutes for finals → bonus points to be awarded. Even with 10 minutes given to complete the finals, teams were unable to do so and fully showcase the robot’s capabilities.
  3. Time restriction leads to unfair competition → teams score not because of the robot’s capabilities but team strategies, e.g. teams that compete later can change their strategies to attempt tasks that they have confidence in first to ensure that they score within the time limit. If time given to complete the tests is sufficient, teams would have to ensure that they can perform all tasks instead of only some tasks.
  4. BTT2 & BTT3 are unnecessary. All three BTTs could be merged and semi-finals could be introduced in its place → more opportunities to showcase the robot’s capabilities. This would allow full use of the arena since most tests only make use of a part of the arena
  5. Any concerns regarding cheating & unfairness of the competition should be reported to the chief judge or referees after confirmation. Participants should not accuse others without proof or evidence.
  6. Allocation of scorings should be revised . e.g. PPT/CBT scorings are too high, if a team focuses only on PPT/CBT but is unable to perform other tests, they would still be able to achieve high scores that are significant .
  7. Maximum number of objects that the robot is allowed to carry should not be limited to 3 according to pg. 36 section 3.3 of the rules because the robot should be encouraged to carry as many objects as possible while performing its tasks and adhering to the rules
  8. Penalties should be given when incorrect objects are manipulated or placed in incorrect stations.
frederikhegger commented 7 years ago

Jon Martin (AutonOHM):

  1. It would be nice to have an internal welcome event to meet other teams. The TCs should introduce themselves to the competitors. So the whole team (and not only the Team leaders) has a global overview about how it is going to be. Details can be discussed later on, during the team leader meetings.
  2. It seems that only a few teams completed at least a whole test. Time limits given to complete each test may be too low.
  3. If the time for each test remains the same, it doesn't make sense to give a penalization of -200 for a restart. We think that otherwise it doesn't make sense to use it. For second/third trial, a multiplicator could be used to decrease the maximum achievable score.
  4. Many tests ended with non or few teams getting points. Having a standard test for all teams makes it even more difficult for new teams that just want to start. Therefore, make the challenges more configurable (possibility to select desired objects, possibility to remove barrier tape or to move obstacles). Then, the maximum achievable score could be decreased using multiplicators.
  5. For connecting the robot without using wlan (a private team wlan is prohibited from the organization), it would be nice if a cable connection (power and ethernet) from the top of the arena could be provided. It was annoying for us to need always a team member carrying the cables, as we are only 5 and he cannot do anything else during this time.