The purpose of this is to create a one page (printable) report that summarises the event information for a state for the current year.
MVP Requirements:
Add page to the dashboard (for users who are can access the admin only) called 'Summary Report'
The summary report page should show the following data for each event the state held in a table with bolded headings:
-- Event Name
-- Event Date
-- Event Venue
-- Num Orgs attended
-- Num Teams attended
-- Num Students attended (show % of each gender)
The summary page should nicely print to PDF (without any website header/footer) & also be copy and pastable into Word.
Stretch Requirements:
Identify which states the user has access to, and present a dropdown to select one of these states. The report this displays for this state (could leverage the global filter dropdowns in the headerbar)
Have a dropdown to allow switching year (could leverage the global filter dropdowns in the headerbar)
Data downloadable as CSV
This is how the table is manually compiled in Word ATM
The purpose of this is to create a one page (printable) report that summarises the event information for a state for the current year. MVP Requirements:
Stretch Requirements:
This is how the table is manually compiled in Word ATM