roboflow / inference

A fast, easy-to-use, production-ready inference server for computer vision supporting deployment of many popular model architectures and fine-tuned models.
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Can add, delete, update stream realtime for only one pipeline has been run before? #362

Open duckaivn opened 2 months ago

duckaivn commented 2 months ago

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Hello everyone, I'm very interested in Roboflow Inference. I'm wondering, with the current InferencePipeline, is it possible to add, edit, and delete the number of inputs for just one pipeline? For example, AI Model has a max_batch_size of 8 Initially I initialize: pipeline = InferencePipeline(...) with only one RTSP stream pipeline.start()

Can I add an RTSP stream to the pipeline running above? For example: pipeline.add_stream("rtsp://...") Does adding not affect previously running threads?

Can anyone help me answer if InferencePipeline currently has the ability to do that? And in your opinion, add_stream to a running pipeline is better than having multiple copies of the pipeline running at the same time? Thank!


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PawelPeczek-Roboflow commented 2 months ago

Hello there, That's interesting feature, yet not supported at the moment. Within the current structure of code that feature should be possible to be added - as we already dynamically manage steams on separate threads. We will add that to our backlog, but we also have a lot of things we handle at the moment. That could be shipped faster if you decided to contribute - but that's totally up to you.