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fix letterbox and postprocess for YOLOv10 #437

Closed jameslahm closed 1 month ago

jameslahm commented 1 month ago


  1. NMS is not needed for YOLOv10. This PR removes NMS for the postprocessing in YOLOv10
  2. The color used in LetterBox is (114,114,114) in ultralytics. This PR change the color to (114,114,114) to make LetterBox consistent with it.
  3. The onnx models of YOLOv10 in Roboflow inference may be incorrectly exported. This PR hopes replace the onnx models of YOLOv10 with the follows: yolov10n.onnx, yolov10s.onnx, yolov10m.onnx, yolov10b.onnx, yolov10l.onnx and yolov10x.onnx.

Type of change

Please delete options that are not relevant.

How has this change been tested, please provide a testcase or example of how you tested the change?

Here is a minimal testcase:

pip install -q git+
import numpy as np
import supervision as sv
from inference import get_model
from PIL import Image

LABEL_ANNOTATORS = sv.LabelAnnotator(
BOUNDING_BOX_ANNOTATORS = sv.BoundingBoxAnnotator()
def detect_and_annotate(
    input_image: np.ndarray,
    confidence_threshold: float,
    iou_threshold: float = 0,
    model = get_model(model_id="coco/22")
    result = model.infer(
    detections = sv.Detections.from_inference(result)

    labels = [
        f"{class_name} ({confidence:.2f})"
        for class_name, confidence
        in zip(detections['class_name'], detections.confidence)

    annotated_image = input_image.copy()
    annotated_image = BOUNDING_BOX_ANNOTATORS.annotate(
        scene=annotated_image, detections=detections)
    annotated_image = LABEL_ANNOTATORS.annotate(
        scene=annotated_image, detections=detections, labels=labels)'annotated_vehicles.png')
    return annotated_image

detect_and_annotate('vehicles.png'), 0.4)

The annotated_vehicles.png should be like below


Any specific deployment considerations

For example, documentation changes, usability, usage/costs, secrets, etc.


CLAassistant commented 1 month ago

CLA assistant check
All committers have signed the CLA.

probicheaux commented 1 month ago

@jameslahm hey, can you share more details about

The onnx models of YOLOv10 in Roboflow inference may be incorrectly exported. This PR hopes replace the onnx models of YOLOv10 with the follows: yolov10n.onnx, yolov10s.onnx, yolov10m.onnx, yolov10b.onnx, yolov10l.onnx and yolov10x.onnx.

We used the CLI provided to do the onnx export. Was there some change to the CLI?

NickHerrig commented 1 month ago

@probicheaux did a little experiment below

@jameslahm hey, can you share more details about

The onnx models of YOLOv10 in Roboflow inference may be incorrectly exported. This PR hopes replace the onnx models of YOLOv10 with the follows: yolov10n.onnx, yolov10s.onnx, yolov10m.onnx, yolov10b.onnx, yolov10l.onnx and yolov10x.onnx.

We used the CLI provided to do the onnx export. Was there some change to the CLI?

Although doing a diff on the weights we converted and the provided weights in this issue for yolov10n are different. Running inference currently produce the exact same predictions.

New weights provided in this issue for yolov10n-640


Current hosted weights for yolov10n-640 we exported


jameslahm commented 1 month ago

@NickHerrig We found that the results of YOLOv10-M on the vehicles.png are different. Could you please verify this in your local environment? Thanks a lot!

NickHerrig commented 1 month ago

yeah absolutely! @jameslahm

@NickHerrig We found that the results of YOLOv10-M on the vehicles.png are different. Could you please verify this in your local environment? Thanks a lot!

Same experience dropping in the provided weights and the hosted weights.

Hosted yolvo10m weights


Provided yolov10m weights


Below is the code snippet I'm using, and manually replacing the weights in /tmp/cache/coco/{version}/weights.onnx

from inference_sdk import InferenceHTTPClient
from inference import get_model
import supervision as sv
import cv2

BOUNDING_BOX_ANNOTATORS = sv.BoundingBoxAnnotator()
LABEL_ANNOTATORS = sv.LabelAnnotator(

img = cv2.imread("people-walking.png")

model = get_model("coco/21")

results = model.infer("people-walking.png", confidence=.2, iou_threshold=.7 )[0]
detections = sv.Detections.from_inference(results)

labels = [
    f"{class_name} ({confidence:.2f})"
    for class_name, confidence
    in zip(detections['class_name'], detections.confidence)

annotated_image = BOUNDING_BOX_ANNOTATORS.annotate(
    scene=img, detections=detections)
annotated_image = LABEL_ANNOTATORS.annotate(
    scene=annotated_image, detections=detections, labels=labels)

cv2.imshow("Annotated Image", annotated_image)
cv2.imwrite("new.png", annotated_image)
jameslahm commented 1 month ago

@NickHerrig Thanks! It seems that the model id of YOLOv10-M is coco/22. We obtain different results by using the provided weights and the hosted weights after incorporating this PR.

Hosted yolvo10m weights inference_m

Provided yolov10m weights yolov10m

The code is similar to yours

from inference import get_model
import supervision as sv
import cv2
from PIL import Image

BOUNDING_BOX_ANNOTATORS = sv.BoundingBoxAnnotator()
LABEL_ANNOTATORS = sv.LabelAnnotator(

img = cv2.imread("vehicles.png")

model = get_model("coco/22")

results = model.infer("vehicles.png", confidence=.2, iou_threshold=.7 )[0]
detections = sv.Detections.from_inference(results)

labels = [
    f"{class_name} ({confidence:.2f})"
    for class_name, confidence
    in zip(detections['class_name'], detections.confidence)

annotated_image = BOUNDING_BOX_ANNOTATORS.annotate(
    scene=img, detections=detections)
annotated_image = LABEL_ANNOTATORS.annotate(
    scene=annotated_image, detections=detections, labels=labels)

cv2.imwrite("new.png", annotated_image)
jameslahm commented 1 month ago

@NickHerrig @probicheaux After investigation, we found that the reason is that the weights of YOLOv10-M and YOLOv10-B are reversely hosted. The results of all YOLOv10 variants are below. It can be observed that the results of hosted YOLOv10-M and provided YOLOv10-B are the same, and the results of hosted YOLOv10-B and provided YOLOv10-M are the same. Could you please fix this? Thank you!

Hosted yolvo10n weights (model_id=coco/19) inference_s

Hosted yolvo10s weights (model_id=coco/20) inference_n

Hosted yolvo10m weights (model_id=coco/22) inference_m

Hosted yolvo10b weights (model_id=coco/21) inference_b

Hosted yolvo10l weights (model_id=coco/23) inference_l

Hosted yolvo10x weights (model_id=coco/24) inference_x

Provided yolvo10n weights yolov10n

Provided yolvo10s weights yolov10s

Provided yolvo10m weights yolov10m

Provided yolvo10b weights yolov10b

Provided yolvo10l weights yolov10l

Provided yolvo10x weights yolov10x

NickHerrig commented 1 month ago

@jameslahm Thank you so much for your contributions and thoroughness.

I ran the experiment above and am still not able to replicate the findings, but I believe I see the root of the confusion. Please confirm that you are using "coco/21" for "yolov10m" and "coco/22" for "yolov10b".

I think that you may be mixing up our coco versions with the "aliases". Below is mapping of the aliases to the coco version

models = {
    "yolov10n": "coco/19",
    "yolov10s": "coco/20",
    "yolov10m": "coco/21",
    "yolov10b": "coco/22",
    "yolov10l": "coco/23",
    "yolov10x": "coco/24",

On this PR, I am able to recreate the above confidences though, with these aliases in mind both on the hosted and provided weights. So I believe our weights are the same at the moment.

jameslahm commented 1 month ago

@NickHerrig Thanks for your great efforts and help! But when we see the model_type.json in /tmp/cache/coco/22, it shows yolov10m in the model_type. Do we miss something? Thanks! image

NickHerrig commented 1 month ago

@jameslahm great finding! Okay, so the weights files are correct, but the model_type.json has a typo! I can fix that!

jameslahm commented 1 month ago

@NickHerrig Thank you!

@jameslahm great finding! Okay, so the weights files are correct, but the model_type.json has a typo! I can fix that!

probicheaux commented 1 month ago

@jameslahm first of all thank you much for your contribution!

@NickHerrig re:

@jameslahm great finding! Okay, so the weights files are correct, but the model_type.json has a typo! I can fix that!

I suspect that file is autogenerated by the roboflow API and the problem is an incorrect record in firestore, can you verify?

jameslahm commented 1 month ago

Do I need to do anything else to help with the merge? Please feel free to ping me if there's anything I can assist with 😊.

probicheaux commented 1 month ago

@jameslahm sorry, I was out sick. Unfortunately, looks like we're having some trouble with the merge process: some tests weren't running properly and it looks like style failed. I figured it'd just be easier to get this in as a branch here:

probicheaux commented 1 month ago

Merged! thanks for your contribution @jameslahm

jameslahm commented 4 weeks ago

@NickHerrig We notice that the model_type is yolov10m in the /tmp/cache/coco/22/model_type.json and the format of resize is Fit (black edges) in in /tmp/cache/coco/22/environment.json. Could you please fix these? Thanks a lot!

probicheaux commented 3 weeks ago

@jameslahm thanks for taking a look into that. Your problem should be resolved. You should clear /tmp/cache/coco to verifiy