roboflow / inference

A fast, easy-to-use, production-ready inference server for computer vision supporting deployment of many popular model architectures and fine-tuned models.
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Block Name Aliases #446

Closed yeldarby closed 1 month ago

yeldarby commented 1 month ago

Currently it looks like these block names are derived deterministically from the block’s Python class name using build_human_friendly_block_name. I’m going to add a title property to the json_shema_extra to allow us to override them (to get YOLO-World Model in the UI instead of Yolo World Model).

Should I update build_human_friendly_block_name to be aware of this so it ends up in the manifest or should I just make the UI use the title from json_schema_extra if present before falling back to human_friendly_block_name? (I lean towards the human friendly name persisting in the manifest but I don’t know if that’ll cause any unintended side-effects in the auto-generated docs or anywhere else)

