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Examples and tutorials on using SOTA computer vision models and techniques. Learn everything from old-school ResNet, through YOLO and object-detection transformers like DETR, to the latest models like Grounding DINO and SAM.
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" KeyError: 'annotations' " on evaluating the model using evaluator.update(predictions)- DETR #179

Open eloisacorti opened 11 months ago

eloisacorti commented 11 months ago

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When training on custom dataset, it seems like I'm not getting any predictions. During trainning I get loss resultos, so it seems like the trainning is doing fine, but then I can't get inferences. If I try to run the CocoEvaluator I get this bug:

`KeyError Traceback (most recent call last)

in () 21 predictions = {target['image_id'].item(): output for target, output in zip(labels, results)} 22 predictions = prepare_for_coco_detection(predictions) ---> 23 evaluator.update(predictions) 24 25 evaluator.synchronize_between_processes() 3 frames /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/pycocotools/ in getAnnIds(self, imgIds, catIds, areaRng, iscrowd) 144 anns = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(lists)) 145 else: --> 146 anns = self.dataset['annotations'] 147 anns = anns if len(catIds) == 0 else [ann for ann in anns if ann['category_id'] in catIds] 148 anns = anns if len(areaRng) == 0 else [ann for ann in anns if ann['area'] > areaRng[0] and ann['area'] < areaRng[1]] KeyError: 'annotations'` ### Environment -Google colab ### Minimal Reproducible Example _No response_ ### Additional _No response_ ### Are you willing to submit a PR? - [ ] Yes I'd like to help by submitting a PR!
github-actions[bot] commented 11 months ago

👋 Hello @eloisacorti, thank you for leaving an issue on Roboflow Notebooks.

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SkalskiP commented 11 months ago

Hi @eloisacorti 👋🏻! Does that happen with football-players-detection-3zvbc dataset? Or your custom one?

eloisacorti commented 11 months ago

Hi @SkalskiP It happen with custom dataset.

SkalskiP commented 11 months ago

@eloisacorti, is that dataset coming from Roboflow? If so, could you share a link?

eloisacorti commented 11 months ago

No, I have it my drive.

The directory structure is:

maize10----|valid #images + .json |train #images + .json |__test #images + .json

SkalskiP commented 11 months ago

Could you share you colab where you try and fail to load that dataset?

eloisacorti commented 11 months ago

Yes. I only changed the location of the dataset

SkalskiP commented 11 months ago

Okey. I'll take a look at it as soon as possible. But I'm afraid I won't be able to do it this week.

eloisacorti commented 11 months ago

Thanks!! @SkalskiP

Heni-Loukil commented 10 months ago

@eloisacorti have you find a solution ? I got the same problem, for some datasets it throws the exact error as you encountered but for other datasets it works fine !

poyingHAHA commented 9 months ago

@eloisacorti @eloisacorti change this line in your colab in the section causing the error: results = image_processor.post_process_object_detection(outputs, target_sizes=orig_target_sizes) to: results = image_processor.post_process_object_detection(outputs, target_sizes=orig_target_sizes, threshold=0)

I think this is because the default threshold is too high that causes the results to be empty in most values.

SkalskiP commented 9 months ago

@poyingHAHA so that happens because during evaluation, there are no detections produced by the model?

poyingHAHA commented 8 months ago

Yes, training step is fine, but the you get nothing during evaluation because of the default threshold and model not training well.

Kalyugsasur commented 6 months ago

how do i ensure that the model is training well? like i am using this notebook as a reference to train for the object detection on soccernet dataset, and i am facing the same issue.

NielsRogge commented 6 months ago

Hi folks,

Thanks for reporting, I was fine-tuning DETR and the new DETA model on a custom dataset and faced the same issue. Glad I found this 😅 will update my demo notebooks.

Regarding making sure the model is training well, fine-tuning is working well for me on the balloon dataset:

Also pushed an update for my DETR notebook.