video 1/1 (1/215) /home/zx/zero-shot-object-tracking/data/video/fish.mp4: yolov5 inference
Done. (0.010s)
video 1/1 (2/215) /home/zx/zero-shot-object-tracking/data/video/fish.mp4: yolov5 inference
1 forks,
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 360, in
File "", line 249, in detect
class_nums = np.array([d.class_num for d in detections])
File "/home/zx/anaconda3/envs/roboflow/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/", line 678, in array
return self.numpy()
TypeError: can't convert cuda:0 device type tensor to numpy. Use Tensor.cpu() to copy the tensor to host memory first.
video 1/1 (1/215) /home/zx/zero-shot-object-tracking/data/video/fish.mp4: yolov5 inference Done. (0.010s) video 1/1 (2/215) /home/zx/zero-shot-object-tracking/data/video/fish.mp4: yolov5 inference
[Detections] 1 forks, Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 360, in
File "", line 249, in detect
class_nums = np.array([d.class_num for d in detections])
File "/home/zx/anaconda3/envs/roboflow/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/", line 678, in array
return self.numpy()
TypeError: can't convert cuda:0 device type tensor to numpy. Use Tensor.cpu() to copy the tensor to host memory first.