robogals / myrobogals

myRobogals is the global intranet and record-keeping tool for Robogals. It has been built to simplify many of our day-to-day tasks including organising school visits, maintaining a member database, communicating with members, storing records reliably for future generations and easily collecting statistics on a global scale.
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Discussion forum #3

Closed U-238 closed 12 years ago

U-238 commented 12 years ago

Create a discussion forum within myRobogals. This is something which various people have been asking for, for a while!

There will be:

I suggest using an existing Django online forum package and adapting it to myRobogals

There are a few listed here, and you may find some elsewhere too:

This is quite a big task! Please keep in touch with me throughout, to make sure you're on the right track. I'll be interested to see which forum package you choose.

U-238 commented 12 years ago

Use DjangoBB or LBForum

yfcheung commented 12 years ago

TODO: time zone, (use request.user.timezone) table width,(message too long the last column disappear, post message) (done) user picture? class attribute check, (potential wasteful on storage) (done) add BSD acknowledgement (need mark: owner: robogals global) change website detail super user delete post (done, deleting head post will result in the deletion of whole topic) driving paradigm for forum.num_topics, forum.num_posts and topic.num_replies, easier for admin site register (done) admin site register (done, deleting head post will simply make the second post head post)

Only exec should be able to make new forums (done)

Exec can only make new forums for their own chapter (superuser can create a global forum) (done) Q: Can superuser create new forum for other chapter? A: YES

Move forum creation forms to the bottom (done) Everyone except superusers, should only be able to see their own forum (done) Fix the name next to the post to be top-aligned (done)

If poster has an officeholder position, show it under their name next to posts (done) add a function: cur_poss under user class.

How to change name and visibility of forums? (done) changing visibility of forums requires superuser permission, so the task can be delegate to admin page. change name and description: like edit post

In "add new forum" line up the form fields (done) In "add new category" line up the form fields (done)

Format dates according to locale. See the "view workshop" for an example, the title where it has the date like "Mon 27 Aug 12" (done) use date:_("DATETIME_FORMAT").

warning message (download mark's work) translation check

U-238 commented 12 years ago

Changes we discussed yesterday:

U-238 commented 12 years ago

Let's create this template tag:

{% showlocaltime forum.last_post_time request.user.timezone "Y-m-d H:i" %}

yfcheung commented 12 years ago

Hi Mark, forum is ready

U-238 commented 12 years ago

Well done Yuk