robolectric / robolectric

Android Unit Testing Framework
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Fix `ShadowPausedLooper` to not use cached `looperMode` in `unPause` method #9069

Open warnyul opened 3 weeks ago

warnyul commented 3 weeks ago


The unPause is called from resetLooperToInitialState, which means the cached looper mode might already have been reset. I think in unPause the looper mode should get from the registry.

Proposed Changes

Use ConfigurationRegistry.get(LooperMode.Mode.class) instead of looperMode() in the unPause method.

utzcoz commented 3 weeks ago

@warnyul Do you have evidence that it doesn't work as your expectation?

warnyul commented 3 weeks ago

@utzcoz With jUnit 4 I do not have evidence, because in that case line 63 solves this issue in Because the key contains the LooperMode, 2 different sandboxes will be created with 2 different ClassLoaders. One for PAUSED and one for INSTRUMENTATION_TEST mode.

I am only experiencing this issue with jUnit5, because I reuse the Sandbox. in this case it is important that the shadows are reset. Because I cannot create new classloader per test method, because it is limited in jUnit 5. If I could create a new ClassLoader that would solve the issue, like with jUnit 4. Because the ShadowPausedLooper class is loaded with two different ClassLoaders when I have two test methods annotated with different looper modes.

hoisie commented 3 weeks ago

cc @brettchabot

Are you trying to reuse the same sandbox for some tests that use PAUSED looper mode (the default) and some tests that use INSTRUMENTATION_TEST looper mode? I am not sure if that is supported right now. @brettchabot would know more.

There are certain key parameters in Robolectric that will result in a new sandbox will be created. Looper mode is one of these. There is an LRU caching mechanism for sandboxes that tries to reuse sandboxes if possible.

 public SandboxKey(
        InstrumentationConfiguration instrumentationConfiguration,
        Sdk sdk,
        ResourcesMode resourcesMode,
        LooperMode.Mode looperMode,
        GraphicsMode.Mode graphicsMode) {
      this.sdk = sdk;
      this.instrumentationConfiguration = instrumentationConfiguration;
      this.resourcesMode = resourcesMode;
      this.looperMode = looperMode;
      this.graphicsMode = graphicsMode;

So in the JUnit4 version of Robolectric, if a test runs with PAUSED looper mode, and then a subsequent test runs with INSTRUMENTATION_TEST looper mode, a new sandbox will be created.

warnyul commented 3 weeks ago

@hoisie Yes, I am trying to reuse the same sandbox. I have some test and it seems working: RobolectricExtensionLooperModeSelfTest

In this case I just cleared the cached looper mode with reflection:

utzcoz commented 3 days ago

@warnyul Please rebase to the latest master branch to leverage bugfix for CI's Emulator testing.