roboll / helmfile

Deploy Kubernetes Helm Charts
MIT License
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Please archive this repo if it's no longer being used #2178

Open koenpunt opened 11 months ago

koenpunt commented 11 months ago


leoandrea7 commented 11 months ago


josephgardner commented 10 months ago

Hi @roboll,

I hope you're doing well. I wanted to chime in on the request to archive the original Helmfile repository, roboll/helmfile. Your contributions to the Helm ecosystem have been invaluable, and I appreciate the work you've put into Helmfile.

Considering the transition to the new repository, helmfile/helmfile, I believe that archiving the original repository could bring several benefits to the Helmfile community:

Clear Communication: Archiving the original repository would provide clear communication that development has shifted to the new repository, reducing confusion and misdirection.

Searchable Archive: GitHub's archive feature would enable users to search and access historical conversations and problem-solving discussions, ensuring that valuable knowledge is retained.

Enhanced Focus: Directing users to the active repository, helmfile/helmfile, allows the new maintainers and contributors to focus their efforts on advancing the project, rather than managing outdated issues and pull requests.

Unarchiving Flexibility: GitHub allows easy unarchiving of repositories. Should the need arise in the future, the original repository can be revived.

While I understand that you may have your reasons for keeping the original repository accessible, I hope you'd consider the collective benefits of archiving it. The steps to archive a repository are straightforward:

  1. Under your repository name, click on "Settings."
  2. Under the "Danger Zone" section, select "Archive this repository."
  3. Enter the repository name and click "I understand the consequences, archive this repository."

By archiving the original repository, you'd contribute to a more streamlined and focused community experience. Users will be able to find the active repository more easily, and the maintainers can dedicate their energies to improving Helmfile without the distraction of issues being posted in the old repository.

Thank you for your time, your contributions to Helmfile, and your consideration of this proposal. Your continued support of the Helm ecosystem is greatly appreciated.