robomechanics / quad-sdk

Software tools for agile quadrupeds, developed by the Robomechanics Lab at Carnegie Mellon University.
MIT License
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When 'multiple_robots=true' is set for global planning, both robots move towards the same target point #404

Closed nanbwrn closed 10 months ago

nanbwrn commented 11 months ago

The robot models are 'a1.' When I run global planning, the expected behavior is that the two robots should have separate target points. However, strangely, they are both moving towards a common point. I checked the 'global_body_planner.yaml' file, and the 'goal_state' is set to [5,0], while in the 'quad_plan.launch' file, 'namespace_2_goal_state' is set to [5,1]. When I run the simulation, I noticed that they are both moving towards the point [5,0], which is incorrect. They should be moving towards these two points separately.

Looking forward to your reply.

Below are the published topics.

multi_robot_rostopic list.txt

Below is the simulation video.

ardalantj commented 10 months ago

Hi @nanbwrn,

You should be able to command the robots to different poses if you use the correct Publish Point (Top of the screen). There are multiple markers, each corresponding to one of the robots. If you also rostopiclist, you should see a goal_pose topic under each namespace (\robot_1 or \robot_2) and that way you can publish different goal poses from another node if you need to. Please let me know if there is still an issue.

nanbwrn commented 10 months ago

Following the steps you provided, after clicking 'Publish Point, the robots can reach different target points. Thank you for your assistance, I will now close this issue.