robomechanics / quad-sdk

Software tools for agile quadrupeds, developed by the Robomechanics Lab at Carnegie Mellon University.
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Launch Fails for: roslaunch quad_utils quad_plan.launch reference:=twist logging:=true #418

Closed sanketlokhandegithub closed 5 months ago

sanketlokhandegithub commented 5 months ago


I installed everything as per the instructions and tried to launch with

$ roslaunch quad_utils quad_plan.launch reference:=twist logging:=true

I see the following errors:

Has anyone encountered this issue recently?

process[robot_1/plan_publisher-6]: started with pid [19004] [ INFO] [1711413936.284909206]: Can't find param robot_type on rosparam server, loading default value. [ERROR] [1711413936.285291125]: Can't find param /topics/terrain_map from parameter server [ERROR] [1711413936.285812148]: Can't find param /map_frame from parameter server [ERROR] [1711413936.288494464]: Can't find param /local_planner/update_rate from parameter server [ERROR] [1711413936.288588426]: Can't find param /local_planner/timestep from parameter server [ERROR] [1711413936.288672785]: Can't find param /local_planner/horizon_length from parameter server [ERROR] [1711413936.288752334]: Can't find param /local_planner/desired_height from parameter server [ERROR] [1711413936.288830947]: Can't find param /local_planner/toe_radius from parameter server [ERROR] [1711413936.289355458]: Can't find param /local_planner/cmd_vel_scale from parameter server [ERROR] [1711413936.289472302]: Can't find param /local_planner/last_cmd_vel_msg_time_max from parameter server [ERROR] [1711413936.289561104]: Can't find param /local_planner/cmd_vel_filter_const from parameter server [ERROR] [1711413936.289642294]: Can't find param /local_planner/stand_vel_threshold from parameter server [ERROR] [1711413936.289721887]: Can't find param /local_planner/stand_cmd_vel_threshold from parameter server [ERROR] [1711413936.290314712]: Can't find param /local_planner/stand_pos_error_threshold from parameter server local_planner_node: /usr/include/eigen3/Eigen/src/Core/CwiseNullaryOp.h:74: Eigen::CwiseNullaryOp<NullaryOp, MatrixType>::CwiseNullaryOp(Eigen::Index, Eigen::Index, const NullaryOp&) [with NullaryOp = Eigen::internal::scalar_constant_op; PlainObjectType = Eigen::Matrix<double, -1, -1>; Eigen::Index = long int]: Assertion `rows >= 0 && (RowsAtCompileTime == Dynamic || RowsAtCompileTime == rows) && cols >= 0 && (ColsAtCompileTime == Dynamic || ColsAtCompileTime == cols)' failed. [robot_1/local_planner-3] process has died [pid 19001, exit code -6, cmd /home/sanket/quadsdk_ws/devel/lib/local_planner/local_planner_node __name:=local_planner __log:=/home/sanket/.ros/log/28756d32-eb0a-11ee-aa78-6805ca3a8f2e/robot_1-local_planner-3.log]. log file: /home/sanket/.ros/log/28756d32-eb0a-11ee-aa78-6805ca3a8f2e/robot_1-local_planner-3*.log

MusubaPy commented 2 months ago

I believe you could make the world a much better place by telling us all how you solved your problem, instead of silently closing the thread.

sanketlokhandegithub commented 2 months ago

I believe you could make the world a much better place by telling us all how you solved your problem, instead of silently closing the thread.

I closed the issue as I couldn't reproduce the error. The quad-sdk runs just fine if all the instructions are followed as it is. Are you getting the same error?

MusubaPy commented 2 months ago

I agree with you that, generally, if all instructions are followed, there should be no errors.

The error mentioned above usually occurs due to an incorrect call to load_global_params.launch.

In my case, I encounter the same issue when trying to run robot_driver.cpp with a real Unitree Go2 robot. Currently, I haven't fully figured out why robot_driver.cpp doesn't read information from the topics correctly, which causes it to crash.