robomorphic / Fixed-Point-Controller

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problems with cmake and mujoco and Fixed-Point-Controller #1

Open swplotner opened 3 weeks ago

swplotner commented 3 weeks ago

In the CMakeLists.txt I have configured the path to mujoco as follows:

  set(mujoco_DIR /home/testswp/robotic/fixed-point-controller/mujoco-installed/lib64/cmake/mujoco)

  set(MUJOCO_FOLDER /home/testswp/robotic/fixed-point-controller/mujoco-installed)
  find_package(mujoco REQUIRED PATH ${MUJOCO_FOLDER})

the /home/testswp/robotic/fixed-point-controller/mujoco-installed is a complete compile and install of mujoco itself.

when I run the cmake on your project, I get the following error:

-- mujoco::FindOrFetch: Using FetchContent to retrieve `glfw3` - Done
-- Found OpenGL: /usr/lib64/   
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:80 (find_package):
  Found package configuration file:


  but it set mujoco_FOUND to FALSE so package "mujoco" is considered to be
alpylmz commented 3 weeks ago

Hi, can you give more information about your system? I can try to make a clean install to see the problem. But, as far as I understand from your error, your mujoco installation has a problem therefore it set mujoco_FOUND to false. Can you check what is the condition to set mujoco_FOUND to false in your cmak file? I suppose you'll find your answer there.