Open phil123456 opened 4 years ago
after a lot of digging and help from "Ros Answers"...
Hi Phil, I have been having problems with the catkin_make of rplidar_ros, too. I have ROS Melodic, RosOnWindows. Been working fine for ~6 months. I actually have the exact same problem as issue #91 . No one has responded to that issue. But, I saw that you had made it through your problem. I read your conversation concerning adding the dependency for std_srvs, etc. (ROS answers) So, I already modified my code to do that. I was wondering what packages did you clone manually? And how did you get past the node.cpp errors? Here is the link to 91:
Any help would really be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Smitty
Having this same issue under ROS Noetic on Ubuntu 20.04. Would appreciate a response from the maintainers.
I solved this problem on my RPi4 by doing "git clone" into my ~/ros_catkin_ws/src/ros directory. Then I rebuilt everything by running catkin_make from ~/ros_catkin_ws
I just try catkin_make and it fails to compile (I use ROS melodic on a RPI4)
any help appreciated