I was trying to get a map with a rplidar a2 in combination with hector_mapping in Ubuntu, however when killing the rplidar launchfile something went wrong, the lidar was still rotating. After this I restarted the launchfile which eventually stopped the lidar, but now I am not able to restart the lidar again. When I try to start the lidar I receive this error message:
Error, operation time out.
[rplidarNode-2] process has died [pid 3114, exit code 255, cmd /home/pim/catkin_ws/devel/lib/rplidar_ros/rplidarNode name:=rplidarNode log:=/home/pim/.ros/log/c4f67012-5370-11e8-bb7d-9
log file: /home/pim/.ros/log/c4f67012-5370-11e8-bb7d-9cd21e0c8747/rplidarNode-2*.log
I found out that it had something to do with the serial port but I cannot find a solution for this, could you help me?
I was trying to get a map with a rplidar a2 in combination with hector_mapping in Ubuntu, however when killing the rplidar launchfile something went wrong, the lidar was still rotating. After this I restarted the launchfile which eventually stopped the lidar, but now I am not able to restart the lidar again. When I try to start the lidar I receive this error message:
Error, operation time out. [rplidarNode-2] process has died [pid 3114, exit code 255, cmd /home/pim/catkin_ws/devel/lib/rplidar_ros/rplidarNode name:=rplidarNode log:=/home/pim/.ros/log/c4f67012-5370-11e8-bb7d-9 cd21e0c8747/rplidarNode-2.log]. log file: /home/pim/.ros/log/c4f67012-5370-11e8-bb7d-9cd21e0c8747/rplidarNode-2*.log
I found out that it had something to do with the serial port but I cannot find a solution for this, could you help me?