robotastic / ANCS-Library

Library to handle ANCS notifications with an AVR and Nordic's nrf8001
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Compile error - fresh checkout #3

Open peterschade opened 9 years ago

peterschade commented 9 years ago

I have an compile error on a fresh checkout:

/Arduino/libraries/avr_nrf_ancs_library/notif.cpp -o /var/folders/b4/3lk6k8j555bcg1dl08t56sn00000gn/T/build5927702850562884119.tmp/avr_nrf_ancs_library/notif.cpp.o /Arduino/libraries/avr_nrf_ancs_library/notif.cpp:53:23: error: setup_msgs causes a section type conflict with **c static hal_aci_data_t setup_msgs[NB_SETUP_MESSAGES] PROGMEM = SETUP_MESSAGES_CONTENT; ^ In file included from Arduino/libraries/avr_nrf_ancs_library/notif.cpp:14:0: /Applications/ note: '__c' was declared here

define F(string_literal) (reinterpret_cast<const __FlashStringHelper *>(PSTR(string_literal)))


/Arduino/libraries/avr_nrf_ancs_library/utilities.h:13:43: note: in definition of macro 'debug_println'

define debug_println(...) Serial.println(__VA_ARGS**)


/Arduino/libraries/avr_nrf_ancs_library/notif.cpp:769:27: note: in expansion of macro 'F' debug_println(F(" - Succesfully setup nRF8001")); ^ Have you an Idea?