robotastic / trunk-recorder

Records calls from a Trunked Radio System (P25 & SmartNet)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Where Should I Have the Squelch? #496

Open Dewey3 opened 3 years ago

Dewey3 commented 3 years ago

Greetings all! In the configuration file examples, I see the squelch setting in the [Sources] section, but in the explanations of the various settings for the configuration file, I see the squelch in the [Systems] section. I have been placing the squelch (-60) in the [Systems] section. A rebanded smartnet fsk4 system I monitor routinely catches 10-20 second long digital tail noice at the end of the analog transmissions. Would moving the squelch to the [Sources] section help cut the squelch tail noise?

EDIT: Actually, now I'm beginning to wonder if either I have been getting away with a bad setting, or something about the latest update is affecting the reception of the analog channels. In addition to the squelch problem I mentioned, my analog audio levels have dropped way down. I've changed my [analogLevels] setting from 9 where it used to be before updating to 16 for now, and still can barely hear the analog transmissions.

hayden-t commented 2 years ago

squelch should be in systems, but only affects conventional/conventionalp25 systems, not sure if thats u or not. check your level settings are in systems too. you may have it wrong, as i found the level setting very powerful

canuckcam commented 1 year ago

Has there been a solution to this? I'm running into the same problem. I'm trying to monitor a Smartnet system with mixed P25 and analog traffic. The P25 stuff is fine, but analog has a long tail. Does TR decode the Motorola end code?

I've tried the Squelch setting in both sources and system.

Attached is a recording. Thanks!

Dewey3 commented 1 year ago

Has there been a solution to this? I'm running into the same problem. I'm trying to monitor a Smartnet system with mixed P25 and analog traffic. The P25 stuff is fine, but analog has a long tail. Does TR decode the Motorola end code?

I've tried the Squelch setting in both sources and system.

Attached is a recording. Thanks!

Correct, the squelch settings go in "Systems" and the closer you go to zero, the tighter the squelch gets. That was my problem, I was picturing zero like the the squelch on a radio or scanner, all the way open. If you're getting long squelch tails, I would suggest that you experiment by reducing the negative number one or two from the current setting towards zero and listening to the results. I find the best squelch for the mixed system that I monitor to be -60.