robotdoly / DOLY-DIY

DIY Doly project
311 stars 43 forks source link

Missing files #7

Open sai021 opened 2 weeks ago

sai021 commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for making the repository opensource. I found your instructions on ordering the parts from JLCPCB. Perfect. Only thing is i am unable to find the pcb files for the charger. can you upload them please.

robotdoly commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @sai021 , thanks for your interest in project Doly. I checked the repository and I believe the only missing file is EasyEDA project file about charger. I uploaded it. If there are any missing files, just let me know.

sai021 commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @robotdoly the only 2 more files missing: the PCB_PCB_Doly_CECharger.json and PCB_Doly_DIYCharger.html.

This project is so amazing. Do you have any plans to sell the DIY kit (with boards, displays and motors). It will be very interesting to see these bots interacting with each other. The io port is just genius.

robotdoly commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks @sai021, I uploaded them as well.

Thanks for your kind words. Yes, actually I am offering pre-orders for DIY kit. The DIY kits will come with advanced software. I am aware that making some parts is not easy, especially metal parts. The DIY kit will include all the parts, including customized LCD, servos, and others. You just need to 3D print body parts and assemble the robot. You can reach the DIY kit pre-order page with the following link.

I am positive the community will make awesome add-ons for Doly with support of this IO port.

Thanks for your support.