roboterclubaachen / rca-vm

DEPRECATED: Scripts to build provisioned virtual machines for xpcc and robot development
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.gitconfig #9

Closed ekiwi closed 10 years ago

ekiwi commented 10 years ago
ekiwi commented 10 years ago


    name = 
    email = 
    ui = true
    editor = nano
    autocrlf = input
    lineNumber = true
    sslverify = false
    lol = log --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --graph --decorate
    lola = log --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --graph --decorate --all
    pullr = pull --rebase
    diffc = diff --cached
    # short forms
    d = diff
    dc = diff --cached
    s = status
    a = add
    c = commit
    l = log
    # short forms show
    s0 = show
    s1 = show HEAD~1
    s2 = show HEAD~2
    s3 = show HEAD~3
    s4 = show HEAD~4
    s5 = show HEAD~5
    s6 = show HEAD~6
    s7 = show HEAD~7
    s8 = show HEAD~8
    default = simple
  [credential ""]
    helper = store