robotframework / RIDE

Test data editor for Robot Framework
Apache License 2.0
963 stars 379 forks source link

RF Case Select checkbox missing on CENTOS 7 linux #2345

Closed theSeaHeartGit closed 3 years ago

theSeaHeartGit commented 3 years ago

Hi, Guys We just install the RIDE on CENOS 7 linux and fund that the 'Case Select checkbox' missing. It's very inconvenient for case select running. Could you please help check this issue?
For detail, please check the following snapshot pic. image

Thx Sean

HelioGuilherme66 commented 3 years ago

@theSeaHeartGit Please give more details on versions used: Python, wxPython (and if GTK2 or GTK3) You may want to try the pre-release version Beta 1. Look at the README on the Code tab of this project. Thanks.

theSeaHeartGit commented 3 years ago

@HelioGuilherme66 thanks for your information. The more detail information as following: python -- 3.6.6 wxPython -- 4.0.4 GTK3 (should be, detail as following) ----------------GTK---------------------------------------------------- $ pkg-config --list-all|grep gtk gtk+-x11-3.0 GTK+ - GTK+ Graphical UI Library webkit2gtk-4.0 WebKitGTK+ - Web content engine for GTK+ javascriptcoregtk-3.0 JavaScriptCoreGTK+ - GTK+ version of the JavaScriptCore engine gtk+-unix-print-2.0 GTK+ - GTK+ Unix print support javascriptcoregtk-4.0 JavaScriptCoreGTK+ - GTK+ version of the JavaScriptCore engine gtk+-unix-print-3.0 GTK+ - GTK+ Unix print support gtk+-wayland-3.0 GTK+ - GTK+ Graphical UI Library gtk+-2.0 GTK+ - GTK+ Graphical UI Library (x11 target) webkit2gtk-web-extension-4.0 WebKitGTK+ Web process extensions - Web content engine for GTK+ - Web process extensions gtk+-3.0 GTK+ - GTK+ Graphical UI Library webkitgtk-3.0 WebKit - Web content engine for GTK+ gtk+-x11-2.0 GTK+ - GTK+ Graphical UI Library (x11 target)

---------------PIP-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pip list output as following:

Package Version

aiofiles 0.3.2 airtest 1.1.4 alembic 0.9.10 amqp 1.4.9 aniso8601 3.0.2 anyjson 0.3.3 Appium-Python-Client 0.26 APScheduler 3.5.1 arrow 0.12.1 asn1crypto 0.24.0 atomicwrites 1.3.0 attrs 19.3.0 bcrypt 3.1.4 beautifulsoup4 4.8.1 billiard blinker 1.4 cached-property 1.5.2 Camelot 12.6.29 celery 3.1.26.post2 certifi 2018.4.16 cffi 1.14.0 chardet 3.0.4 click 6.7 colorama 0.4.1 colorlog 3.1.4 comtypes 1.1.7 config 0.4.0 ConfigArgParse 1.2.3 coverage 4.5.4 cryptography 2.2.2 cx-Oracle 7.3.0 dateparser 0.7.0 decorator 4.3.0 Deprecated 1.2.10 distro 1.5.0 Django 2.0.6 django-celery 3.2.2 djangorestframework 3.8.2 djangorestframework-jwt 1.11.0 docker 3.7.3 docker-compose 1.23.2 docker-pycreds 0.4.0 dockerpty 0.4.1 docopt 0.6.2 docutils 0.14 dominate 2.3.1 dukpy 0.2.2 elasticsearch 6.3.1 Elixir 0.7.1 et-xmlfile 1.0.1 filelock 3.0.12 fire 0.2.1 Flask 1.0.2 Flask-APScheduler 1.8.0 Flask-BasicAuth 0.2.0 Flask-Bootstrap Flask-Cors 3.0.6 Flask-HTTPAuth 3.2.4 flask-ldap3-login 0.9.15 Flask-Login 0.2.11 Flask-Mail 0.9.0 Flask-Migrate 2.3.0 Flask-Moment 0.5.1 flask-redis 0.4.0 Flask-RESTful 0.3.6 Flask-Script 2.0.6 Flask-SQLAlchemy 2.3.2 Flask-SSLify 0.1.5 Flask-WTF 0.14.2 ForgeryPy 0.1 future 0.16.0 gevent 20.5.0 geventhttpclient-wheels 1.3.1.dev3 gitdb2 2.0.6 GitPython 2.1.15 googleapis-common-protos 1.5.3 greenlet 0.4.14 grpcio 1.15.0 grpcio-tools 1.15.0 gunicorn 19.9.0 har2case 0.1.8 hrpc 1.0.8 httpie 1.0.0 httplib2 0.11.3 HttpRunner 1.4.8 httptools 0.0.11 humanize 0.5.1 idna 2.7 importlib-metadata 1.1.0 itchat 1.3.10 itsdangerous 0.24 javascripthon 0.10 jdcal 1.4.1 Jinja2 2.10.3 JPype1 1.0.2 jsonpath-rw 1.4.0 jsonschema 2.6.0 jupyter-echarts-pypkg 0.1.1 kitchen 1.2.6 kombu 3.0.37 ldap 1.0.2 ldap3 2.5.1 lml 0.0.2 locust 1.0.1 locustio 0.8.1 logzero 1.5.0 macropy3 1.1.0b2 Mako 1.0.7 Markdown 2.6.11 MarkupSafe 1.1.1 marshmallow 2.16.0 mock 2.0.0 moment 0.8.2 mongoengine 0.15.3 more-itertools 7.2.0 msgpack 1.0.0 msgpack-python 0.5.6 mss 4.0.3 multidict 4.4.2 mysql-connector-python 8.0.12 nose 1.3.7 numpy 1.15.4 opencv-contrib-python opencv-python openpyxl 3.0.2 packaging 19.2 pandas 1.0.3 paramiko 2.4.2 pbr 4.2.0 Pillow 5.2.0 pip 20.2.3 pluggy 0.13.0 ply 3.11 poco 0.97.1 pocoui 1.0.79 progress 1.5 prompt-toolkit 1.0.18 protobuf 3.6.0 psutil 5.7.0 psycopg2 2.7.5 py 1.8.0 pyaml 18.11.0 pyasn1 0.4.4 pyasn1-modules 0.2.2 pycparser 2.18 pyecharts 0.5.5 pyecharts-javascripthon 0.0.6 pyecharts-jupyter-installer 0.0.3 PyGithub 1.43.5 pyglet 1.3.2 Pygments 2.2.0 PyJWT 1.6.4 pymongo 3.7.1 PyMySQL 0.9.2 PyNaCl 1.3.0 pyparsing 2.4.5 pypng 0.0.18 PyPubSub 3.3.0 PyQRCode 1.2.1 pytest 3.7.1 pytest-html 1.19.0 pytest-metadata 1.8.0 python-crontab 2.5.1 python-dateutil 2.7.3 python-dotenv 0.9.1 python-editor 1.0.3 python-gitlab 1.8.0 python-xlib 0.28 pytz 2018.5 pywinauto 0.6.3 PyYAML 3.13 pyzmq 17.0.0 redis 2.10.6 regex 2018.8.29 requests 2.20.1 requests-toolbelt 0.8.0 robotframework 3.1.2 robotframework-appiumlibrary robotframework-databaselibrary 1.2.4 robotframework-debuglibrary 2.2.1 robotframework-excellentlibrary 1.0.0 robotframework-redislibrary 1.2.1 robotframework-requests 0.7.1 robotframework-ride robotframework-seleniumlibrary 3.3.1 selenium 3.13.0 setuptools 50.3.0 six 1.11.0 smmap 3.0.4 smmap2 3.0.1 soupsieve 1.9.4 SQLAlchemy 1.3.16 sqlalchemy-migrate 0.13.0 sqlparse 0.3.1 6.1.0 svn 0.3.46 Tempita 0.5.2 termcolor 1.1.0 texttable 0.9.1 times 0.7 typing-extensions tzlocal 1.5.1 urllib3 1.24.3 visitor 0.1.3 wcwidth 0.1.7 websocket-client 0.48.0 Werkzeug 0.14.1 wheel 0.35.1 wrapt 1.12.1 WTForms 2.1 wxPython 4.0.4 xlrd 0.7.1 xlwt 0.7.2 zipp 0.6.0

HelioGuilherme66 commented 3 years ago

You can try to upgrade wxPython, and then RIDE (just have the version fixed for wxPython):

sudo -H pip install -U
sudo -H pip install -U robotframework-ride
theSeaHeartGit commented 3 years ago

@HelioGuilherme66 Appreciate your grade help. The RIDE work fine after upgrade wxPython from version 4.0.4 to 4.0.7.