robotframework / RIDE

Test data editor for Robot Framework
Apache License 2.0
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Run error when selecting tests by checkbox(es) in v2.1dev20 #2724

Closed axiom41 closed 4 months ago

axiom41 commented 4 months ago

Hello. Using latest v2.1dev20, i get the error below when i try to run tests that i've selected by checkbox(es).

I built a project (folder) named "MyProject" where i created a "TestSuite.robot" file containing a single "TestCase" test. Selecting its checkbox and running it, i get:

[ ERROR ] Suite 'MyProject' contains no tests matching name 'TestSuite.TestCase' in suite 'TestSuite'.

It works if test(s) is(are) not selected by checkbox(es).

Test selection by checkbox(es) still works in v2.1dev19 (so i reverted to that).

I'm on Win 11 x64, Python 3.11, Robot Framework 6.1.1

Many thanks in advance for your support.

HelioGuilherme66 commented 4 months ago

@axiom41 Thanks. I had already detected it, but was silently trying to fix. (It would be already if I knew what was changed) You can install previous commit for v2.1dev19, it is working there. (:D)

If you open a Test Suite file, it works too. Only is broken for folders.