robotframework / RIDE

Test data editor for Robot Framework
Apache License 2.0
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Edit option has been removed from ride #2733

Open piyushsingh07 opened 3 months ago

piyushsingh07 commented 3 months ago

Hi Team, First edit page was not visible then i restarted the ride then edit option only has been removed please help image

piyushsingh07 commented 3 months ago

I have reinstalled the ride using following commands but then also edit option is not coming 1->HAVE PYTHON 3.9.11 2->pip install robotframework 3->pip install wxPython 4->pip install -U

HelioGuilherme66 commented 3 months ago

Still did not say the version of wxPython. Better use the pip list command. Or the RIDE->Tools->View RIDE Log (If no errors, at least wxPython version is there).

You can search in the Wiki, how to reset broken views.

piyushsingh07 commented 3 months ago

Package Version

packaging 24.0 pillow 10.2.0 pip 24.0 psutil 5.9.8 Pygments 2.17.2 Pypubsub 4.0.3 pywin32 306 robotframework 7.0 robotframework-ride 2.1.dev21 six 1.16.0 wxPython 4.2.1

HelioGuilherme66 commented 3 months ago

You can try to activate and deactivate the:

At RIDE->Tools->Manage Plugins, and then restart RIDE.

I see active Parser Log, some errors may have caused the failure. You can try to start RIDE from command window, passing a fake argument, like wrong.robot.

piyushsingh07 commented 3 months ago

now ride is only not opening sir

HelioGuilherme66 commented 3 months ago

@piyushsingh07 That is a different state, than the one when you created the issue. You should delete the settings file or even the directory:

With RIDE closed, make a backup of the settings file at: %APPDATA%\RobotFramework\ride\settings.cfg or ~/.robotframework/ride/settings.cfg (if you want to preserve some settings) Then delete the file settings.cfg or even the directories.

Next run, RIDE starts with defaults.