robotframework / SeleniumLibrary

Web testing library for Robot Framework
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Switch window timing out when used in combination with Chrome headless mode #1834

Open MakEurChoIcE opened 1 year ago

MakEurChoIcE commented 1 year ago

Steps to reproduce the issue

I have a test that opens an PDF file in the web browser. This scenario runs perfectly when I don't use Chrome's headless mode. As soon I pass the argument so it opens in headless mode, the keyword Switch Window doesn't work. The keyword stays "running" for 10 minutes until the session timeout.

My test scenario is this:

Login Access
Click                                 ${pageHome.openMenu}
Click                                 ${pageHome.openProfile}
Scroll Down Window To Element         ${pageProfile.linkContract}
Click                                 ${pageProfile.linkContract}
Switch Window         url:
Location Should Be

Obs: The URL it is public.

My suite_setup.robot is set this way:

*** Settings ***
Library             SeleniumLibrary
Library             String
Library             Collections
Library             OperatingSystem
Library             DateTime
Library             FakerLibrary  locale=pt_BR

*** Variables ***
${TEARDOWN}=  True
${URL}=  ${URL}
${TIMEOUT}=  30

*** Keywords ***

Open Browser
    ${CHROME_OPTIONS}=  Evaluate  sys.modules['selenium.webdriver'].ChromeOptions()  sys, selenium.webdriver
    Call Method    ${CHROME_OPTIONS}    add_argument    --incognito    
    Call Method    ${CHROME_OPTIONS}    add_argument    --disable-notifications   
    Call Method    ${CHROME_OPTIONS}    add_argument    --new-window   
    Call Method    ${CHROME_OPTIONS}    add_argument    --aggressive-cache-discard        
    Call Method    ${CHROME_OPTIONS}    add_argument    --disable-application-cache  
    Call Method    ${CHROME_OPTIONS}    add_argument    --disable-dev-shm-usage
    Call Method    ${CHROME_OPTIONS}    add_argument    --no-sandbox
    Call Method    ${CHROME_OPTIONS}    add_argument    --disable-gpu
    Call Method    ${CHROME_OPTIONS}    add_argument    --mute-audio
    Call Method    ${CHROME_OPTIONS}    add_argument    --start-maximized
    Run Keyword If  ${HEADLESS}==True   With Headless     ${CHROME_OPTIONS}
    Run Keyword If  ${HEADLESS}==False  Without Headless  ${CHROME_OPTIONS}

With Headless
    [Arguments]  ${CHROME_OPTIONS}
    Call Method    ${CHROME_OPTIONS}    add_argument    --headless
    Open Browser    ${URL}    chrome    options=${CHROME_OPTIONS}
    Set Window Size    1920    1080

Without Headless
    [Arguments]  ${CHROME_OPTIONS}
    Open Browser    ${URL}    chrome   options=${CHROME_OPTIONS}

Error messages and additional information

This is the error I get after 10 minutes:

TimeoutException: Message: timeout: Timed out receiving message from renderer: 300.000
  (Session info: headless chrome=113.0.5672.129)
        GetHandleVerifier [0x00498893+48451]
        (No symbol) [0x0042B8A1]
        (No symbol) [0x00335058]
        (No symbol) [0x003282BF]
        (No symbol) [0x0032810C]
        (No symbol) [0x00326D46]
        (No symbol) [0x003275CA]
        (No symbol) [0x00330135]
        (No symbol) [0x0033C2B8]
        (No symbol) [0x0033F1B6]
        (No symbol) [0x003279E3]
        (No symbol) [0x0033C189]
        (No symbol) [0x0038C3DD]
        (No symbol) [0x0037A0B6]
        (No symbol) [0x00357E08]
        (No symbol) [0x00358F2D]
        GetHandleVerifier [0x006F8E3A+2540266]
        GetHandleVerifier [0x00738959+2801161]
        GetHandleVerifier [0x0073295C+2776588]
        GetHandleVerifier [0x00522280+612144]
        (No symbol) [0x00434F6C]
        (No symbol) [0x004311D8]
        (No symbol) [0x004312BB]
        (No symbol) [0x00424857]
        BaseThreadInitThunk [0x765F00C9+25]
        RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath [0x77107B4E+286]
        RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath [0x77107B1E+238]

I tried using some kind of debug to see if the new tab is being open but the keywork also stop working after I click to open the PDF file. I tried using Get Window Titles, Get Window Handles and Get Window Identifiers. This 3 keywords had the same problem, stayed running for 10 minutes then the session timeout.


Browser: Google Chrome | Version=113.0.5672.129 Browser driver: Chromedriver.exe | Version=113 Operating System: Windows 10 22H2 Libraries

emanlove commented 1 year ago

So as I do every time an issue comes up that I personally don't have a clue about, I'll google it. I have two sources I would start with. The first is this Stack Overflow answer. Now specifically choosing out this search result over the other because a personal sense of confidence projected by the author I was also being a bit cautious to the claim that "up to date from every issue ever reported on stack overflow as of: September 2018" (in italics and bold no less :) ) I wanted to see what was newer. So narrowed the google search to the past month and got this second response.

My guess would be the secret sauce - or at least the first I would try to got the right Chrome options. I think the first source says it right when they say,

what I like to call the "Ever Growing List of Useless Arguments" chromedriver requires

That said throwing Windows in as part of the configuration always complicates answers .. or at least to me.