robotframework / SeleniumLibrary

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"InvalidElementStateException: Message: invalid element state" error showing for "Input Text //*[@id="search"] never" command #1838

Closed tvigneshnayak closed 1 year ago

tvigneshnayak commented 1 year ago

System Conditions :
Browser: Google Chrome Version 114.0.5735.110 (Official Build) (64-bit) Browser driver: Chrome WebDriver version: 114.0.5735.90 Operating System: Windows 11 Pro I am using selenium 4.9.0 and Robot Framework 6.1 (Python 3.11.3 on win32 )

Steps followed : I am trying to execute simple testcase but it is throwing error for "Input Text //*[@id="search"] never" command, I have pasted my script below. Please check. I am using Xpath as selector.

Settings Library SeleniumLibrary

Test Cases Sample Test Case for verifying the basic functionality [Documentation] Test case documentation Open Browser chrome Maximize Browser Window *Input Text //[@id="search"] never* Press Keys //[@id="search-icon-legacy"]/yt-icon/yt-icon-shape/icon-shape/div [RETURN]

Add more test steps if needed

Page Should Contain never Sleep 5s Close Browser


Expected Output : It should input the text in the search option of YouTube.

I have attached log file. I have used other website's search box, it is working properly( if you change the selector but for YouTube it is showing error. Please let me know if any additional details is needed. I appreciate any help. log.pdf

emanlove commented 1 year ago

You mentioned in the other thread

Input Text //*[@id="search"] never ---- this step is not executing, it is showing InvalidElementStateException

Selenium's error messages are very telling in that they point towards the issue. InvalidElementStateException means "the element is in an invalid state" [reference] which for a input text keyword this generally means it is disabled. As you just opened the browser and navigated to the site I suspect you just need to wait for the input to be enabled. A quick check would be to temporarily add a sleep before inputting the text. If that works then you should consider your waiting strategy for the application under test to be "ready" before proceeding.

tvigneshnayak commented 1 year ago

Hi thanks for replying. I have added two extra lines but it is still showing same error. Test Cases Sample Test Case for verifying the basic functionality [Documentation] Test case documentation Open Browser chrome Maximize Browser Window *Sleep 5s Element Should Be Enabled //[@id="search"]* Input Text //[@id="search"] never Press Keys //*[@id="search-icon-legacy"]/yt-icon/yt-icon-shape/icon-shape/div [RETURN]

Add more test steps if needed

Page Should Contain never Sleep 5s Close Browser

I have attached the log file. Element Should Be Enabled //[@id="search"] this step is passed but Input Text //[@id="search"] never this step is failed, how is this possible? log.pdf

emanlove commented 1 year ago

Checking that xpath on that xpath matches five elements, assuming youtube is render the same for you and me. image As such it will grab the first one which is a <g> or a svg element. Instead you want the input element so you might try //input[@id="search"] instead.

tvigneshnayak commented 1 year ago

@emanlove thanks a lot, it is working properly.

sowjiterralogicc commented 9 months ago

Hi, This is my code for flight booking automation. Settings Library SeleniumLibrary

Test Cases Testsocialmedia Open Browser chrome Maximize Browser Window sleep 5s Click Element xpath://a//span[text()='Flights'] sleep 2s Click Element xpath://a//span[text()='One-way'] sleep 10s Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath://div[@class="uitk-field has-floatedLabel-label has-icon"]/button[@aria-label="Leaving from"] timeout=20s Input Text xpath://div[@class="uitk-field has-floatedLabel-label has-icon"]/button[@aria-label="Leaving from"] Bangaluru sleep 5s

I am getting error like this Flight Booking

Testsocialmedia DevTools listening on ws:// Testsocialmedia | FAIL | InvalidElementStateException: Message: invalid element state (Session info: chrome=117.0.5938.132) Stacktrace: GetHandleVerifier [0x00007FF76AC07D12+55474] (No symbol) [0x00007FF76AB777C2] (No symbol) [0x00007FF76AA2DF9D] (No symbol) [0x00007FF76AA6732A] (No symbol) [0x00007FF76AA8F15A] (No symbol) [0x00007FF76AA656E6] (No symbol) [0x00007FF76AA8F370] (No symbol) [0x00007FF76AAA7EF2] (No symbol) [0x00007FF76AA8EF33] (No symbol) [0x00007FF76AA63D41] (No symbol) [0x00007FF76AA64F84] GetHandleVerifier [0x00007FF76AF6B762+3609346] GetHandleVerifier [0x00007FF76AFC1A80+3962400] GetHandleVerifier [0x00007FF76AFB9F0F+3930799] GetHandleVerifier [0x00007FF76ACA3CA6+694342] (No symbol) [0x00007FF76AB82218] (No symbol) [0x00007FF76AB7E484] (No symbol) [0x00007FF76AB7E5B2] (No symbol) [0x00007FF76AB6EE13] BaseThreadInitThunk [0x00007FF8E58E257D+29] RtlUserThreadStart [0x00007FF8E714AA68+40]

Flight Booking | FAIL | 1 test, 0 passed, 1 failed

can u solve this issue if possible