robotframework / SeleniumLibrary

Web testing library for Robot Framework
Apache License 2.0
1.36k stars 751 forks source link

TypeError: WebDriver.__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'service_log_path' #1845

Closed rohityadav094 closed 11 months ago

rohityadav094 commented 11 months ago


For issues

Steps to reproduce the issue

Create a simplified example which reproduces the problem. It is good if the example can be run also by us, but this is not always mandatory.

Error messages and additional information

If there is an error, run the test with --loglevel trace set from command line and copy paste the full stack trace to the issue. Use or similar service for anything that longer than few lines.

Provide other details which might be useful for investigating the issue. Screenshots from application or from unexpected dialogues are example useful. Sometimes showing relevant parts of the log.html is useful too.

Expected behavior and actual behavior

When I follow those steps, I see...

I was expecting...


Browser: Name and version (Usually available from the about dialogue.) Browser driver: Name and version Operating System: Name and version (Linux, Ubuntu 18.04) Libraries

Feature requests

Describe the need or the feature you are missing from the SeleniumLibrary. Also it is useful to understand why you need such feature. Many times, it is useful to provide few examples for acceptance tests. Try to avoid technical or implementation details, those will handled later.

This project is not funded by any organisation or company, I do this because I want to do this on my own free time. Therefore if you want feature be implemented, the easiest and usually fastest way usually is to provide pull request. See for mode details about project development.

emanlove commented 11 months ago

@rohityadav094 If you could, please review the first line of the issue you've subbmitted. Thank you and have a good day


  • I have searched for similar issues in open tickets and cannot find a duplicate.