robotics-upo / hunav_gazebo_wrapper

A ROS2 wrapper to use the HuNavSim with the Gazebo Simulator
MIT License
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Robot (PMD2) not moving within environment #10

Open sudo-michael opened 1 month ago

sudo-michael commented 1 month ago

After some modifications to the provided launch file I was able to spawn the robot within the environment.

However, when trying to directly control the robot

ros2 topic pub /mobile_base_controller/cmd_vel_unstamped geometry_msgs/msg/Twist '{linear: {x: 1}, angular: {z: 0}}' -r10

the robot is unable to move. When using the launch files here, the robot moves fine.

Is there any underlying process within the HuNavSim that prevents the robot from moving? Ideally, I would like to directly control the robot using cmd_vel instead of providing goal locations.

noeperez commented 1 month ago


I will look into it and I will get back to you.