roboticslab-uc3m / teo-openrave-models

TEO OpenRAVE models.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Rename model files according to Unified TEO link names #37

Closed jgvictores closed 5 years ago

jgvictores commented 5 years ago

Rename model files according to Unified TEO link names, as a followup of Update XMLs to match.

rsantos88 commented 5 years ago

In order to rename the hands, I would like to be clear about the best name. I've thought:

rsantos88 commented 5 years ago

For IacqueyFetch it can be better: hand_frontal_wrist.wrl -> FrontalWristLacquey or FrontalWristLaqueyFetch ?

rsantos88 commented 5 years ago

For Dextra it can be a similar as a body name like: 6.3^mano_static_links.wrl->FrontalRightWristDextra.wrl in relation to

jgvictores commented 5 years ago

I propose re-structuring the folder structure in teo-openrave-models/openrave. Currently we only see teo, but this can be split into teo+lacqueyFetch+dextra. This can be done in a separate issue if you prefer. For now, how about making openrave/teo/models/lacqueyFetch and openrave/teo/models/dextra and naming files simply FrontalWrist.wrl or FrontalRightWrist.wrl in their corresponding folder?

rsantos88 commented 5 years ago

I've re-structured the models directory with:

rsantos88 commented 5 years ago

some of the names of the Dexta hand are repeated, except for the enumeration that heads the name, for example 6.1^mano_static_links.wrl,6.2^mano_static_links.wrl and 6.3^mano_static_links.wrl. What name do you want to put to differentiate it?

jgvictores commented 5 years ago

I'd simply append (on right side) the XXXXX_1.wrl vs XXXXX_2.wrl vs XXXXX_3.wrl.

jgvictores commented 5 years ago

I'd simply append (on right side) the XXXXX_1.wrl vs XXXXX_2.wrl vs XXXXX_3.wrl.

Unless more semantically accurate names could be given.

rsantos88 commented 5 years ago

I'd simply append (on right side) the XXXXX_1.wrl vs XXXXX_2.wrl vs XXXXX_3.wrl.

I have renamed the files in this way (this part is the one I most doubt, it would be logical to give it more specific names). Regarding the file muneca.wrl, it seems that it is not called at any time. I left it just in case

rsantos88 commented 5 years ago

@jgvictores Ready to merge if you see it right

jgvictores commented 5 years ago

Perfect! Merged

Announcement: after the merge I did the restructuring commented at (via, so please git pull and you'll see the new folder structure. ^^

Closing issue! @rsantos88 Thanks!