robotika / subt-artf

Dataset of Artifacts for SubT Challenge
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System annotations #187

Closed tajgr closed 2 years ago

tajgr commented 2 years ago

I have troubles opening labels/subt2020_project_system.json. Dev console of my browser shows "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token | in JSON at position 245752 at JSON.parse () at project_open_parse_json_file (via.html:8071) at FileReader. (via.html:2123)"

It sould be fixed now.

Both old and new data show some black backpack. Is that desired?

The black backpack coms from the first tests when the red backpack was not available. It is not needed now. The annotations were already removed.

Would you mind also sharing the csv files that you use to produce tfrecords?

Yes i will.

tajgr commented 2 years ago

system/backpack/vypustek02-0000.jpg nema zadny oznaceny artefakt. Nechces ho odebrat? Nebo oznacit to lano v rohu? system/vent/b_skala02-0002.jpg taky nema nic oznacene.

Kouknu na to v další várce. Ten ventilátor jsem nakonec neoznačil, protože je tak divně nasvícen (je z něho jen bílý čtverec a není vidět kresba).

Na nekolika obrazcich z b_skala02, 09 a 11 mi prijde, ze mas na hlave bilou helmu. Nemela by byt anotovana? Vidíš, to my ušlo. V příští várce je asi doplním.