Closed TFLQW closed 4 years ago
I try to measure the end-effector force and torque 6D information
@bdelhaisse I know maybe you are busy these days, but I really hope you can help me solve this problem I have found the force/torque measurement function using the sensor.JointForceTorqueSensor class to get the 6D information. I use this function: FT_sensor = sensors.JointForceTorqueSensor(sim,, joint_ids=7) (why using the joint_ids=7 is besides the ur 6 joints[0~5], I add the ati model and peg model, the ati-peg joint is number 7) FT_sensor.sense() But I found a problem that if I set the mass of the UR (for example) 3 wrist links to 0.0, and also my additional end-effector peg and ati model. but in the picture position, the force is along x axis not zero is about 6N. x axis is vertical to the ground.
best wishes
I hope to get the force and torque information reciving from Ati senors in the simulation environment. But in your package is hard to realize. But I have found a package which can measure the ft information, but the topic is published in gazebo. So I want to know how could I let the robot model in your environment stay the same as the robot environment in gazebo meanwhile passing the force/torque measurement from gazebo into your environment to realize the force control.