robotology-playground / WBI-Toolbox

Simulink Toolbox for rapid prototyping of Whole Body Robot Controllers
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Migrate all controllers to an independent repository #71

Closed jeljaik closed 9 years ago

jeljaik commented 9 years ago

The repository that will be used has already been created:

Corresponding changes in the CMakeLists of codyco-superbuild will be pushed as soon as main contributors vote in:

jeljaik commented 9 years ago

@robotology-playground/codyco-developers all Simulink models and controllers have been moved to and removed from WBI-Toolbox. In order to get them you need to update codyco-superbuild to the most recent version, configure it with CMake activating the flag CODYCO_USES_WBI_TOOLBOX_CONTROLLERS and building the whole thing as usual. After doing so, a new directory will show up in $CODYCO_SUPERBUILD_ROOT/main called WBIToolboxControllers with all the models previously found in the WBI-Toolbox. To use them, just move to this particular directory from within Matlab.

jeljaik commented 9 years ago

@robotology-playground/codyco-developers The documentation was correspondingly updated in