robotology / gym-ignition

Framework for developing OpenAI Gym robotics environments simulated with Ignition Gazebo
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Lidar sensor support #169

Open wolfgangschwab opened 4 years ago

wolfgangschwab commented 4 years ago

I would like to add sensor data to the framework. Especially lidar sensors.

As it sensors are not part of the development plan, I would appreciate any hint how to add this into the framework.

wolfgangschwab commented 4 years ago

Any hint add the usage of Lidar?

diegoferigo commented 4 years ago

Hi @wolfgangschwab, sorry for the delay, I am not familiar with sensors and I wanted to provide some context (please tag me the next time, I check those notifications with higher priority).

You can find the implementation of the sensor here (reminder to myself: update the links to the GitHub repo as soon as it will be available):

An interesting point for us is the following:

It offers both an ignition-transport interface and a direct C++ API to access the image data. The API works by setting a callback to be called with image data.

You can create a sensor using a provided helper class: Manager.hh. Here is an example. Despite what's written here, it seems that the returned Lidar pointer doesn't need to be cast since it should already contain all the methods you need.

Extracting data from the Lidar should pass through a callback that could be configured with Lidar::ConnectNewLidarFrame. It should be executed during the Update phase. I wrote should because the implementation of that method is just a placeholder. This means that proceeding in this way is not currently possible [1].

The alternative is passing through the transport interface, but it doesn't blend very well with the current architecture of gym-ignition. Though, you could give it a try. Note that in this way you might miss few lidar frames by time to time.

I would suggest to develop a simple C++ prototype that:

  1. Creates a GazeboWrapper (or GazeboSimulator in the refactoring branch)
  2. Loads a world file with an object in it (like the sofa you were using)
  3. Manually create through the manager a Lidar object
  4. Try to understand how to extract data

What puzzles me is the last point. The loop to gather data is this one, but it seems to me that it just adds noise. There is no data gathered by the scene. Lidars are listed as implemented sensors, I suspect that I'm missing a piece here.

Check the Camera sensor that I'm sure it already works (you can find few demos around), it seems that indeed there are missing pieces in the Lidar class. In particular, both Camera and Lidar inherit from RenderingSensor, but the Lidar never calls RenderingSensor::AddSensor not RenderingSensor::Render.

Given these information, maybe you could start trying to make the Camera work, and then check what's missing in the Lidar class and try to implement it. I'm not sure this is an easy task, maybe before starting I would ask the developers either in an issue or in the forum what's the Lidar status.

[1] I would suggest to open an issue upstream to ask the developers how they suggest to proceed. Note that they're in the middle of a migration from bitbucket to github this month.

diegoferigo commented 4 years ago

I suspect that I'm missing a piece here.

A quick update from my previous comment. I realized that they have also a GPU implementation of the Lidar: It seems to be complete. All what I wrote above about the simple example still holds, it seems that the connection with an existing scene happens here.

If you manage to make progresses about this please drop a comment. When you have a working prototyping without using the Robot interfaces of gym-ignition we can discuss how to integrate the Lidar in the framework (likely in the refactoring branch with the new ScenarI/O APIs of #158).

wolfgangschwab commented 4 years ago

Hi @diegoferigo, thanks for your feedback. Meanwhile I already did some investigations about sensors in ignition. I found the Manager class and the GpuLidarSensor class. I was unsure whether the sensor creation should be done in the GazeboWrapper or in the IgnitionRobot class. I was able to add some code in the GazeboWrapper to extract the sensors of a robot from the corresponding model.sdf. Also the creation of the sensors seems to work. Additionally I subscribed to the topic (so using the ignition transport way), but the topics are not listed in the Topiclist. I thought the creation of the sensors automatically generates a publisher for the sensors. Do you know?

Btw. I used as one of the sources, which I found helpful.

So I think a missed a part here. Do I have to connect the sensor to the scene? I did not find a scene in gym-ignition. I also created a new Manager (Sensormanager). Is this a good or a bad idea?

I know for sure that Lidar is working in Ignition. Maybe it is different compared to a camera because it is not using the rendering visual objects but using physics in the gpu. I think I read something like this, but I might be wrong.

diegoferigo commented 4 years ago

@wolfgangschwab thanks for the hints! I forgot to check the integration folder for additional tests, the one you linked is definitely helpful.

I also created a new Manager (Sensormanager). Is this a good or a bad idea?

I think we have to use our own Manager so having one (or also more than one) where needed is not a problem.

So I think a missed a part here. Do I have to connect the sensor to the scene? I did not find a scene in gym-ignition.

If you noticed, all the integration tests accept the name of the engine from GetParam(), it will be either ogre or ogre2, that are the supported engines (read from here and used here). I'm not familiar with it, but I think that the scene is created by the GzScene3D plugin. It is loaded either in the world file or the $HOME/.ignition/gazebo/gui.config. Mine has the following:

<!-- GUI plugins -->
<plugin filename='GzScene3D' name='3D View'>
    <title>3D View</title>
    <property type='bool' key='showTitleBar'>false</property>
    <property type='string' key='state'>docked</property>
  <ambient_light>0.4 0.4 0.4</ambient_light>
  <background_color>0.8 0.8 0.8</background_color>
  <camera_pose>-6 0 6 0 0.5 0</camera_pose>

I'm not really sure whether we have to create a new scene associated to this sensor instance or we can somehow use the default scene. And what about a headless simulation, where there is no GUI? I'm a bit lost, I never had to deal with rendering so far and these edges of the simulator are still a blackbox to me.

My suggestion is to start understanding where to get a scene with all the entities already present in the ECM. For sure you don't have to be responsible to manually align the scene with the ECM, there should be something that keeps them aligned.

Additionally I subscribed to the topic (so using the ignition transport way), but the topics are not listed in the Topiclist. I thought the creation of the sensors automatically generates a publisher for the sensors. Do you know?

I think that the publishers are are there but they are not initialized / they do not stream anything. You need to call Update to stream a topic. I think a good starting point here is investigating about what RenderingEvents and who processes them.

wolfgangschwab commented 4 years ago

After 3 Sensors (IMU, camera and Lidar) have been created, the following output is generted:

[Msg] Publishing laser scans on [frontLaserTopic] [Err] [GazeboWrapper.cpp:950] sensorID B 3 sensor Topic() frontLaserTopic [Err] [GazeboWrapper.cpp:970] size of Topiclist 9 [Err] [GazeboWrapper.cpp:973] topic /cameraTopic [Err] [GazeboWrapper.cpp:973] topic /camera_info [Err] [GazeboWrapper.cpp:973] topic /clock [Err] [GazeboWrapper.cpp:973] topic /frontLaserTopic [Err] [GazeboWrapper.cpp:973] topic /frontLaserTopic/points [Err] [GazeboWrapper.cpp:973] topic /imuTopic [Err] [GazeboWrapper.cpp:973] topic /stats [Err] [GazeboWrapper.cpp:973] topic /world/default_33892496/clock [Err] [GazeboWrapper.cpp:973] topic /world/default_33892496/stats [Err] [] Camera doesn't exist. [Err] [] GpuRays doesn't exist.

The relevant part of the code is:

            auto topic = sensor->Topic();
            auto *sensID = sensorMgr.CreateSensor(*sensor);
                  << "  sensorID B " << &sensID
                  << "  sensor Topic() " <<  sensor->Topic()
                  << std::endl;


            // subscribe to gpu lidar topic
            ignition::transport::Node node;

            if(!node.Subscribe(topic, &::laserCb))
                    gymppError << "  Error Subscribe for Topic" << topic << std::endl;

            if (!node.Subscribe(topic + "/points", &::pointCb))
                    gymppError << "  Error Subscribe for Topic /points" << topic << std::endl;

            std::vector<std::string> topiclist;

            if (topiclist.size() != 0)
                gymppError << "  size of Topiclist " << topiclist.size() << std::endl;

                for(auto topicItem : topiclist) {
                    gymppError << "  topic  " << topicItem << std::endl;

            sensorMgr.RunOnce(ignition::common::Time::Zero, true);
            auto mySensor = sensorMgr.Sensor(sensID);

            gymppError << "  Topic "<< mySensor->Topic()
                    << "  Name " << mySensor->Name()
                    << " Parent " << mySensor->Parent() << " origVers " << mySensor->SDF()->OriginalVersion() << std::endl;

So the sensors are listed in the topiclist. The callbacks are never called. And the Errormessage GpuRays doesn't exist. is generated in the Update function, which seems to be called by the RunOnce call. But why does it not exist? Any idea?

diegoferigo commented 4 years ago

But why does it not exist? Any idea?

Not really :/ Let's do a step back. What if you create a world file that contains your model, and your model also contains the lidar sensor? Are you able to read the published data using the ign topic command?

This test is completely independent from gym-ignition, and it would provide a working SDF configuration.

wolfgangschwab commented 4 years ago

Only a short interim status. I'm currently struggling with some link errors. Will come back when solved.

wolfgangschwab commented 4 years ago

@diegoferigo , Meanwhile I see the topic names also in ignition (using ign topic -l). Now I need some help for getting a linker problem solved.

Using this line in the code in GazeboWrapper ignition::sensors::SensorId sensID = sensorMgr.CreateSensor(*sensor); compiles, links and runs. But I'm not able to set the scene (SetScene) for the sensor as the typ of sensID has to be a GpuLidarSensor and not a normal Sensor.

So I changed the code to ignition::sensors::GpuLidarSensor *sensID2 = sensorMgr.CreateSensor<ignition::sensors::GpuLidarSensor>(*sensor); Now I get the linker error:

[ 83%] Linking CXX executable ../../bin/LaunchParallelCartPole ../../lib/ undefined reference to `typeinfo for ignition::sensors::v3::GpuLidarSensor' collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status examples/cpp/CMakeFiles/LaunchParallelCartPole.dir/build.make:131: recipe for target 'bin/LaunchParallelCartPole' failed make[2]: [bin/LaunchParallelCartPole] Error 1 CMakeFiles/Makefile2:815: recipe for target 'examples/cpp/CMakeFiles/LaunchParallelCartPole.dir/all' failed make[1]: [examples/cpp/CMakeFiles/LaunchParallelCartPole.dir/all] Error 2 Makefile:146: recipe for target 'all' failed make: *** [all] Error 2

Can you tell me how I can solve this error?

diegoferigo commented 4 years ago

What if you create a world file that contains your model, and your model also contains the lidar sensor?

Here what I meant is if you can provide a sdf file that works for you with plain ignition gazebo, launching it through ign gazebo <sdf_file>. I could follow the logic with the debugger to understand better what's the execution flow, and I'm interested to test in particularly using the -s option that does not open the gui. If, in these conditions, the lidar streams data to an ignition topic, it's just matter to understand how to handle the touched resources by the execution.

Using this line in the code in GazeboWrapper

Note that the GazeboWrapper is most likely not the right place where to put this code. Though, feel free to use it now for these preliminary experiments.

Now I get the linker error:

GazeboWrapper links against the ignition-gazebo3:core imported target. All the sensor plugins are not included transitively since they are independent classes belonging to another package. In my system I found the folder /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/ignition-sensors3-gpu_lidar containing all the CMake files to include the target you need. It seems you have to:

wolfgangschwab commented 4 years ago

I added the model to the world file. Then I noticed that I get two robots in the GUI, because I loaded it twice. :-o :-) And I noticed that I still had other issues in my code that I tried to solve prior to the test with the extended world file.

Thanks for your feedback regarding the link error. I'll try this.

PS: I was already affraid, that GazeboWrapper is not the right place for this code. But, as you mentioned, I just wanted to try whether this approach works or not.

wolfgangschwab commented 4 years ago

Meanwhile I'm able to get the output from a laser into a callback-function. Now I'm unsure where to place the callback correctly. I would expect that I add the subscribe to the topic and the callback-function into IgnitionRobot.cpp.

@diegoferigo, is this the correct place?

wolfgangschwab commented 4 years ago

The Callback-function in IgnitionRobot.cpp is working. Now I need to add the world to the scene.

@diegoferigo, do you have a quick hint how this can be done?

diegoferigo commented 4 years ago

@wolfgangschwab That's cool! Do you have any pushed branch where I can have a look? We don't have any sensor yet, it will help me finding the right location. Likely it will be the Robot class, but how it is exposed depends on the type of data you have extracted.

I never worked with lidars and I have no idea what kind of data is typically needed, its format, and how it is consumed downstream.

Then, I want again to point out the new bindings, based on the new ScenarI/O APIs. Yesterday I merged them in the devel branch (and, therefore, the nightly channel), it might make sense to integrate sensors directly there. Feel free to have a look in the meantime.

Now I need to add the world to the scene.

Can you elaborate? What do you mean with it?

wolfgangschwab commented 4 years ago

I can upload my working version of gym-ignition with the changes I did. But there are many changes, that are meanwhile meaningless and should be deleted, but currently I do not have the time to do the cleanup.

I've added a scene object to create the sensors to a scene. but the scene doesn't contain the world. Currently I only have a cube in the scene that is recognized by the lidar, but no part of the world-sdf-file. So I need to bring these two parts together. I added some error-messages to IgnitionRobot to see the output of the lidar data. The propagation of this data to the training script does not yet work.

I noticed that you did much work on the ScenarI/O api. But I couldn't find the time to have a deeper look to it. What is the principle difference to the old programms?

Btw. it seems to me that there is a dependency missing for generating gympp_bindings. When I add something to gympp the generated is changed. But the generation of does not work because it is still using an old file (gympp_bindingsPATHON_wrap.cxx.o or so). I could not find the missing part so I deleted the build folder when I had problems.

diegoferigo commented 4 years ago

(Weight my words properly because once again I have no experience with the rendering system)

I've added a scene object to create the sensors to a scene. but the scene doesn't contain the world. Currently I only have a cube in the scene that is recognized by the lidar, but no part of the world-sdf-file. So I need to bring these two parts together.

If I understood well, there is no sync between the rendered scene of your sensor and the simulated world. Is it right? Did you manage to check from upstream code how the more simple camera system works?

I noticed that you did much work on the ScenarI/O api. But I couldn't find the time to have a deeper look to it. What is the principle difference to the old programms?

The main problem with the previous architecture was that the task could only operate on a single Robot object. For instance, if you had another model (it could be a ball on top of a table) and you wanted to get its position, it was not possible. Not the task, instead of controlling only the Robot, has the knowledge on the entire World. In short, before our Gazebo bindings was just the GazeboWrapper + IgnitioRobot, now instead we have GazeboSimulator + World + Model + Link + Joint. It's way more generic and it's the sum of all the experience we've made since the born of this project. Now ScenarI/O is comparable to pybullet and mujoco-py, to name few alternatives.

Btw. it seems to me that there is a dependency missing for generating gympp_bindings. When I add something to gympp the generated is changed. But the generation of does not work because it is still using an old file (gympp_bindingsPATHON_wrap.cxx.o or so). I could not find the missing part so I deleted the build folder when I had problems.

You are right, this is a longstanding problem that affects SWIG bindings. After the first generation, altering the headers does not create a build dependency that triggers a rebuild. We have this situation in many of our project in robotology. The workaround is to touch the .i file, and you can do it with touch <repo>/bindings/gympp_bindings.i.

traversaro commented 4 years ago

You are right, this is a longstanding problem that affects SWIG bindings.

Upstream CMake issue on this: . I think it is working fine only for Makefile generators, but I never tried myself.

wolfgangschwab commented 4 years ago

The robot I'm using has a camera but I haven't tried to get data form the camera sensor. Lidar seem to be less data to investigate, so easier to check. Now I'm looking into the implementation of the ignition gazebo server. Hopefully I can find there the information I need.

wolfgangschwab commented 4 years ago

I think that I've solved the problem in principle. But there are still some issues.

The solution is surprisingly simple. I thought that I need to add a sensor object and create a scene, but this is all done in the background of the server object you are already using.

Short description what is needed to get this running:

  1. Add the plugin for sensors to the world (not to the model) sdf-file
  2. Add a subscriber to the topic in IgnitionRobot
  3. Provide the data to the Python script via gympp

Now I see lidar-data in the python scripts. I still have some issues. One issue is that the process seems to eat memory.

Confusing is to me, that I could not get it working when I added the sensor plugin to the model instead to the world.

diegoferigo commented 4 years ago

Ow ok... this is one of the reasons why I suggested to make it work outside gym-ignition first, in (always start from a working configuration). If you see the example provided upstream, the sensors system is added to the world (so that it can be synced with all the simulated objects inserted in the world), and the lidar sensor is added to the model.

In general terms, I don't like much reading from transport topics when there's the possibility to instantiate and control the sensor directly from C++, but let's process one thing at a time.

wolfgangschwab commented 4 years ago

It seems that the sensor publishers also have to be removed during insertModel. During the second epoch I get twice the number of messages and during the third epoch I get three time the number of messages. I think that additional to the remove of the model we also have to remove the sensors from the server. @diegoferigo, do you have a hint for me how this could be done?

And another question. I found the parameter pImpl->gazebo.numOfIterations in the GazeboWrapper which is filled with 1. But I did not find how I can set it in the Python scripts to a different value. Where can I do this?

Btw: I should move to your new ScenarI/O api. I did not move over as I first wanted to get a stable solution before I move over. Maybe I should do it now. :-(

wolfgangschwab commented 4 years ago

Why don't we just reset the pose of the model and do not remove and create it again as a new model? It might be easier to reset the position instead taking care to remove every part of the model (including the sensors).
@diegoferigo, Is there a problem I do not see yet?

diegoferigo commented 4 years ago

I think that additional to the remove of the model we also have to remove the sensors from the server.

Unfortunately this is an upstream problem we're already aware of. I didn't yet face the situation with sensors, but the problem is similar with the robot controllers. Controllers are inserted as model plugins and they do not get unloaded when the model is removed. This is quite a problem, because if you remove and insert models very often as we do, even if you program the plugins to handle properly their execution when there's no longer their model, still consume memory. It's under many aspects a memory leak. And there's no solution I'm aware of :/

A workaround we're applying during our training experiments is destroying the simulator after a number of rollouts and creating it again. It's not optimal, but it works robustly. I did a quick benchmark with ScenarI/O and the overhead of doing it every rollout is not huge, about 1.3x (this is the worst case scenario you could reset it after 100 / 1000 rollout and there would be no overhead).

And another question. I found the parameter pImpl->gazebo.numOfIterations in the GazeboWrapper which is filled with 1. But I did not find how I can set it in the Python scripts to a different value. Where can I do this?

You can configure the number of iterations (i.e. the number of steps executed every run) in the GazeboWrapper constructor.

Why don't we just reset the pose of the model and do not remove and create it again as a new model? It might be easier to reset the position instead taking care to remove every part of the model (including the sensors). @diegoferigo, Is there a problem I do not see yet?

This is the very first logic that was implemented in gym-ignition. Then, as soon as we started working with complex robots like the Panda or iCub, we switched to the current logic of removing and inserting again the model. In theory, this operation is not necessary, and you can reset the base and joints to the original position. But this is not the entire story. Simulated models often have hidden states that should be reset as well, think of the integrator of a PID for instance. Removing and inserting the model would automatically take care of these states, instead by just resetting the configuration it's the user responsibility to do that. Unfortunately in most cases it requires a deep knowledge of what's running under the hood, and it's error prone.

If you're quite confident that you properly handle all these hidden states, then I don't see any problems. Note that you cannot change it using master, since the logic is hardcoded in the Runtime. However, you're lucky enough that in devel things changed. Now the task no longer operates on a single robot, and it's the task (or the new randomizer) responsibility to insert the models in the world. So, in theory, you can apply the reset logic you prefer.

tadteo commented 4 years ago

Hi, @wolfgangschwab have you managed to make the lidar working at the end? I'm interested to use Lidar too but I have not idea where to start. Is your modification available and how can I use them? There is the possibility to merge into the current project?

wolfgangschwab commented 4 years ago

Hi @TadielloM , as you may have noticed, I used as the basis the master branch. Within this I was able to receive Lidar data but I had some problems with the old version of gym-ignition together with Ignition-Gazebo. So I decided to switch to the devel branch. There I'm now in the process to get my robot into the environment and then to also get Lidar data into it.

So currently nothing completed that I could provide.

FirefoxMetzger commented 3 years ago

While we wait for sensor support from the low level (i.e. integration into the C-level API), you could use ropy to get the sensor data into python by doing the following

from scenario import gazebo as scenario_gazebo
import numpy as np
import ropy.ignition as ign
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

gazebo = scenario_gazebo.GazeboSimulator(step_size=0.001, rtf=1.0, steps_per_run=1)
# this is the example from `ign gazebo gpu_lidar_sensor`
assert gazebo.insert_world_from_sdf("/usr/share/ignition/ignition-gazebo4/worlds/gpu_lidar_sensor.sdf")

# Fix: Topics are not available until after the first run

with ign.Subscriber("/lidar") as lidar:
    lidar_msg = lidar.recv()

    # neat transition to numpy
    lidar_data = np.array(lidar_msg.ranges).reshape(
        (lidar_msg.vertical_count, lidar_msg.count)
    lidar_data[lidar_data == np.inf] = lidar_msg.range_max

# has all the bells and whistles of a lidar message
Message type: {type(lidar_msg)}
Some more examples:
\tRange: ({lidar_msg.range_min},{lidar_msg.range_max})
\tReference Frame: {lidar_msg.frame}
\tData shape: {lidar_data.shape} 

# visualize the lidar data 
# (not too meaningful I fear, but with some fantasy 
# you can recognize the [upside-down] playground)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.imshow(lidar_data/lidar_data.max(), cmap="gray")

Note: lidar_msg is a python data class that provides attribute-style access to all the fields of the ignition message object. It is provided by the awesome better-protobuf library and beats the hell out of writing your own pythonic protobuf parsers. Today, I made this the default message parser, but you are of course free to use your own (via ign.Subscriber("/lidar", parser=<some_parser_fn>).

Note 2: If you want to get the messages in your simulation loop, you will need to do some math to match the main loop's frequency with the sensor's frequency (see Alternatively - if you don't mind sacrificing reproducibility - you can just call recv(blocking=False) and wrap the call in a try/catch block to handle the case where there is no new sensor data.


Edit: I just realized that you will need the current devel branch for this example to work. Most of the ign example worlds use Fuel-based includes, which we just added support for 🚀

diegoferigo commented 3 years ago

While we wait for sensor support from the low level (i.e. integration into the C-level API), you could use ropy to get the sensor data into python by doing the following [...]

Awesome @FirefoxMetzger, thanks a lot for working on this. Waiting #199, relying on topics is a great workaround! What's nice is that it can be also applied to other missing features of gym-ignition that are already implemented as plain Ignition Gazebo plugins.

Edit: I just realized that you will need the current devel branch for this example to work. Most of the ign example worlds use Fuel-based includes, which we just added support for rocket

Expect a new release soon :wink: