robotology / gz-sim-yarp-plugins

YARP plugins for Modern Gazebo (gz-sim).
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
8 stars 2 forks source link

Remove warning from tests #175

Closed traversaro closed 4 weeks ago

traversaro commented 1 month ago

By runnning the ForceTorqueTest, I noticed some warnings:

(gzyarppluginsdev) traversaro@IITBMP014LW012:~/gz-sim-yarp-plugins/build$ ctest -VV -R Force
UpdateCTestConfiguration  from :/home/traversaro/gz-sim-yarp-plugins/build/DartConfiguration.tcl
Parse Config file:/home/traversaro/gz-sim-yarp-plugins/build/DartConfiguration.tcl
UpdateCTestConfiguration  from :/home/traversaro/gz-sim-yarp-plugins/build/DartConfiguration.tcl
Parse Config file:/home/traversaro/gz-sim-yarp-plugins/build/DartConfiguration.tcl
Test project /home/traversaro/gz-sim-yarp-plugins/build
Constructing a list of tests
Done constructing a list of tests
Updating test list for fixtures
Added 0 tests to meet fixture requirements
Checking test dependency graph...
Checking test dependency graph end
test 1
    Start 1: ForceTorqueTest

1: Test command: /home/traversaro/gz-sim-yarp-plugins/build/bin/ForceTorqueTest
1: Working Directory: /home/traversaro/gz-sim-yarp-plugins/build/tests/forcetorque
1: Environment variables:
1:  GZ_SIM_SYSTEM_PLUGIN_PATH=/home/traversaro/gz-sim-yarp-plugins/build/lib
1: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
1: Running main() from /home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/gtest-split_1722457657850/work/googletest/src/
1: [==========] Running 1 test from 1 test suite.
1: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
1: [----------] 1 test from ForceTorqueTest
1: [ RUN      ] ForceTorqueTest.PluginTest
1: [Msg] Loading SDF world file[/home/traversaro/gz-sim-yarp-plugins/tests/forcetorque/model.sdf].
1: [Msg] Serving entity system service on [/entity/system/add]
1: [Dbg] [] Loaded [gz::physics::dartsim::Plugin] from library [/home/traversaro/miniforge3/envs/gzyarppluginsdev/lib/gz-physics-7/engine-plugins/]
1: [Dbg] [] Loaded system [gz::sim::systems::Physics] for entity [1]
1: [Dbg] [] Loaded system [gz::sim::systems::ForceTorque] for entity [1]
1: [Msg] Create service on [/world/sensors/create]
1: [Msg] Remove service on [/world/sensors/remove]
1: [Msg] Pose service on [/world/sensors/set_pose]
1: [Msg] Pose service on [/world/sensors/set_pose_vector]
1: [Msg] Light configuration service on [/world/sensors/light_config]
1: [Msg] Physics service on [/world/sensors/set_physics]
1: [Msg] SphericalCoordinates service on [/world/sensors/set_spherical_coordinates]
1: [Msg] Enable collision service on [/world/sensors/enable_collision]
1: [Msg] Disable collision service on [/world/sensors/disable_collision]
1: [Msg] Material service on [/world/sensors/visual_config]
1: [Msg] Material service on [/world/sensors/wheel_slip]
1: [Dbg] [] Loaded system [gz::sim::systems::UserCommands] for entity [1]
1: [Dbg] [] Loaded system [gz::sim::systems::SceneBroadcaster] for entity [1]
1: [INFO] Yarp configuration string loaded:  (yarpDeviceName forcetorque_plugin_device) (jointName joint_12) (sensorName force_torque_sensor)
1: [INFO] gz-sim-yarp-forcetorque-system: configuration of sensor  force_torque_sensor  loaded
1: [DEBUG] ||gazebo_forcetorque| Parameters are (device gazebo_forcetorque) (jointName joint_12) (sensorName force_torque_sensor) (sensorScopedName "model/force_torque_model/joint/joint_12/sensor/force_torque_sensor") (sensor_name force_torque_sensor) (yarpDeviceName forcetorque_plugin_device)
1: [INFO] ||gazebo_forcetorque| Created device <gazebo_forcetorque>. See C++ class ForceTorqueDriver for documentation.
1: [INFO] Registered YARP device with instance name: model/force_torque_model/forcetorque_plugin_device
1: [Dbg] [] Loaded system [gzyarp::ForceTorque] for entity [8]
1: [WARNING] File specified with a relative path:  ../../../tests/forcetorque/forcetorque_nws.xml , resolved to:  /home/traversaro/gz-sim-yarp-plugins/build/tests/forcetorque/../../../tests/forcetorque/forcetorque_nws.xml . It is recommended to use a URI.
1: [DEBUG] Reading file /home/traversaro/gz-sim-yarp-plugins/build/tests/forcetorque/../../../tests/forcetorque/forcetorque_nws.xml
1: [DEBUG] yarprobotinterface: using xml parser for DTD v3.x
1: [DEBUG] Reading file /home/traversaro/gz-sim-yarp-plugins/build/tests/forcetorque/../../../tests/forcetorque/forcetorque_nws.xml
1: [INFO] Yarprobotinterface was started using the following enable_tags:
1: [INFO] Yarprobotinterface was started using the following disable_tags:
1: [DEBUG] List of all enable attributes found in the include tags:
1: [DEBUG] List of all disable attributes found in the include tags:
1: [DEBUG] Preprocessor complete in:  7.15256e-07 s
1: [INFO] startup phase starting...
1: [INFO] Opening device forcetorque_nws_yarp with parameters [("robotName" = "forcetorque"), ("name" = "/forcetorque"), ("period" = "100")]
1: [DEBUG] ||forcetorque_nws_yarp| Parameters are (device multipleanalogsensorsserver) (id forcetorque_nws_yarp) (name "/forcetorque") (period 100) (robotName forcetorque)
1: [DEBUG] |yarp.device.multipleanalogsensorsserver| Open complete
1: [INFO] ||forcetorque_nws_yarp| Created wrapper <multipleanalogsensorsserver>. See C++ class MultipleAnalogSensorsServer for documentation.
1: [INFO] Entering action level 5 of phase startup
1: [INFO] Executing attach action, level 5 on device forcetorque_nws_yarp with parameters [("device" = "forcetorque_plugin_device")]
1: [INFO] forcetorque_nws_yarp is not an IWrapper. Trying IMultipleWrapper
1: [INFO] |yarp.os.Port|/forcetorque/measures:o| Port /forcetorque/measures:o active at tcp://
1: [INFO] |yarp.os.Port|/forcetorque/rpc:o| Port /forcetorque/rpc:o active at tcp://
1: [DEBUG] |yarp.device.multipleanalogsensorsserver| Attach complete
1: [INFO] All actions for action level 5 of startup phase started. Waiting for unfinished actions.
1: [INFO] All actions for action level 5 of startup phase finished.
1: [INFO] startup phase finished.
1: [Wrn] [] Fixture has not been finalized, any functions you attemptedto hook into will not be run. It is recommended to call Finalize()before accessing the server.
1: [Dbg] [] Loaded system [gzyarp::RobotInterface] for entity [8]
1: [Msg] Loaded level [3]
1: [Msg] Serving world controls on [/world/sensors/control], [/world/sensors/control/state] and [/world/sensors/playback/control]
1: [Msg] Serving GUI information on [/world/sensors/gui/info]
1: [Msg] World [sensors] initialized with [1ms] physics profile.
1: [Msg] Serving world SDF generation service on [/world/sensors/generate_world_sdf]
1: [Msg] Serving world names on [/gazebo/worlds]
1: [Msg] Resource path add service on [/gazebo/resource_paths/add].
1: [Msg] Resource path get service on [/gazebo/resource_paths/get].
1: [Msg] Resource path resolve service on [/gazebo/resource_paths/resolve].
1: [Msg] Resource paths published on [/gazebo/resource_paths].
1: [Msg] Server control service on [/server_control].
1: [Msg] Found no publishers on /stats, adding root stats topic
1: [Msg] Found no publishers on /clock, adding root clock topic
1: [Dbg] [] Creating PostUpdate worker threads: 4
1: [Dbg] [] Creating postupdate worker thread (0)
1: [Dbg] [] Creating postupdate worker thread (1)
1: [Dbg] [] Creating postupdate worker thread (2)
1: [Msg] Serving scene information on [/world/sensors/scene/info]
1: [Msg] Serving graph information on [/world/sensors/scene/graph]
1: [Msg] Serving full state on [/world/sensors/state]
1: [Msg] Serving full state (async) on [/world/sensors/state_async]
1: [Msg] Publishing scene information on [/world/sensors/scene/info]
1: [Msg] Publishing entity deletions on [/world/sensors/scene/deletion]
1: [Msg] Publishing state changes on [/world/sensors/state]
1: [Msg] Publishing pose messages on [/world/sensors/pose/info]
1: [Msg] Publishing dynamic pose messages on [/world/sensors/dynamic_pose/info]
1: [Dbg] [] Adding JointTransmittedWrench to: 16
1: [DEBUG] ||multipleanalogsensorsclient| Parameters are (device multipleanalogsensorsclient) (local "/ForceTorqueTest") (remote "/forcetorque") (timeout 1.0)
1: [INFO] |yarp.os.Port|/ForceTorqueTest/rpc:i| Port /ForceTorqueTest/rpc:i active at tcp://
1: [INFO] |yarp.os.Port|/ForceTorqueTest/measures:i| Port /ForceTorqueTest/measures:i active at tcp://
1: [INFO] |yarp.os.impl.PortCoreInputUnit|/forcetorque/rpc:o| Receiving input from /ForceTorqueTest/rpc:i to /forcetorque/rpc:o using tcp
1: [INFO] |yarp.os.impl.PortCoreOutputUnit|/ForceTorqueTest/rpc:i| Sending output from /ForceTorqueTest/rpc:i to /forcetorque/rpc:o using tcp
1: [INFO] |yarp.os.impl.PortCoreInputUnit|/ForceTorqueTest/measures:i| Receiving input from /forcetorque/measures:o to /ForceTorqueTest/measures:i using tcp
1: [INFO] |yarp.os.impl.PortCoreOutputUnit|/forcetorque/measures:o| Sending output from /forcetorque/measures:o to /ForceTorqueTest/measures:i using tcp
1: [DEBUG] |yarp.device.multipleanalogsensorsclient| Open complete
1: [INFO] ||multipleanalogsensorsclient| Created device <multipleanalogsensorsclient>. See C++ class MultipleAnalogSensorsClient for documentation.
1: [Wrn] [] Fixture has not been finalized, any functions you attemptedto hook into will not be run. It is recommended to call Finalize()before accessing the server.
1: [INFO] |yarp.os.impl.PortCoreInputUnit|/ForceTorqueTest/measures:i| Removing input from /forcetorque/measures:o to /ForceTorqueTest/measures:i
1: [INFO] |yarp.os.impl.PortCoreOutputUnit|/forcetorque/measures:o| Removing output from /forcetorque/measures:o to /ForceTorqueTest/measures:i
1: [INFO] |yarp.os.impl.PortCoreInputUnit|/forcetorque/rpc:o| Removing input from /ForceTorqueTest/rpc:i to /forcetorque/rpc:o
1: [INFO] |yarp.os.impl.PortCoreOutputUnit|/ForceTorqueTest/rpc:i| Removing output from /ForceTorqueTest/rpc:i to /forcetorque/rpc:o
1: [DEBUG] |yarp.device.multipleanalogsensorsclient| Close complete
1: [Dbg] [] Exiting postupdate worker thread (00[Dbg] [] )
1: Exiting postupdate worker thread (2)
1: [Dbg] [] Exiting postupdate worker thread (1)
1: [INFO] interrupt1 phase starting...
1: [INFO] interrupt1 phase finished.
1: [INFO] shutdown phase starting...
1: [INFO] Entering action level 5 of phase shutdown
1: [INFO] Executing detach action, level 5 on device forcetorque_nws_yarp with parameters []
1: [DEBUG] |yarp.device.multipleanalogsensorsserver| Detach complete
1: [INFO] All actions for action level 5 of shutdown phase started. Waiting for unfinished actions.
1: [INFO] All actions for action level 5 of shutdown phase finished.
1: [INFO] Closing device forcetorque_nws_yarp
1: [DEBUG] |yarp.device.multipleanalogsensorsserver| Detach complete
1: [DEBUG] |yarp.device.multipleanalogsensorsserver| Close complete
1: [INFO] shutdown phase finished.
1: [       OK ] ForceTorqueTest.PluginTest (4230 ms)
1: [----------] 1 test from ForceTorqueTest (4230 ms total)
1: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
1: [==========] 1 test from 1 test suite ran. (4230 ms total)
1: [  PASSED  ] 1 test.
1/1 Test #1: ForceTorqueTest ..................   Passed    4.26 sec

The following tests passed:

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 1

Total Test time (real) =   4.26 sec

In particular the problematic warning is:

1: [WARNING] File specified with a relative path:  ../../../tests/forcetorque/forcetorque_nws.xml , resolved to:  /home/traversaro/gz-sim-yarp-plugins/build/tests/forcetorque/../../../tests/forcetorque/forcetorque_nws.xml . It is recommended to use a URI.

That indeed is probably what is causing the failures in .

Probably we can set the required env variables appropriately in the tests? Note that we probably also need to cleanup tutorials to ensure that they do not use uri-less yarpRobotInterfaceConfigurationFile arguments, see .

traversaro commented 1 month ago

Related to .