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iCub Firmware
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Analysis of FW of mc4plus to solve board's disappearance from the ETH network #174

Open marcoaccame opened 3 years ago

marcoaccame commented 3 years ago

Following issue in here, we have identified a critical behaviour that should be investigated and solved: some mc4plus boards disappears from the ETH network when running yarprobotinterface.

What happens is that an mc4plus board which offers the motion control service may stop transmitting and receiving UDP frames. The board maintains PWM actuation and seems to be stuck: it does not respond to ping and is not seen by FirmwareUpdater.

We have observed the board to have such a misbehavior but also the board

A careful analysis is required using multiple investigation paths. Amongst them:

cc: @S-Dafarra @DanielePucci @maggia80

marcoaccame commented 3 years ago

An idea for the simplified setup is:

marcoaccame commented 3 years ago

Here are some news: I can now systematically reproduce the bug on a dedicated setup.

I have prepared the simplified setup which is able to run 4 possible tests: either the FT service or the MC service on either the ems or the mc4plus.

For the FT service I have used a true FT sensor on CAN1 (the strain2), whereas for the MC service I have just emulated sensors and did not use any actuator. I emulated the AEA sensors, I did not put any 2foc boards on CAN (but I added the strain2 to avoid the overflow of the FIFO of CAN frames) nor I attached any DC motor.

The Linux PC sends a series of commands via UDP which every 5 seconds trigger the cycle of {eomn_serv_operation_verifyactivate, eomn_serv_operation_start, eomn_serv_operation_stop, eomn_serv_operation_deactivate}.

This is the standard sequence of commands which yarprobotinferface send when it is started and when it is closed. I have omitted the configuration commands for the given service (PIDs, control mode, FT streaming rate etc.) just to simplify as most as possible. But not too much.


Here are the results of the first run of tests.

board service notes result comment
ems FT used the true FT sensor on CAN OK it replies to ping even after 100 cycles
mc4plus FT used the true FT sensor on CAN OK it replies to ping even after 25 cycles
ems MC used emulated AEA and no 2foc KO it does not reply to ping after a few cycles.
mc4plus MC used emulated AEA and no DC motors KO it does not reply to ping after a few cycles.

Question: could the lack of sensors and actuator cause the problem? Answer: I don't think so, but ... I will carefully check.

Now I can start a deeper analysis of what happens. For this I can use the debugger which I have fitted to each board.

marcoaccame commented 3 years ago

Yesterday, I did some further tests w/ different optimization levels.

With a reduced optimization level I spotted a diagnostic message over the trace port which tells about a failure of memory allocation. I will now look at possible causes.

marcoaccame commented 3 years ago

I think that I found the problem. There is surely memory erosion due to reallocation of RAM at each start of the iteration (and hence at every relaunch of yarprobotinterface). Details will follow in a separate comment.

I am now extensively testing a solution which has already proven to successfully run 100+ cycles of MC service on the mc4plus board of my setup.

My goal is to issue a mc4plus.releasecandidate.hex on Monday / Tuesday, so that it can be tested also on the robot.

S-Dafarra commented 3 years ago

I think that I found the problem. There is surely memory erosion due to reallocation of RAM at each start of the iteration (and hence at every relaunch of yarprobotinterface). Details will follow in a separate comment.

I am now extensively testing a solution which has already proven to successfully run 100+ cycles of MC service on the mc4plus board of my setup.

My goal is to issue a mc4plus.releasecandidate.hex on Monday / Tuesday, so that it can be tested also on the robot.

Is it something that may happen also without restarting the yarprobotinterface? I think that usually we run the yarprobotinterface only 3 or 4 times without rebooting also the motors.

That's great news anyways :muscle:

marcoaccame commented 3 years ago

Is it something that may happen also without restarting the yarprobotinterface? I think that usually we run the yarprobotinterface only 3 or 4 times without rebooting also the motors.

it may. In I wrote: it does not reply to ping after a few cycles. I don't exactly recall now how many cycles they were, but 3 / 4 seems possible to me.

marcoaccame commented 3 years ago

think that usually we run the yarprobotinterface only 3 or 4 times without rebooting also the motors.

It would be interesting to see what happens if you manually restart yarprobotinterface several times w/out shutting motors' power off in between. Let's say: 10 times in a row. Does the problem happens? Can anybody test that next week?

S-Dafarra commented 3 years ago

think that usually we run the yarprobotinterface only 3 or 4 times without rebooting also the motors.

It would be interesting to see what happens if you manually restart yarprobotinterface several times w/out shutting motors' power off in between. Let's say: 10 times in a row. Does the problem happens? Can anybody test that next week?

I can give it a try

S-Dafarra commented 3 years ago

I just tried running the yarprobotinterface many times in a row, and the limit I reached was 5. At the 5th reboot the robot did not start with the error

theNVmanager::Impl::wait() had a timeout for BOARD torso-eb5-j0_2 IP and nv ID32 = 0x00030001 -> IND = 0, TAG = eoprot_tag_mn_service_status_commandresult

I don't know if it is related. I tried to reboot the motors, run it for 4 times, and the 5th again the same error. Here a screenshot of the FirmwareUpdater image

Here the log: log_icub-head_yarprobotinterface_5224_5thtime.txt

Here the application file I used:

marcoaccame commented 3 years ago

I just tried running the yarprobotinterface many times in a row, and the limit I reached was 5. At the 5th reboot the robot did not start with the error

Very good. It is as I expected. From FirmwareUpdater I can see many boards missing, not only the, which is an ems.

marcoaccame commented 3 years ago

Hi @S-Dafarra,

I have produced two binaries for the ems and the mc4plus which I would like to test on iCubGenova04:

They are compatible w/ the latest devel / master release.

I have tested the solutions added to these binaries w/ 100 cycles of mc service and the boards can still be pinged.

S-Dafarra commented 3 years ago

Hi @S-Dafarra,

I have produced two binaries for the ems and the mc4plus which I would like to test on iCubGenova04:

They are compatible w/ the latest devel / master release.

I have tested the solutions added to these binaries w/ 100 cycles of mc service and the boards can still be pinged.

Hi @marcoaccame! That's great! Unfortunately I am not in the lab at the moment, but the robot should be free if you want to test it. Otherwise, I will fash it in the following days!

marcoaccame commented 3 years ago

Hi @marcoaccame! That's great! Unfortunately I am not in the lab at the moment, but the robot should be free if you want to test it. Otherwise, I will fash it in the following days!

@S-Dafarra, I will be in the lab next week. In the meantime I will document the changes.

S-Dafarra commented 3 years ago

Hi @marcoaccame! That's great! Unfortunately I am not in the lab at the moment, but the robot should be free if you want to test it. Otherwise, I will fash it in the following days!

@S-Dafarra, I will be in the lab next week. In the meantime I will document the changes.

Sounds good. Indeed, since the problem on the wrists might be difficult to check, I think it would be definitely worthwhile to proceed anyway. Then, with time we can check if the wrist problem appears again.

marcoaccame commented 3 years ago

Sounds good. Indeed, since the problem on the wrists might be difficult to check, I think it would be definitely worthwhile to proceed anyway. Then, with time we can check if the wrist problem appears again

I am sure that the changes I have done solve some problems (the ones verified on my setup) and we can surely add into robotology. However, before approving the PR it is our habit to test it on the robot. I will have a go at it next week. Maybe we can do it together so that we test in the same way the robot is effectively used.

marcoaccame commented 3 years ago

Hi, here is the code used to compile the two test binaries of

I will produce a PR into robotology that will be merged after the tests on the robot.

marcoaccame commented 3 years ago

What happened?

I have also spotted a memory leak in the EOCurrentsWatchdog module used by the mc4plus board, which is however crashing first due to hal_quadencoder_init_indexes_flags().

marcoaccame commented 3 years ago

Results of the tests of iCubGenova04: OK

Did extensive tests on iCubGenova04 during the the whole day of 19 mar 2021. Used binaries for ems and mc4plus complied w/ the option SPIENC_DEINIT_DEALLOCATE_HEAP enabled.

Launched yarprobotinterface --config icub_wbd.xml and then stopped it for > 20 times. Left the robot running at least a couple of times for > 30 minutes.

The boards did not disappear.

The current release of master instead caused the board to disappear after 2 or 3 srat / stop cycles.

The used binaries work fine.

marcoaccame commented 3 years ago

What now: rebased the fork in vs latest release of which has evolved so far and updated the application versions of ems, mc4plus, mc2plus for the PR.

It may be worth a new quick test on the robot.

pattacini commented 3 years ago

Nice @marcoaccame 👍🏻 Consider that we're quickly approaching a deadline for the new distro 2021.02.feat-01.

cc @Nicogene

marcoaccame commented 3 years ago

It may be worth a new quick test on the robot.

Tested once more on 24 mar 2021 after the rebase of icub-firmware, rebuilt the binaries to be sure the binaries in here were correct

The tests were OK, hence I merged the two PRs: and

cc: @pattacini @maggia80 @S-Dafarra

pattacini commented 3 years ago

Thanks @marcoaccame !

Closing, feel free to open it up again if needed.

marcoaccame commented 3 years ago

reopened following

marcoaccame commented 3 years ago

Tested a mechanism which does the following:

The log area cannnot hold more than 15 byte, so I will log:

I did a basic test for this mechanism, now I need to fill all the fatal error handlers and test some cases.

Then, I will release a new version for the mc4plus application which can hopefully tell us more about what causes the problem.

marcoaccame commented 3 years ago

tested w/ code such as this:

typedef struct
    uint32_t millisecondsfromstart;
    uint8_t handlertype;
    uint8_t handlererrorcode;
    uint8_t calledbyanirqhandler;
    uint8_t idofthelastscheduledthread;
    uint8_t forfutureuse0;
    uint8_t forfutureuse1;
    uint16_t signature;
} fatal_error_message_t;    EO_VERIFYsizeof(fatal_error_message_t, 12)

typedef struct
    uint64_t                par64;
    uint16_t                par16;
} fatal_error_params_t;     EO_VERIFYsizeof(fatal_error_params_t, 16)

typedef union 
    fatal_error_message_t   message;
    fatal_error_params_t    params;    
} fatal_error_t; EO_VERIFYsizeof(fatal_error_t, 16)

Code Listing: Data structures exchanged across a restart of the mc4plus board.

    #include "eEsharedServices.h"

    static volatile fatal_error_t detectedfatalerror = {0};
    static uint8_t detectedsize = 0;
    // read ipc memory
    if(ee_res_OK == ee_sharserv_ipc_userdefdata_get((uint8_t*)&detectedfatalerror, &detectedsize, sizeof(fatal_error_t)))
        // there is something. 
        // i clear ipc ram
        if((detectedsize <= sharserv_base_ipc_userdefdata_maxsize) && (0x1234 == detectedfatalerror.message.signature))
            // it is of the correct size. i use it to send a diagnostic message
            uint16_t par16 = detectedfatalerror.params.par16;
            uint64_t par64 = detectedfatalerror.params.par64; 

            eOerrmanDescriptor_t errdes = {0};

            errdes.code             = eoerror_code_get(eoerror_category_Debug, eoerror_value_DEB_tag06);
            errdes.sourcedevice     = eo_errman_sourcedevice_localboard;
            errdes.sourceaddress    = 0;
            errdes.par16            = par16;
            errdes.par64            = par64;
            eo_errman_Error(eo_errman_GetHandle(), eo_errortype_error, "RESTARTED after FATAL error", NULL, &errdes);

Code Listing: Code executed by the mc4plus board at startup.. If a message in IPC memory is found then a diagnostic message is sent to yarprobotinferface.

    // in here there is just a test of emission of ipc data w/ a restart

    static fatal_error_t tobewritten = {0}; 

    tobewritten.message.millisecondsfromstart = osal_system_ticks_abstime_get() / 1000; // better using another way so that we avoid calling an svc
    tobewritten.message.handlertype = 1;
    tobewritten.message.handlererrorcode = 3;
    tobewritten.message.calledbyanirqhandler = 0;
    tobewritten.message.idofthelastscheduledthread = 9;
    tobewritten.message.forfutureuse0 = 1;
    tobewritten.message.forfutureuse1 = 2;
    tobewritten.message.signature = 0x1234;

    // write in ipc memory and ... restart
    ee_sharserv_ipc_userdefdata_set((uint8_t*)&tobewritten, sizeof(tobewritten));

Code Listing: Code to be included in the fatal error handlers. It write some info in the IPC memory and then forces a restart.

This code was tested on an mc4plus board. The effect is that the mc4plus sends a message such as this:

[ERROR] (EO? tsk2 @S5:m632:u723)-> {0x4000006 p16 0x0201, p64 0x0900030100001600, dev 0, adr 0}: 
DEBUG: tag06. INFO = RESTARTED after FATAL error

Sadly, yarprobotinterface will not print (yet) in human readable format, but it should be easy to decode p64 which contains in its lower 4 bytes the millisecondsfromstart (0x00001600 = 5sec 632milli), then the handlertype (0x01), the handlererrorcode (0x03) etc.

The IPC messaging was designed years ago to carry up to 15 bytes. So far we use only 8 bytes, so we can maybe add some more without changing the IPC implementation. To extend to more bytes is surely feasible but it needs to reflash eLoader, eUpdater, eApplication.

marcoaccame commented 3 years ago

We have just successfully tested a new FW for the mc4plus board which is able to send diganostics infor to yarprobotinetrfce in case of fatal errors.

In such a case, it forces a restart and prints info such as in the following (where we artificially forced a stack overflow from thread runDO after 20 sec of start of teh board)

[**INFO**]  from BOARD (l-hv3-hand), src LOCAL, adr 0, time 1s 953m 401u: 
(code 0x0000003b, par16 0x0000 par64 0x0000000000000000) -> SYS: the board is bootstrapping + . 

[**ERROR**]  from BOARD (l-hv3-hand), src LOCAL, adr 0, time 1s 955m 7u: 
(code 0x04000000, par16 0x0000 par64 0x0b0be50300004e20) -> DEBUG: tag00 + RESTARTED after FATAL error 

[**ERROR**]  from BOARD (l-hv3-hand), src LOCAL, adr 0, time 1s 955m 117u: 
(code 0x04000000, par16 0x0000 par64 0x0b0be50300004e20) -> DEBUG: tag00 + @ 20000 ms 

[**ERROR**]  from BOARD (l-hv3-hand), src LOCAL, adr 0, time 1s 955m 235u: 
(code 0x04000000, par16 0x0000 par64 0x0b0be50300004e20) -> DEBUG: tag00 + handler OSAL, code 0xe5 

[**ERROR**]  from BOARD (l-hv3-hand), src LOCAL, adr 0, time 1s 955m 348u: 
(code 0x04000000, par16 0x0000 par64 0x0b0be50300004e20) -> DEBUG: tag00 + type osal_stackovf 

[**ERROR**]  from BOARD (l-hv3-hand), src LOCAL, adr 0, time 1s 955m 467u: 
(code 0x04000000, par16 0x0000 par64 0x0b0be50300004e20) -> DEBUG: tag00 + IRQHan SVCall Thread runDO 

[**ERROR**]  from BOARD (l-hv3-hand), src LOCAL, adr 0, time 1s 955m 581u: 
(code 0x04000000, par16 0x0000 par64 0x0b0be50300004e20) -> DEBUG: tag00 + ipsr 11, tid 11

List. Board has detected a fatal error (first message of type DEBUG: tag00 w/ string RESTARTED after FATAL error) at its execution time 20 sec (second message with string 20000 ms). The third and fourth message tell that the error was caused by the OSAL handler and is due to stack overflow (see string ype osal_stackovf). The handler was called by the IRQHandler SVCall which is the one which does thread switching and the error was caused by last scheduled thread called runDO (it is the one which ticks all teh services at 1 kHz.

In case of no error, teh FW works just fine as the latest devel version. Test were don today on iCubGenova09.

marcoaccame commented 3 years ago

I shall soon produce a PR.

GiulioRomualdi commented 3 years ago

Hi @marcoaccame these are two logs containing the failures you're investigating in this issue:

Related issue:

pattacini commented 3 years ago

Cool, thanks @GiulioRomualdi for reporting on this. @marcoaccame is off till the last week of August. We will then get back to this those days.

DanielePucci commented 3 years ago

See for the looming outdoor demos that would strongly benefit from a definite solution to this issue

marcoaccame commented 3 years ago

Hi @marcoaccame these are two logs containing the failures you're investigating in this issue:

  • this happens in the left pronosup
  • while this for the pitch and roll joints of the head

Related issue: robotology/icub-tech-support#673

Hi @GiulioRomualdi, the logs are obtained w/ a FW version of the mc4plus which is older than the one described in here, so the logs don't contain any useful (new) information.

so, now we need to:

traversaro commented 3 years ago
* ensure that the mc4plus fw is the latest version of devel 

Just for general alignment, that version of the firmware was release as part of v2021.08.0 disto, so just using icub-firmware-build v1.21.0 is probably enough.