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iCub Firmware
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Support for addressing ICC communication in MC #431

Closed marcoaccame closed 1 year ago

marcoaccame commented 1 year ago

In brief

This PR changes prepares support for sending MC frames not only to actuators on CAN locations (boards such as foc or amcbldc) but also to actuators placed on the ETH board. This latter is the case of the amc board which has an actuator on its second core that can be reached by using inter core communication (ICC).

So far, no functionality is added: only code refactoring.

In more details

The code for the transmission of the frames related to MC is moved from the file Motor.c into objects of a dedicated namespace where it is possible to discriminate between CAN and ICC destinations.

As an example, we send a velocity PID message with the following code:

    embot::app::eth::mc::messaging::sender::Set_Velocity_PID msg {{o->mlocation}, {Kp, Ki, Kd, Ks}};

The constructor of the message surely accepts the values to send {Kp, Ki, Kd, Ks} but it also accepts a location that can be either on CAN or on ICC. It is inside the .transmit() method that eventually the transmission is directed towards CAN or ICC:

static bool transmit(const Location &des, const eOcanprot_command_t &cmd, Former f)
    bool r {false};
    if(true == des.isCAN())
        r = tx2can(tocanlocation(des), cmd);
    else if(true == des.isICC())
        embot::prot::can::Frame frame = toprotcanframe(des, cmd, f);
        r = tx2icc(des, frame);

    return r;            

Where for the CAN we have a call to the EOtheCANservices object we have always used:

bool Command::tx2can(const eObrd_canlocation_t &canloc, const eOcanprot_command_t &command)
    return eores_OK == eo_canserv_SendCommandToLocation(eo_canserv_GetHandle(), const_cast<eOcanprot_command_t*>(&command), canloc);               

And for ICC we have for now an empty function that we shall fill in a later PR with a call to a embot::app::eth::theICCservices object.

bool Command::tx2icc(const Location &des, const embot::prot::can::Frame &frame)
    //#warning TODO: fill embot::app::eth::mc::messaging::sender::Command::tx2icc() which adds a frame in the ICC queue
    return true;


I have tested the code and successfully moved a motor on three different setups using amc, ems and mc4plus boards.


Following the above tests the PR can surely be merged.

Associated PRs

There is a PR for the binaries:

Further work