robotology / icub-models

Official URDF and SDF models of the iCub humanoid robot.
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Fix correct location of RFE IMU for iCub 2.6 models #65

Closed traversaro closed 4 years ago

traversaro commented 4 years ago

To correctly run WBD for robots that have a 2.6 version of the head, we need to correctly export the iCub models with the correct location of the imu_frame frame. To avoid the need to re-generate a simmechanics model, we can do something similar to in which a new iCubGazeboV2_7 model is added with just modification at the configuration/CMake level.

traversaro commented 4 years ago

See .

traversaro commented 4 years ago

Once this is done, we should properly generate (or simply install) for the following robots that have RFE head:

Nicogene commented 4 years ago

For changing the pose of the frame of the IMU without passing through the cad we needed to add an option in the simmechanics-to-urdf script:

Nicogene commented 4 years ago

PR opened for producing the icub V2_6 model

Nicogene commented 4 years ago

This should be done, closing