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iCubLisboa01 S/N:004 – Help with error of 10.0.x.x boards #1791

Open Ryo-Naohara opened 3 months ago

Ryo-Naohara commented 3 months ago

Robot Name 🤖

iCubLisboa01 S/N:004

Request/Failure description

When starting icub's yarprobotinterface, it won't move and gives error message

Detailed context

The error it gives seem related to the CAN boards connecting to, we are not sure on what to do.



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plinioMoreno commented 2 months ago

Hi @AntonioConsilvio,

I want to add more information on this issue:

Regarding the left arm error:

11.415500 <ERROR>  from BOARD (left_arm-eb1-j0_3), src CAN2, adr 0, time 58s 713m 128u: (code 0x00000019, par16 0x4001 par64 0x0000000000000000) -> SYS: EOtheCANservice could not tx frames on CAN bus. In par16 there is: on msb the size of txfifo, on lsb a code. + .

We run the FirmwareUpdater and the software was not able to find the CAN2 board that is connected to the ETH board Is this a communication problem that we can check with the cables? Or how can we find out what is the source of this problem?

Regarding the right arm error:

4.627937 <ERROR>  from BOARD (right_arm-eb29-j12_15), src LOCAL, adr 0, time 52s 149m 57u: (code 0x04000002, par16 0x0000 par64 0x0000000000000000) -> DEBUG: tag02 + mais timeout

We also run the FirmwareUpdater and the software was not able to find the board that is connected to the MAIS board. How can we find out what is the source of this problem?

Looking forward to hearing from you,

AntonioConsilvio commented 2 months ago

Hi @plinioMoreno @Ryo-Naohara, Sorry for the late reply!

There is probably a problem with the wiring, in fact on CAN2 of the eb1 ( board there should be a strain. It is possible that the cable has been damaged. The strain is in the left shoulder (red 🔴):


While the wiring is as follows, the strain (red 🔴), starts a cable (green 🟢) which should runs to a male-female connection (yellow 🟡), and then starts again and runs into the sheath (green 🟢) and arrives at the EMS eb1 ( - blue 🔵).


I recommend checking the wiring and testing the continuity with the tester. You can also test that there are no short circuits between the cables.

As for the right arm, I had given some indication in this comment:

Please, send us feedback and if you have any questions feel free to ask!

Ryo-Naohara commented 2 months ago

cc: @plinioMoreno

I tried checking the cable circling in light blue its has a yellow tag that says 1n2, and at least from the board pins up to the connector there weren't any faults or short circuits. On icub Firmware updater we can see all CAN boards but the one mentioned has "strain" under the board

What else can be done to try and fix this?


plinioMoreno commented 1 month ago

Hi @AntonioConsilvio,

@Ryo-Naohara checked the cables from the control board (blue) to the male-female plug (yellow). The missing part to be checked is from the male plug to the encoder (strain). To be sure that the problem on that last part, @Ryo-Naohara did another cable that replaces the cable from the control board to the male-female plug. He run the firmwareUpdater and the strain was not found. Thus, the problem is with the cable that connects male-female plug with the strain. Now we need some help on how to check the cable from the strain to the yellow plug. (Do we have to unmount the arm part to check the strain?)

Let us know how to proceed.

AntonioConsilvio commented 1 month ago

Hi @plinioMoreno @Ryo-Naohara, we are up to date on your issue, unfortunately due to several emergencies we are unable to offer an accurate diagnosis of your problem. We will update you as soon as possible.

We apologise for the waiting time.

AntonioConsilvio commented 1 month ago

Hi @Ryo-Naohara @plinioMoreno!

Since removing the strain sensor is a challenging and invasive operation, we have to be sure that the sensor is actually the problem.

So first I would ask you to perform the following tests:

[!Note] To perform this test, the female connector of the strain must be 6-pin, and 5V and not less must be coming from the MC4-PLUS (it can be tested with the multimeter).

For any doubts about wiring, I recommend consulting the wiring diagrams:

Please, send us feedback and if you have any questions feel free to ask!

Ryo-Naohara commented 1 month ago

Thank you very much, i'll reply with updates as soon as possible

Ryo-Naohara commented 1 month ago

Hello, i've tried to see the leds blinking but it seems they were off on both arms, even though in the right arm we can find the strain, and on the left one we can't, i think we still have the older version of the shoulders, and only the parts below the elbow are the new ones, so that might be why they might not be blinking.

For the pins i've tried pulling on them with a tweezer to see if any came loose but none did, the connector itself seems to have been glue with resin. IMG_20240524_113602

I've also tried doing what you recommended with putting the strain cable into where 2N2 was connected but couldn't find the mais board inside board 24. IMG_20240524_113632

We are going to try to remake the strain cable connector to see if inside the resign there was some wire that broke but won't come out when pulled because of the resin.

AntonioConsilvio commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @Ryo-Naohara @plinioMoreno, regarding this issue, unfortunately at this moment we do not have any strain sensors to send you for replacement.

We will update you as soon as we have new sensors!