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Sporadic failures of robotInterface when the robot is just switched on #36

Closed marcoaccame closed 6 years ago

marcoaccame commented 9 years ago

At Sheffield people have experienced sporadic failures of robotInterface when the robot is just switched on from cold. Attached is the log file.

From analysis I have done, it seems that there is a failure to detect fw version of the 4DC board with addresses 2 and 3 which serves joints 2, 3, 4, and 5. On the same bus the BLL board at address 1 is instead seen.

At successive launch of robotInterface, the problem does not show.

Please, can you confirm / add more details of the phenomenon?

relevant lines of the log file

[INFO]created device <cfw2can>. See C++ class yarp::dev::Cfw2Can for documentation.
printing destinations and inverted map
0 1
2 2
4 3
[DEBUG]class 0 set
[DEBUG]class 1 set
[DEBUG]class 2 set
[DEBUG]class 3 set
[DEBUG]Can read/write buffers created, buffer size: 500
[INFO]CanBusResources::initialized correctly
Registering new thread 0 out of 500
[ERROR]cfw2can [0] thread:0 msg:91 joint:2 timed out
[ERROR]getFirmwareVersion: message timed out
[ERROR]Unable to read firmware version 
[ERROR]cfw2can [0] thread:0 msg:91 joint:3 timed out
[ERROR]getFirmwareVersion: message timed out
[ERROR]Unable to read firmware version 
[ERROR]cfw2can [0] thread:0 msg:91 joint:4 timed out
[ERROR]getFirmwareVersion: message timed out
[ERROR]Unable to read firmware version 
[ERROR]cfw2can [0] thread:0 msg:91 joint:5 timed out
[ERROR]getFirmwareVersion: message timed out
[ERROR]Unable to read firmware version 
[INFO]iCubInterface CAN protocol: 1.2
[INFO]Firmware report:
[INFO]cfw2can [0] joint: 0 can_address:  1 board type: 4 (BLL) version: 1.62 build: 80 CAN_protocol:1.2
[INFO]cfw2can [0] joint: 1 can_address:  1 board type: 4 (BLL) version: 1.62 build: 80 CAN_protocol:1.2
[WARNING]cfw2can [0] joint: 2 can_address:  2 Unable to detect firmware version. Old firmware running?
[WARNING]cfw2can [0] joint: 3 can_address:  2 Unable to detect firmware version. Old firmware running?
[WARNING]cfw2can [0] joint: 4 can_address:  3 Unable to detect firmware version. Old firmware running?
[WARNING]cfw2can [0] joint: 5 can_address:  3 Unable to detect firmware version. Old firmware running?
[ERROR]  It has been detected that your control boards are not using the same
[ERROR]  CAN protocol used by iCubinterface. iCubInterface cannot continue.
[ERROR]  Please update your system (iCubInterface and/or your control board firmware.
[ERROR]  For further information please visit:
[ERROR]checkFirmwareVersions() failed. CanBusMotionControl::open returning false, 
yarpdev: ***ERROR*** driver <canmotioncontrol> was found but could not open
[WARNING]Cannot open device head_mc 
[WARNING]Cannot open device head_mc 

complete log file

icub@pc104:~$ robotInterface 
||| configuring
||| no policy found
||| default config file specified as robotInterface.ini
||| checking [/home/icub/robotInterface.ini] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.config/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01] (robot YARP_CONFIG_HOME)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01] (robot YARP_DATA_HOME)
||| found /home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01
||| checking [/etc/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01] (robot YARP_CONFIG_DIRS)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/yarp/build-pc104/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01] (robot YARP_DATA_DIRS)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01] (robot YARP_DATA_DIRS)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/iCubContrib/share/ICUBcontrib/robots/iCubSheffield01] (robot YARP_DATA_DIRS)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/yarp/build-pc104/share/yarp/config/path.d] (robot path.d YARP_DATA_DIRS)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/config/path.d] (robot path.d YARP_DATA_DIRS)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/iCubContrib/share/ICUBcontrib/config/path.d] (robot path.d YARP_DATA_DIRS)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/robotInterface.ini] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/robotInterface.ini] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/robotInterface.ini
yarp: Port /robotInterface active at tcp://
||| finding file [config]
||| checking [/home/icub/./icub_all.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/./icub_all.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/./icub_all.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/./icub_all.xml
yarp: Port /log/pc104/robotInterface/3157 active at tcp://
||| finding file hardware/electronics/pc104.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/hardware/electronics/pc104.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/electronics/pc104.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/electronics/pc104.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/electronics/pc104.xml
||| finding file cartesian/left_arm-cartesian.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/cartesian/left_arm-cartesian.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/cartesian/left_arm-cartesian.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/cartesian/left_arm-cartesian.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/cartesian/left_arm-cartesian.xml
||| finding file cartesian/right_arm-cartesian.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/cartesian/right_arm-cartesian.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/cartesian/right_arm-cartesian.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/cartesian/right_arm-cartesian.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/cartesian/right_arm-cartesian.xml
||| finding file hardware/motorControl/head-cfw2_can0-mc.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/hardware/motorControl/head-cfw2_can0-mc.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/motorControl/head-cfw2_can0-mc.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/motorControl/head-cfw2_can0-mc.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/motorControl/head-cfw2_can0-mc.xml
||| finding file general.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/general.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/general.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/general.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/general.xml
||| finding file hardware/electronics/head-cfw2_can0-eln.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/hardware/electronics/head-cfw2_can0-eln.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/electronics/head-cfw2_can0-eln.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/electronics/head-cfw2_can0-eln.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/electronics/head-cfw2_can0-eln.xml
||| finding file hardware/mechanicals/head-cfw2_can0-mec.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/hardware/mechanicals/head-cfw2_can0-mec.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/mechanicals/head-cfw2_can0-mec.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/mechanicals/head-cfw2_can0-mec.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/mechanicals/head-cfw2_can0-mec.xml
||| finding file wrappers/motorControl/head-mc_wrapper.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/wrappers/motorControl/head-mc_wrapper.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/motorControl/head-mc_wrapper.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/motorControl/head-mc_wrapper.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/motorControl/head-mc_wrapper.xml
||| finding file hardware/motorControl/torso-ems5-mc.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/hardware/motorControl/torso-ems5-mc.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/motorControl/torso-ems5-mc.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/motorControl/torso-ems5-mc.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/motorControl/torso-ems5-mc.xml
||| finding file general.xml
||| finding file hardware/electronics/torso-ems5-eln.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/hardware/electronics/torso-ems5-eln.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/electronics/torso-ems5-eln.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/electronics/torso-ems5-eln.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/electronics/torso-ems5-eln.xml
||| finding file hardware/electronics/pc104.xml
||| finding file hardware/mechanicals/torso-ems5-mec.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/hardware/mechanicals/torso-ems5-mec.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/mechanicals/torso-ems5-mec.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/mechanicals/torso-ems5-mec.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/mechanicals/torso-ems5-mec.xml
||| finding file wrappers/motorControl/torso-mc_wrapper.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/wrappers/motorControl/torso-mc_wrapper.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/motorControl/torso-mc_wrapper.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/motorControl/torso-mc_wrapper.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/motorControl/torso-mc_wrapper.xml
||| finding file hardware/motorControl/left_upper_arm-ems1-mc.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/hardware/motorControl/left_upper_arm-ems1-mc.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/motorControl/left_upper_arm-ems1-mc.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/motorControl/left_upper_arm-ems1-mc.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/motorControl/left_upper_arm-ems1-mc.xml
||| finding file general.xml
||| finding file hardware/electronics/left_upper_arm-ems1-eln.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/hardware/electronics/left_upper_arm-ems1-eln.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/electronics/left_upper_arm-ems1-eln.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/electronics/left_upper_arm-ems1-eln.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/electronics/left_upper_arm-ems1-eln.xml
||| finding file hardware/electronics/pc104.xml
||| finding file hardware/mechanicals/left_upper_arm-ems1-mec.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/hardware/mechanicals/left_upper_arm-ems1-mec.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/mechanicals/left_upper_arm-ems1-mec.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/mechanicals/left_upper_arm-ems1-mec.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/mechanicals/left_upper_arm-ems1-mec.xml
||| finding file hardware/motorControl/left_lower_arm-ems2-mc.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/hardware/motorControl/left_lower_arm-ems2-mc.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/motorControl/left_lower_arm-ems2-mc.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/motorControl/left_lower_arm-ems2-mc.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/motorControl/left_lower_arm-ems2-mc.xml
||| finding file general.xml
||| finding file hardware/electronics/left_lower_arm-ems2-eln.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/hardware/electronics/left_lower_arm-ems2-eln.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/electronics/left_lower_arm-ems2-eln.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/electronics/left_lower_arm-ems2-eln.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/electronics/left_lower_arm-ems2-eln.xml
||| finding file hardware/electronics/pc104.xml
||| finding file hardware/mechanicals/left_lower_arm-ems2-mec.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/hardware/mechanicals/left_lower_arm-ems2-mec.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/mechanicals/left_lower_arm-ems2-mec.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/mechanicals/left_lower_arm-ems2-mec.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/mechanicals/left_lower_arm-ems2-mec.xml
||| finding file wrappers/motorControl/left_arm-mc_wrapper.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/wrappers/motorControl/left_arm-mc_wrapper.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/motorControl/left_arm-mc_wrapper.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/motorControl/left_arm-mc_wrapper.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/motorControl/left_arm-mc_wrapper.xml
||| finding file hardware/motorControl/right_upper_arm-ems3-mc.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/hardware/motorControl/right_upper_arm-ems3-mc.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/motorControl/right_upper_arm-ems3-mc.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/motorControl/right_upper_arm-ems3-mc.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/motorControl/right_upper_arm-ems3-mc.xml
||| finding file general.xml
||| finding file hardware/electronics/right_upper_arm-ems3-eln.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/hardware/electronics/right_upper_arm-ems3-eln.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/electronics/right_upper_arm-ems3-eln.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/electronics/right_upper_arm-ems3-eln.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/electronics/right_upper_arm-ems3-eln.xml
||| finding file hardware/electronics/pc104.xml
||| finding file hardware/mechanicals/right_upper_arm-ems3-mec.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/hardware/mechanicals/right_upper_arm-ems3-mec.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/mechanicals/right_upper_arm-ems3-mec.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/mechanicals/right_upper_arm-ems3-mec.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/mechanicals/right_upper_arm-ems3-mec.xml
||| finding file hardware/motorControl/right_lower_arm-ems4-mc.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/hardware/motorControl/right_lower_arm-ems4-mc.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/motorControl/right_lower_arm-ems4-mc.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/motorControl/right_lower_arm-ems4-mc.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/motorControl/right_lower_arm-ems4-mc.xml
||| finding file general.xml
||| finding file hardware/electronics/right_lower_arm-ems4-eln.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/hardware/electronics/right_lower_arm-ems4-eln.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/electronics/right_lower_arm-ems4-eln.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/electronics/right_lower_arm-ems4-eln.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/electronics/right_lower_arm-ems4-eln.xml
||| finding file hardware/electronics/pc104.xml
||| finding file hardware/mechanicals/right_lower_arm-ems4-mec.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/hardware/mechanicals/right_lower_arm-ems4-mec.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/mechanicals/right_lower_arm-ems4-mec.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/mechanicals/right_lower_arm-ems4-mec.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/mechanicals/right_lower_arm-ems4-mec.xml
||| finding file wrappers/motorControl/right_arm-mc_wrapper.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/wrappers/motorControl/right_arm-mc_wrapper.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/motorControl/right_arm-mc_wrapper.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/motorControl/right_arm-mc_wrapper.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/motorControl/right_arm-mc_wrapper.xml
||| finding file wrappers/FT/left_arm-FT_wrapper.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/wrappers/FT/left_arm-FT_wrapper.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/FT/left_arm-FT_wrapper.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/FT/left_arm-FT_wrapper.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/FT/left_arm-FT_wrapper.xml
||| finding file wrappers/FT/right_arm-FT_wrapper.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/wrappers/FT/right_arm-FT_wrapper.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/FT/right_arm-FT_wrapper.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/FT/right_arm-FT_wrapper.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/FT/right_arm-FT_wrapper.xml
||| finding file hardware/FT/left_upper_arm-ems1-strain.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/hardware/FT/left_upper_arm-ems1-strain.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/FT/left_upper_arm-ems1-strain.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/FT/left_upper_arm-ems1-strain.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/FT/left_upper_arm-ems1-strain.xml
||| finding file general.xml
||| finding file hardware/electronics/left_upper_arm-ems1-eln.xml
||| finding file hardware/electronics/pc104.xml
||| finding file hardware/FT/right_upper_arm-ems3-strain.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/hardware/FT/right_upper_arm-ems3-strain.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/FT/right_upper_arm-ems3-strain.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/FT/right_upper_arm-ems3-strain.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/FT/right_upper_arm-ems3-strain.xml
||| finding file general.xml
||| finding file hardware/electronics/right_upper_arm-ems3-eln.xml
||| finding file hardware/electronics/pc104.xml
||| finding file wrappers/VFT/left_arm-VFT_wrapper.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/wrappers/VFT/left_arm-VFT_wrapper.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/VFT/left_arm-VFT_wrapper.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/VFT/left_arm-VFT_wrapper.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/VFT/left_arm-VFT_wrapper.xml
||| finding file wrappers/VFT/right_arm-VFT_wrapper.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/wrappers/VFT/right_arm-VFT_wrapper.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/VFT/right_arm-VFT_wrapper.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/VFT/right_arm-VFT_wrapper.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/VFT/right_arm-VFT_wrapper.xml
||| finding file wrappers/VFT/torso-VFT_wrapper.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/wrappers/VFT/torso-VFT_wrapper.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/VFT/torso-VFT_wrapper.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/VFT/torso-VFT_wrapper.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/VFT/torso-VFT_wrapper.xml
||| finding file wrappers/MAIS/left_hand-mais_wrapper.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/wrappers/MAIS/left_hand-mais_wrapper.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/MAIS/left_hand-mais_wrapper.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/MAIS/left_hand-mais_wrapper.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/MAIS/left_hand-mais_wrapper.xml
[WARNING]Invalid syntax while loading /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/MAIS/left_hand-mais_wrapper.xml at line 1 . No DTD found. Assuming version robotInterfaceV1.0 
[WARNING]Invalid syntax while loading /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/MAIS/left_hand-mais_wrapper.xml at line 4 . "devices" element should contain the "robot" attribute 
[WARNING]Invalid syntax while loading /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/MAIS/left_hand-mais_wrapper.xml at line 4 . Trying to import a file for the wrong robot. Found  instead of iCubSheffield01 
[WARNING]Invalid syntax while loading /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/MAIS/left_hand-mais_wrapper.xml at line 4 . "devices" element should contain the "build" attribute [unsigned int]. Assuming 0 
[WARNING]Invalid syntax while loading /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/MAIS/left_hand-mais_wrapper.xml at line 4 . Import a file for a different robot build. Found 0 instead of 1 
||| finding file wrappers/MAIS/right_hand-mais_wrapper.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/wrappers/MAIS/right_hand-mais_wrapper.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/MAIS/right_hand-mais_wrapper.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/MAIS/right_hand-mais_wrapper.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/MAIS/right_hand-mais_wrapper.xml
[WARNING]Invalid syntax while loading /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/MAIS/right_hand-mais_wrapper.xml at line 1 . No DTD found. Assuming version robotInterfaceV1.0 
[WARNING]Invalid syntax while loading /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/MAIS/right_hand-mais_wrapper.xml at line 4 . "devices" element should contain the "robot" attribute 
[WARNING]Invalid syntax while loading /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/MAIS/right_hand-mais_wrapper.xml at line 4 . Trying to import a file for the wrong robot. Found  instead of iCubSheffield01 
[WARNING]Invalid syntax while loading /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/MAIS/right_hand-mais_wrapper.xml at line 4 . "devices" element should contain the "build" attribute [unsigned int]. Assuming 0 
[WARNING]Invalid syntax while loading /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/MAIS/right_hand-mais_wrapper.xml at line 4 . Import a file for a different robot build. Found 0 instead of 1 
||| finding file hardware/MAIS/left_hand-ems2-mais.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/hardware/MAIS/left_hand-ems2-mais.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/MAIS/left_hand-ems2-mais.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/MAIS/left_hand-ems2-mais.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/MAIS/left_hand-ems2-mais.xml
||| finding file general.xml
||| finding file hardware/electronics/pc104.xml
||| finding file hardware/electronics/left_lower_arm-ems2-eln.xml
||| finding file hardware/electronics/pc104.xml
||| finding file hardware/MAIS/right_hand-ems4-mais.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/hardware/MAIS/right_hand-ems4-mais.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/MAIS/right_hand-ems4-mais.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/MAIS/right_hand-ems4-mais.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/MAIS/right_hand-ems4-mais.xml
||| finding file general.xml
||| finding file hardware/electronics/pc104.xml
||| finding file hardware/electronics/right_lower_arm-ems4-eln.xml
||| finding file hardware/electronics/pc104.xml
||| finding file hardware/inertial.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/hardware/inertial.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/inertial.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/inertial.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/inertial.xml
||| finding file general.xml
||| finding file wrappers/skin/left_arm-skin_wrapper.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/wrappers/skin/left_arm-skin_wrapper.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/skin/left_arm-skin_wrapper.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/skin/left_arm-skin_wrapper.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/skin/left_arm-skin_wrapper.xml
||| finding file wrappers/skin/right_arm-skin_wrapper.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/wrappers/skin/right_arm-skin_wrapper.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/skin/right_arm-skin_wrapper.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/skin/right_arm-skin_wrapper.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/skin/right_arm-skin_wrapper.xml
||| finding file wrappers/skin/torso-skin_wrapper.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/wrappers/skin/torso-skin_wrapper.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/skin/torso-skin_wrapper.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/skin/torso-skin_wrapper.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/wrappers/skin/torso-skin_wrapper.xml
||| finding file hardware/skin/torso-cfw2_can9-skin.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/hardware/skin/torso-cfw2_can9-skin.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/skin/torso-cfw2_can9-skin.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/skin/torso-cfw2_can9-skin.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/skin/torso-cfw2_can9-skin.xml
||| finding file general.xml
||| finding file hardware/skin/torso-cfw2_can9-skinSpec.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/hardware/skin/torso-cfw2_can9-skinSpec.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/skin/torso-cfw2_can9-skinSpec.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/skin/torso-cfw2_can9-skinSpec.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/skin/torso-cfw2_can9-skinSpec.xml
||| finding file hardware/skin/left_arm-ems2-skin.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/hardware/skin/left_arm-ems2-skin.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/skin/left_arm-ems2-skin.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/skin/left_arm-ems2-skin.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/skin/left_arm-ems2-skin.xml
||| finding file general.xml
||| finding file hardware/electronics/left_lower_arm-ems2-eln.xml
||| finding file hardware/electronics/pc104.xml
||| finding file hardware/skin/left_arm-ems2-skinSpec.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/hardware/skin/left_arm-ems2-skinSpec.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/skin/left_arm-ems2-skinSpec.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/skin/left_arm-ems2-skinSpec.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/skin/left_arm-ems2-skinSpec.xml
||| finding file hardware/skin/right_arm-ems4-skin.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/hardware/skin/right_arm-ems4-skin.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/skin/right_arm-ems4-skin.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/skin/right_arm-ems4-skin.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/skin/right_arm-ems4-skin.xml
||| finding file general.xml
||| finding file hardware/electronics/right_lower_arm-ems4-eln.xml
||| finding file hardware/electronics/pc104.xml
||| finding file hardware/skin/right_arm-ems4-skinSpec.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/hardware/skin/right_arm-ems4-skinSpec.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/skin/right_arm-ems4-skinSpec.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/skin/right_arm-ems4-skinSpec.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/hardware/skin/right_arm-ems4-skinSpec.xml
||| finding file calibrators/left_arm-calib.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/calibrators/left_arm-calib.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/calibrators/left_arm-calib.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/calibrators/left_arm-calib.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/calibrators/left_arm-calib.xml
||| finding file general.xml
||| finding file calibrators/right_arm-calib.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/calibrators/right_arm-calib.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/calibrators/right_arm-calib.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/calibrators/right_arm-calib.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/calibrators/right_arm-calib.xml
||| finding file general.xml
||| finding file calibrators/torso-calib.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/calibrators/torso-calib.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/calibrators/torso-calib.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/calibrators/torso-calib.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/calibrators/torso-calib.xml
||| finding file general.xml
||| finding file calibrators/head-calib.xml
||| checking [/home/icub/calibrators/head-calib.xml] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/calibrators/head-calib.xml] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/calibrators/head-calib.xml] (robot)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/calibrators/head-calib.xml
||| finding file general.xml
[INFO]startup phase starting... 
||| finding paths [plugins]
||| checking [/home/icub/plugins] (pwd)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/robots/iCubSheffield01/plugins] (robot)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/robots/iCubSheffield01/plugins] (robot)
||| checking [/home/icub/.config/yarp/plugins] (YARP_CONFIG_HOME)
||| checking [/home/icub/.local/share/yarp/plugins] (YARP_DATA_HOME)
||| checking [/etc/yarp/plugins] (YARP_CONFIG_DIRS)
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/yarp/build-pc104/share/yarp/plugins] (YARP_DATA_DIRS)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/yarp/build-pc104/share/yarp/plugins
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/plugins] (YARP_DATA_DIRS)
||| found /usr/local/src/robot/icub-main/build-pc104/share/iCub/plugins
||| checking [/usr/local/src/robot/iCubContrib/share/ICUBcontrib/plugins] (YARP_DATA_DIRS)
[INFO]***** Configuring cartesian controller *****
[INFO]Acquiring options for group GENERAL...
[INFO]Acquiring options for group DRIVER_0...
[INFO]Acquiring options for group DRIVER_1...
[INFO]PLANT_MODEL group detected
[INFO]DH Table:  (H0 (0.0 -1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0)) (type left_v2) (numLinks 10) (HN (1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0)) (link_4 (A 0.0) (D 0.0) (alpha 90.0) (offset -90.0) (min 0.0) (max 160.8)) (link_3 (A 0.0) (D 0.10774) (alpha -90.0) (offset 90.0) (min -95.5) (max 5.0)) (link_7 (A 0.0) (D 0.1413) (alpha 90.0) (offset -90.0) (min -50.0) (max 50.0)) (link_5 (A 0.015) (D 0.15228) (alpha -90.0) (offset 75.0) (min -37.0) (max 100.0)) (link_6 (A -0.015) (D 0.0) (alpha 90.0) (offset 0.0) (min 5.5) (max 106.0)) (link_2 (A 0.023365) (D -0.1433) (alpha -90.0) (offset 105.0) (min -59.0) (max 59.0) (blocked 0.0)) (link_0 (A 0.032) (D 0.0) (alpha 90.0) (offset 0.0) (min -22.0) (max 84.0) (blocked 0.0)) (link_1 (A 0.0) (D -0.0055) (alpha 90.0) (offset -90.0) (min -39.0) (max 39.0) (blocked 0.0)) (link_9 (A 0.0625) (D -0.02598) (alpha 0.0) (offset 0.0) (min -25.0) (max 25.0)) (link_8 (A 0.0) (D 0.0) (alpha 90.0) (offset 90.0) (min -65.0) (max 10.0)) 
yarp: Port /icub/cartesianController/left_arm/cartesianSolver/left_arm/in active at tcp://
yarp: Port /icub/cartesianController/left_arm/cartesianSolver/left_arm/out active at tcp://
yarp: Port /icub/cartesianController/left_arm/cartesianSolver/left_arm/rpc active at tcp://
yarp: Port /icub/cartesianController/left_arm/command:i active at tcp://
yarp: Port /icub/cartesianController/left_arm/state:o active at tcp://
yarp: Port /icub/cartesianController/left_arm/events:o active at tcp://
yarp: Port /icub/cartesianController/left_arm/rpc:i active at tcp://
[INFO]created device <cartesiancontrollerserver>. See C++ class ServerCartesianController for documentation.
[INFO]***** Configuring cartesian controller *****
[INFO]Acquiring options for group GENERAL...
[INFO]Acquiring options for group DRIVER_0...
[INFO]Acquiring options for group DRIVER_1...
[INFO]PLANT_MODEL group detected
[INFO]DH Table:  (H0 (0.0 -1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0)) (type right_v2) (numLinks 10) (HN (1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0)) (link_4 (A 0.0) (D 0.0) (alpha -90.0) (offset -90.0) (min 0.0) (max 160.8)) (link_3 (A 0.0) (D -0.10774) (alpha 90.0) (offset -90.0) (min -95.5) (max 5.0)) (link_7 (A 0.0) (D -0.1413) (alpha 90.0) (offset -90.0) (min -50.0) (max 50.0)) (link_5 (A -0.015) (D -0.15228) (alpha -90.0) (offset -105.0) (min -37.0) (max 100.0)) (link_6 (A 0.015) (D 0.0) (alpha 90.0) (offset 0.0) (min 5.5) (max 106.0)) (link_2 (A -0.023365) (D -0.1433) (alpha 90.0) (offset -105.0) (min -59.0) (max 59.0) (blocked 0.0)) (link_0 (A 0.032) (D 0.0) (alpha 90.0) (offset 0.0) (min -22.0) (max 84.0) (blocked 0.0)) (link_1 (A 0.0) (D -0.0055) (alpha 90.0) (offset -90.0) (min -39.0) (max 39.0) (blocked 0.0)) (link_9 (A 0.0625) (D 0.02598) (alpha 0.0) (offset 180.0) (min -25.0) (max 25.0)) (link_8 (A 0.0) (D 0.0) (alpha 90.0) (offset 90.0) (min -65.0) (max 10.0)) 
yarp: Port /icub/cartesianController/right_arm/cartesianSolver/right_arm/in active at tcp://
yarp: Port /icub/cartesianController/right_arm/cartesianSolver/right_arm/out active at tcp://
yarp: Port /icub/cartesianController/right_arm/cartesianSolver/right_arm/rpc active at tcp://
yarp: Port /icub/cartesianController/right_arm/command:i active at tcp://
yarp: Port /icub/cartesianController/right_arm/state:o active at tcp://
yarp: Port /icub/cartesianController/right_arm/events:o active at tcp://
yarp: Port /icub/cartesianController/right_arm/rpc:i active at tcp://
[INFO]created device <cartesiancontrollerserver>. See C++ class ServerCartesianController for documentation.
[INFO]Position Pids section found, new format
[INFO]Position Pids successfully loaded
[WARNING]Torque control parameters not found for part , skipping...
[DEBUG]DEBUG parameters section NOT found, skipping...
[DEBUG]IMPEDANCE parameters section NOT found, skipping...
[WARNING]maxPosStep: Using default MaxPosStep=10 degs
[INFO]Position Pids section found, new format
[INFO]Position Pids successfully loaded
[WARNING]Torque control parameters not found for part , skipping...
[DEBUG]DEBUG parameters section NOT found, skipping...
[DEBUG]IMPEDANCE parameters section NOT found, skipping...
[WARNING]maxPosStep: Using default MaxPosStep=10 degs
[INFO]created device <cfw2can>. See C++ class yarp::dev::Cfw2Can for documentation.
printing destinations and inverted map
0 1
2 2
4 3
[DEBUG]class 0 set
[DEBUG]class 1 set
[DEBUG]class 2 set
[DEBUG]class 3 set
[DEBUG]Can read/write buffers created, buffer size: 500
[INFO]CanBusResources::initialized correctly
Registering new thread 0 out of 500
[ERROR]cfw2can [0] thread:0 msg:91 joint:2 timed out
[ERROR]getFirmwareVersion: message timed out
[ERROR]Unable to read firmware version 
[ERROR]cfw2can [0] thread:0 msg:91 joint:3 timed out
[ERROR]getFirmwareVersion: message timed out
[ERROR]Unable to read firmware version 
[ERROR]cfw2can [0] thread:0 msg:91 joint:4 timed out
[ERROR]getFirmwareVersion: message timed out
[ERROR]Unable to read firmware version 
[ERROR]cfw2can [0] thread:0 msg:91 joint:5 timed out
[ERROR]getFirmwareVersion: message timed out
[ERROR]Unable to read firmware version 
[INFO]iCubInterface CAN protocol: 1.2
[INFO]Firmware report:
[INFO]cfw2can [0] joint: 0 can_address:  1 board type: 4 (BLL) version: 1.62 build: 80 CAN_protocol:1.2
[INFO]cfw2can [0] joint: 1 can_address:  1 board type: 4 (BLL) version: 1.62 build: 80 CAN_protocol:1.2
[WARNING]cfw2can [0] joint: 2 can_address:  2 Unable to detect firmware version. Old firmware running?
[WARNING]cfw2can [0] joint: 3 can_address:  2 Unable to detect firmware version. Old firmware running?
[WARNING]cfw2can [0] joint: 4 can_address:  3 Unable to detect firmware version. Old firmware running?
[WARNING]cfw2can [0] joint: 5 can_address:  3 Unable to detect firmware version. Old firmware running?
[ERROR]  It has been detected that your control boards are not using the same
[ERROR]  CAN protocol used by iCubinterface. iCubInterface cannot continue.
[ERROR]  Please update your system (iCubInterface and/or your control board firmware.
[ERROR]  For further information please visit:
[ERROR]checkFirmwareVersions() failed. CanBusMotionControl::open returning false, 
yarpdev: ***ERROR*** driver <canmotioncontrol> was found but could not open
[WARNING]Cannot open device head_mc 
[WARNING]Cannot open device head_mc 
[INFO]No ROS group found in config file ... skipping ROS initialization. 
[INFO]/icub/head : no ROS initialization required 
[INFO]/icub/head  initting YARP initialization 
yarp: Port /icub/head/rpc:i active at tcp://
yarp: Port /icub/head/command:i active at tcp://
yarp: Port /icub/head/state:o active at tcp://
yarp: Port /icub/head/stateExt:o active at tcp://
[INFO]created wrapper <controlboardwrapper2>. See C++ class yarp::dev::ControlBoardWrapper2 for documentation.
[DEBUG]POSITION_CONTROL: using metric_units
[DEBUG]POSITION_CONTROL: using control law joint_pid_v1
[DEBUG]TORQUE_CONTROL: using metric_units
[DEBUG]torque control disabled on this robot part. 
[INFO]IMPEDANCE section: parameters successfully loaded
[DEBUG]EthSender is a RateThread with rate = 1 ms 
[DEBUG]EthReceiver is a RateThread with rate = 5 ms 
[WARNING]in EthReceiver::config() the config socket has queue size =  2097152 ; you request ETHRECEIVER_BUFFER_SIZE=  
[INFO] from BOARD 5, src LOCAL, adr 0, time 2s 446m 711u: (code 0x00000009, par16 0x0000 par64 0x0000000000000000) -> SYS: the board is running happily + INFO = BUT QUITE SURELY THAT IS DUE to ROBOTINTERFACE JUST RESTARTED THUS RESETTING ITS SEQNUM
[INFO] from BOARD 5, src CAN1, adr 3, time 2s 946m 71u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0000 par64 0x0000020106010008) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[INFO] from BOARD 5, src CAN1, adr 4, time 2s 946m 135u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0001 par64 0x0000020106010008) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[INFO] from BOARD 5, src CAN1, adr 1, time 2s 946m 200u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0002 par64 0x0000020106010008) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[WARNING]ethResources::verifyBoardTransceiver() detected different maxsizeROPframeReplies: from xml = 128 , board= 256 : correct xml file 
[WARNING]ethResources::verifyBoardTransceiver() detected different maxsizeROPframeOccasionals: from xml = 256 , board= 128 : correct xml file 
[DEBUG]ethResources::setTXrate() has succesfully set the TX rate of the transceiver of BOARD  5 at 5 ms 
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToConfig() called for BOARD 5 
MANAGEMENT-appl-status: sign = 0xaa000000, board EB5 -> name = aEMS00v2mec
                        version = 2.3, built on date 19 6 2015, at hour 10:55
                        state = applstate_config
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToConfig() detected BOARD 5 with name aEMS00v2mec and version = ( 2 3 ) 
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToConfig() successfully sent BOARD 5 in cfg mode 
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToRun() called for BOARD 5 
MANAGEMENT-appl-status: sign = 0xaa000000, board EB5 -> name = aEMS00v2mec
                        version = 2.3, built on date 19 6 2015, at hour 10:55
                        state = applstate_config
[INFO] from BOARD 5, src CAN1, adr 3, time 134s 953m 97u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0000 par64 0x0000020106010008) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[INFO] from BOARD 5, src CAN1, adr 4, time 134s 953m 161u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0001 par64 0x0000020106010008) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[INFO] from BOARD 5, src CAN1, adr 1, time 134s 953m 224u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0002 par64 0x0000020106010008) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
MANAGEMENT-appl-status: sign = 0xaa000000, board EB5 -> name = aEMS00v2mec
                        version = 2.3, built on date 19 6 2015, at hour 10:55
                        control loop timings: RX->400us, DO->300us, TX->300us
                        state = applstate_running
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToRun() detected BOARD 5 with name aEMS00v2mec and version = ( 2 3 ) 
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToRun() successfully sent BOARD 5 in run mode 
[INFO]created device <embObjMotionControl>. See C++ class yarp::dev::embObjMotionControl for documentation.
[INFO]No ROS group found in config file ... skipping ROS initialization. 
[INFO]/icub/torso : no ROS initialization required 
[INFO]/icub/torso  initting YARP initialization 
yarp: Port /icub/torso/rpc:i active at tcp://
yarp: Port /icub/torso/command:i active at tcp://
yarp: Port /icub/torso/state:o active at tcp://
yarp: Port /icub/torso/stateExt:o active at tcp://
[INFO]created wrapper <controlboardwrapper2>. See C++ class yarp::dev::ControlBoardWrapper2 for documentation.
[DEBUG]POSITION_CONTROL: using metric_units
[DEBUG]POSITION_CONTROL: using control law joint_pid_v1
[DEBUG]TORQUE_CONTROL: using metric_units
[DEBUG]torque control disabled on this robot part. 
[INFO]IMPEDANCE section: parameters successfully loaded
[INFO] from BOARD 1, src CAN1, adr 1, time 2s 947m 72u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0000 par64 0x0000020106010008) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = BUT QUITE SURELY THAT IS DUE to ROBOTINTERFACE JUST RESTARTED THUS RESETTING ITS SEQNUM
[INFO] from BOARD 1, src CAN1, adr 2, time 2s 947m 136u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0001 par64 0x0000020106010008) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[INFO] from BOARD 1, src CAN1, adr 3, time 2s 947m 201u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0002 par64 0x0000020106010008) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[INFO] from BOARD 1, src CAN1, adr 4, time 2s 947m 265u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0003 par64 0x0000020106010008) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[WARNING] from BOARD 1, src CAN2, adr 13, time 9s 129m 426u: (code 0x0000001b, par16 0x62d0 par64 0x0000000001000101) -> SYS: the EOappCanSP could not parse a rx can frame. In par16 there is and frame.size (in most significant nibble). In par64 there is the + INFO = NO MORE
[WARNING]ethResources::verifyBoardTransceiver() detected different maxsizeROPframeReplies: from xml = 128 , board= 256 : correct xml file 
[WARNING]ethResources::verifyBoardTransceiver() detected different maxsizeROPframeOccasionals: from xml = 256 , board= 128 : correct xml file 
[DEBUG]ethResources::setTXrate() has succesfully set the TX rate of the transceiver of BOARD  1 at 5 ms 
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToConfig() called for BOARD 1 
MANAGEMENT-appl-status: sign = 0xaa000000, board EB1 -> name = aEMS00v2mec
                        version = 2.3, built on date 19 6 2015, at hour 10:55
                        state = applstate_config
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToConfig() detected BOARD 1 with name aEMS00v2mec and version = ( 2 3 ) 
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToConfig() successfully sent BOARD 1 in cfg mode 
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToRun() called for BOARD 1 
MANAGEMENT-appl-status: sign = 0xaa000000, board EB1 -> name = aEMS00v2mec
                        version = 2.3, built on date 19 6 2015, at hour 10:55
                        state = applstate_config
MANAGEMENT-appl-status: sign = 0xaa000000, board EB1 -> name = aEMS00v2mec
                        version = 2.3, built on date 19 6 2015, at hour 10:55
                        control loop timings: RX->400us, DO->300us, TX->300us
                        state = applstate_running
[INFO] from BOARD 1, src CAN1, adr 1, time 135s 374m 85u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0000 par64 0x0000020106010008) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[INFO] from BOARD 1, src CAN1, adr 2, time 135s 374m 148u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0001 par64 0x0000020106010008) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[INFO] from BOARD 1, src CAN1, adr 3, time 135s 374m 211u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0002 par64 0x0000020106010008) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToRun() detected BOARD 1 with name aEMS00v2mec and version = ( 2 3 ) 
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToRun() successfully sent BOARD 1 in run mode 
[INFO]created device <embObjMotionControl>. See C++ class yarp::dev::embObjMotionControl for documentation.
[INFO] from BOARD 1, src CAN1, adr 4, time 135s 374m 275u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0003 par64 0x0000020106010008) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[DEBUG]POSITION_CONTROL: using machine_units
[DEBUG]POSITION_CONTROL: using control law joint_pid_v1
[DEBUG]TORQUE_CONTROL: using metric_units
[DEBUG]TORQUE_CONTROL: using control law joint_pid_v1
[INFO]IMPEDANCE section: parameters successfully loaded
[INFO] from BOARD 2, src LOCAL, adr 0, time 2s 543m 579u: (code 0x00000009, par16 0x0000 par64 0x0000000000000000) -> SYS: the board is running happily + INFO = BUT QUITE SURELY THAT IS DUE to ROBOTINTERFACE JUST RESTARTED THUS RESETTING ITS SEQNUM
[INFO] from BOARD 2, src CAN1, adr 3, time 3s 43m 83u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0000 par64 0x0000030119025203) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[INFO] from BOARD 2, src CAN1, adr 3, time 3s 43m 147u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0001 par64 0x0000030119025203) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[INFO] from BOARD 2, src CAN1, adr 4, time 3s 43m 212u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0002 par64 0x0000030119025203) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[WARNING]ethResources::verifyBoardTransceiver() detected different maxsizeROPframeReplies: from xml = 128 , board= 256 : correct xml file 
[WARNING]ethResources::verifyBoardTransceiver() detected different maxsizeROPframeOccasionals: from xml = 256 , board= 128 : correct xml file 
[INFO] from BOARD 2, src CAN1, adr 4, time 3s 43m 276u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0003 par64 0x0000030119025203) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[INFO] from BOARD 2, src CAN1, adr 5, time 3s 43m 340u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0004 par64 0x0000030128025203) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[INFO] from BOARD 2, src CAN1, adr 5, time 3s 43m 405u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0005 par64 0x0000030128025203) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[INFO] from BOARD 2, src CAN1, adr 6, time 3s 43m 469u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0006 par64 0x0000030128025203) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[INFO] from BOARD 2, src CAN1, adr 6, time 3s 43m 533u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0007 par64 0x0000030128025203) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[ERROR] from BOARD 1, src LOCAL, adr 0, time 135s 425m 483u: (code 0x02000009, par16 0x0003 par64 0x0000000000000000) -> MC: AEA encoder invalid data + INFO = NO MORE
[DEBUG]ethResources::setTXrate() has succesfully set the TX rate of the transceiver of BOARD  2 at 1 ms 
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToConfig() called for BOARD 2 
[INFO] from BOARD 2, src CAN1, adr 7, time 3s 43m 598u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0008 par64 0x0000030130025203) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[INFO] from BOARD 2, src CAN1, adr 7, time 3s 43m 662u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0009 par64 0x0000030130025203) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[INFO] from BOARD 2, src CAN1, adr 8, time 3s 43m 727u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x000a par64 0x0000030130025203) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
MANAGEMENT-appl-status: sign = 0xaa000000, board EB2 -> name = aEMS00v2mec
                        version = 2.3, built on date 19 6 2015, at hour 10:55
                        state = applstate_config
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToConfig() detected BOARD 2 with name aEMS00v2mec and version = ( 2 3 ) 
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToConfig() successfully sent BOARD 2 in cfg mode 
[INFO] from BOARD 2, src CAN1, adr 8, time 3s 43m 792u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x000b par64 0x0000030130025203) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToRun() called for BOARD 2 
[INFO] from BOARD 2, src CAN1, adr 3, time 136s 252m 87u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0000 par64 0x0000030119025203) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[INFO] from BOARD 2, src CAN1, adr 3, time 136s 252m 150u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0001 par64 0x0000030119025203) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[INFO] from BOARD 2, src CAN1, adr 4, time 136s 252m 216u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0002 par64 0x0000030119025203) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
MANAGEMENT-appl-status: sign = 0xaa000000, board EB2 -> name = aEMS00v2mec
                        version = 2.3, built on date 19 6 2015, at hour 10:55
                        state = applstate_config
[INFO] from BOARD 2, src CAN1, adr 4, time 136s 252m 282u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0003 par64 0x0000030119025203) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[INFO] from BOARD 2, src CAN1, adr 5, time 136s 252m 348u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0004 par64 0x0000030128025203) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[INFO] from BOARD 2, src CAN1, adr 5, time 136s 252m 414u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0005 par64 0x0000030128025203) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[INFO] from BOARD 2, src CAN1, adr 6, time 136s 252m 478u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0006 par64 0x0000030128025203) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[INFO] from BOARD 2, src CAN1, adr 6, time 136s 252m 541u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0007 par64 0x0000030128025203) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[INFO] from BOARD 2, src CAN1, adr 7, time 136s 252m 608u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0008 par64 0x0000030130025203) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[INFO] from BOARD 2, src CAN1, adr 7, time 136s 252m 671u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0009 par64 0x0000030130025203) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[INFO] from BOARD 2, src CAN1, adr 8, time 136s 252m 735u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x000a par64 0x0000030130025203) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[INFO] from BOARD 2, src CAN1, adr 8, time 136s 252m 799u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x000b par64 0x0000030130025203) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[WARNING] from BOARD 2, src LOCAL, adr 0, time 136s 253m 71u: (code 0x0000000b, par16 0x03dd par64 0x0000000000000000) -> SYS: the RX phase of the control loop has last more than wanted. In par16 there is the total execution time in usec + INFO = NO MORE
MANAGEMENT-appl-status: sign = 0xaa000000, board EB2 -> name = aEMS00v2mec
                        version = 2.3, built on date 19 6 2015, at hour 10:55
                        control loop timings: RX->400us, DO->300us, TX->300us
                        state = applstate_running
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToRun() detected BOARD 2 with name aEMS00v2mec and version = ( 2 3 ) 
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToRun() successfully sent BOARD 2 in run mode 
[INFO]created device <embObjMotionControl>. See C++ class yarp::dev::embObjMotionControl for documentation.
[INFO]No ROS group found in config file ... skipping ROS initialization. 
[INFO]/icub/left_arm : no ROS initialization required 
[INFO]/icub/left_arm  initting YARP initialization 
yarp: Port /icub/left_arm/rpc:i active at tcp://
yarp: Port /icub/left_arm/command:i active at tcp://
yarp: Port /icub/left_arm/state:o active at tcp://
yarp: Port /icub/left_arm/stateExt:o active at tcp://
[INFO]created wrapper <controlboardwrapper2>. See C++ class yarp::dev::ControlBoardWrapper2 for documentation.
[DEBUG]POSITION_CONTROL: using metric_units
[DEBUG]POSITION_CONTROL: using control law joint_pid_v1
[DEBUG]TORQUE_CONTROL: using metric_units
[DEBUG]torque control disabled on this robot part. 
[INFO]IMPEDANCE section: parameters successfully loaded
[INFO] from BOARD 3, src CAN1, adr 1, time 2s 946m 72u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0000 par64 0x0000020106010008) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = BUT QUITE SURELY THAT IS DUE to ROBOTINTERFACE JUST RESTARTED THUS RESETTING ITS SEQNUM
[INFO] from BOARD 3, src CAN1, adr 2, time 2s 946m 136u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0001 par64 0x0000020106010008) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[INFO] from BOARD 3, src CAN1, adr 3, time 2s 946m 201u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0002 par64 0x0000020106010008) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[INFO] from BOARD 3, src CAN1, adr 4, time 2s 946m 265u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0003 par64 0x0000020106010008) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[WARNING] from BOARD 3, src CAN2, adr 13, time 9s 123m 688u: (code 0x0000001b, par16 0x62d0 par64 0x0000000001000101) -> SYS: the EOappCanSP could not parse a rx can frame. In par16 there is and frame.size (in most significant nibble). In par64 there is the + INFO = NO MORE
[WARNING]ethResources::verifyBoardTransceiver() detected different maxsizeROPframeReplies: from xml = 128 , board= 256 : correct xml file 
[WARNING]ethResources::verifyBoardTransceiver() detected different maxsizeROPframeOccasionals: from xml = 256 , board= 128 : correct xml file 
[DEBUG]ethResources::setTXrate() has succesfully set the TX rate of the transceiver of BOARD  3 at 5 ms 
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToConfig() called for BOARD 3 
MANAGEMENT-appl-status: sign = 0xaa000000, board EB3 -> name = aEMS00v2mec
                        version = 2.3, built on date 19 6 2015, at hour 10:55
                        state = applstate_config
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToConfig() detected BOARD 3 with name aEMS00v2mec and version = ( 2 3 ) 
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToConfig() successfully sent BOARD 3 in cfg mode 
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToRun() called for BOARD 3 
MANAGEMENT-appl-status: sign = 0xaa000000, board EB3 -> name = aEMS00v2mec
                        version = 2.3, built on date 19 6 2015, at hour 10:55
                        state = applstate_config
[INFO] from BOARD 3, src CAN1, adr 1, time 136s 673m 85u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0000 par64 0x0000020106010008) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[INFO] from BOARD 3, src CAN1, adr 2, time 136s 673m 148u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0001 par64 0x0000020106010008) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[INFO] from BOARD 3, src CAN1, adr 3, time 136s 673m 211u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0002 par64 0x0000020106010008) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
MANAGEMENT-appl-status: sign = 0xaa000000, board EB3 -> name = aEMS00v2mec
                        version = 2.3, built on date 19 6 2015, at hour 10:55
                        control loop timings: RX->400us, DO->300us, TX->300us
                        state = applstate_running
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToRun() detected BOARD 3 with name aEMS00v2mec and version = ( 2 3 ) 
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToRun() successfully sent BOARD 3 in run mode 
[INFO]created device <embObjMotionControl>. See C++ class yarp::dev::embObjMotionControl for documentation.
[INFO] from BOARD 3, src CAN1, adr 4, time 136s 673m 275u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0003 par64 0x0000020106010008) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[DEBUG]POSITION_CONTROL: using machine_units
[DEBUG]POSITION_CONTROL: using control law joint_pid_v1
[DEBUG]TORQUE_CONTROL: using metric_units
[DEBUG]TORQUE_CONTROL: using control law joint_pid_v1
[INFO]IMPEDANCE section: parameters successfully loaded
[INFO] from BOARD 4, src LOCAL, adr 0, time 2s 448m 637u: (code 0x00000009, par16 0x0000 par64 0x0000000000000000) -> SYS: the board is running happily + INFO = BUT QUITE SURELY THAT IS DUE to ROBOTINTERFACE JUST RESTARTED THUS RESETTING ITS SEQNUM
[INFO] from BOARD 4, src CAN1, adr 3, time 2s 948m 79u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0000 par64 0x0000030119025203) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[INFO] from BOARD 4, src CAN1, adr 3, time 2s 948m 143u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0001 par64 0x0000030119025203) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[INFO] from BOARD 4, src CAN1, adr 4, time 2s 948m 207u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0002 par64 0x0000030119025203) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[WARNING]ethResources::verifyBoardTransceiver() detected different maxsizeROPframeReplies: from xml = 128 , board= 256 : correct xml file 
[WARNING]ethResources::verifyBoardTransceiver() detected different maxsizeROPframeOccasionals: from xml = 256 , board= 128 : correct xml file 
[INFO] from BOARD 4, src CAN1, adr 4, time 2s 948m 272u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0003 par64 0x0000030119025203) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[INFO] from BOARD 4, src CAN1, adr 5, time 2s 948m 336u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0004 par64 0x0000030128025203) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[INFO] from BOARD 4, src CAN1, adr 5, time 2s 948m 400u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0005 par64 0x0000030128025203) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[INFO] from BOARD 4, src CAN1, adr 6, time 2s 948m 465u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0006 par64 0x0000030128025203) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[INFO] from BOARD 4, src CAN1, adr 6, time 2s 948m 529u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0007 par64 0x0000030128025203) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[DEBUG]ethResources::setTXrate() has succesfully set the TX rate of the transceiver of BOARD  4 at 1 ms 
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToConfig() called for BOARD 4 
[INFO] from BOARD 4, src CAN1, adr 7, time 2s 948m 593u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0008 par64 0x0000030130025203) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[INFO] from BOARD 4, src CAN1, adr 7, time 2s 948m 658u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0009 par64 0x0000030130025203) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[INFO] from BOARD 4, src CAN1, adr 8, time 2s 948m 723u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x000a par64 0x0000030130025203) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
MANAGEMENT-appl-status: sign = 0xaa000000, board EB4 -> name = aEMS00v2mec
                        version = 2.3, built on date 19 6 2015, at hour 10:55
                        state = applstate_config
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToConfig() detected BOARD 4 with name aEMS00v2mec and version = ( 2 3 ) 
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToConfig() successfully sent BOARD 4 in cfg mode 
[INFO] from BOARD 4, src CAN1, adr 8, time 2s 948m 788u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x000b par64 0x0000030130025203) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToRun() called for BOARD 4 
[INFO] from BOARD 4, src CAN1, adr 3, time 137s 545m 87u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0000 par64 0x0000030119025203) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[INFO] from BOARD 4, src CAN1, adr 3, time 137s 545m 151u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0001 par64 0x0000030119025203) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[INFO] from BOARD 4, src CAN1, adr 4, time 137s 545m 216u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0002 par64 0x0000030119025203) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
MANAGEMENT-appl-status: sign = 0xaa000000, board EB4 -> name = aEMS00v2mec
                        version = 2.3, built on date 19 6 2015, at hour 10:55
                        state = applstate_config
[INFO] from BOARD 4, src CAN1, adr 4, time 137s 545m 279u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0003 par64 0x0000030119025203) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[INFO] from BOARD 4, src CAN1, adr 5, time 137s 545m 346u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0004 par64 0x0000030128025203) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[INFO] from BOARD 4, src CAN1, adr 5, time 137s 545m 412u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0005 par64 0x0000030128025203) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[INFO] from BOARD 4, src CAN1, adr 6, time 137s 545m 477u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0006 par64 0x0000030128025203) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[INFO] from BOARD 4, src CAN1, adr 6, time 137s 545m 541u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0007 par64 0x0000030128025203) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[INFO] from BOARD 4, src CAN1, adr 7, time 137s 545m 610u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0008 par64 0x0000030130025203) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[INFO] from BOARD 4, src CAN1, adr 7, time 137s 545m 674u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x0009 par64 0x0000030130025203) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[INFO] from BOARD 4, src CAN1, adr 8, time 137s 545m 739u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x000a par64 0x0000030130025203) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[INFO] from BOARD 4, src CAN1, adr 8, time 137s 545m 803u: (code 0x00000033, par16 0x000b par64 0x0000030130025203) -> SYS: the can discovery service found the board on the specified CAN bus / adr. In par64 there is the eObrd_typeandversions_t. + INFO = NO MORE
[WARNING] from BOARD 4, src LOCAL, adr 0, time 137s 546m 97u: (code 0x0000000b, par16 0x03fc par64 0x0000000000000000) -> SYS: the RX phase of the control loop has last more than wanted. In par16 there is the total execution time in usec + INFO = NO MORE
MANAGEMENT-appl-status: sign = 0xaa000000, board EB4 -> name = aEMS00v2mec
                        version = 2.3, built on date 19 6 2015, at hour 10:55
                        control loop timings: RX->400us, DO->300us, TX->300us
                        state = applstate_running
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToRun() detected BOARD 4 with name aEMS00v2mec and version = ( 2 3 ) 
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToRun() successfully sent BOARD 4 in run mode 
[INFO]created device <embObjMotionControl>. See C++ class yarp::dev::embObjMotionControl for documentation.
[INFO]No ROS group found in config file ... skipping ROS initialization. 
[INFO]/icub/right_arm : no ROS initialization required 
[INFO]/icub/right_arm  initting YARP initialization 
yarp: Port /icub/right_arm/rpc:i active at tcp://
yarp: Port /icub/right_arm/command:i active at tcp://
yarp: Port /icub/right_arm/state:o active at tcp://
yarp: Port /icub/right_arm/stateExt:o active at tcp://
[INFO]created wrapper <controlboardwrapper2>. See C++ class yarp::dev::ControlBoardWrapper2 for documentation.
[WARNING] AnalogServer device:
  AnalogServer is using deprecated parameters for port name! It should be:
       name:         full name of the port, like /robotName/deviceId/sensorType:o
       period:       refresh period of the broadcasted values in ms (optional, default 20ms)
[INFO]No ROS group found in config file ... skipping ROS initialization. 
[INFO]left_arm : no ROS initialization required 
yarp: Port /icub/left_arm/analog:o/rpc:i active at tcp://
[INFO]created wrapper <analogServer>. See C++ class yarp::dev::AnalogWrapper for documentation.
[WARNING] AnalogServer device:
  AnalogServer is using deprecated parameters for port name! It should be:
       name:         full name of the port, like /robotName/deviceId/sensorType:o
       period:       refresh period of the broadcasted values in ms (optional, default 20ms)
[INFO]No ROS group found in config file ... skipping ROS initialization. 
[INFO]right_arm : no ROS initialization required 
yarp: Port /icub/right_arm/analog:o/rpc:i active at tcp://
[INFO]created wrapper <analogServer>. See C++ class yarp::dev::AnalogWrapper for documentation.
||| finding paths [plugins]
[DEBUG]embObjAnalogSensor::fromConfig() detects embObjAnalogSensor Using value of 1 
[WARNING] from BOARD 1, src CAN2, adr 13, time 138s 925m 123u: (code 0x0000001b, par16 0x03da par64 0x000000001f000418) -> SYS: the EOappCanSP could not parse a rx can frame. In par16 there is and frame.size (in most significant nibble). In par64 there is the + INFO = NO MORE
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToRun() called for BOARD 1 
MANAGEMENT-appl-status: sign = 0xaa000000, board EB1 -> name = aEMS00v2mec
                        version = 2.3, built on date 19 6 2015, at hour 10:55
                        control loop timings: RX->400us, DO->300us, TX->300us
                        state = applstate_running
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToRun() detected BOARD 1 with name aEMS00v2mec and version = ( 2 3 ) 
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToRun() successfully sent BOARD 1 in run mode 
[INFO]created device <embObjAnalogSensor>. See C++ class yarp::dev::embObjAnalogSensor for documentation.
[DEBUG]embObjAnalogSensor::fromConfig() detects embObjAnalogSensor Using value of 1 
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToRun() called for BOARD 3 
MANAGEMENT-appl-status: sign = 0xaa000000, board EB3 -> name = aEMS00v2mec
                        version = 2.3, built on date 19 6 2015, at hour 10:55
                        control loop timings: RX->400us, DO->300us, TX->300us
                        state = applstate_running
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToRun() detected BOARD 3 with name aEMS00v2mec and version = ( 2 3 ) 
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToRun() successfully sent BOARD 3 in run mode 
[INFO]created device <embObjAnalogSensor>. See C++ class yarp::dev::embObjAnalogSensor for documentation.
[DEBUG](period 10) (networks (FirstSetOfJoints SecondSetOfJoints)) (channels 7) (robotName icub) (SecondSetOfJoints 4 6 0 2) (name "/left_arm") (device virtualAnalogServer) (FirstSetOfJoints 0 3 0 3) (deviceId left_arm) 
[DEBUG]Using VirtualAnalogServer

yarp: Port /icub/joint_vsens/left_arm:i active at tcp://
[INFO]created wrapper <virtualAnalogServer>. See C++ class yarp::dev::VirtualAnalogWrapper for documentation.
[DEBUG](period 10) (networks (FirstSetOfJoints SecondSetOfJoints)) (channels 7) (robotName icub) (SecondSetOfJoints 4 6 0 2) (name "/right_arm") (device virtualAnalogServer) (FirstSetOfJoints 0 3 0 3) (deviceId right_arm) 
[DEBUG]Using VirtualAnalogServer

yarp: Port /icub/joint_vsens/right_arm:i active at tcp://
[INFO]created wrapper <virtualAnalogServer>. See C++ class yarp::dev::VirtualAnalogWrapper for documentation.
[DEBUG](period 10) (networks (FirstSetOfJoints)) (channels 3) (robotName icub) (name "/torso") (device virtualAnalogServer) (FirstSetOfJoints 0 2 0 2) (deviceId torso) 
[DEBUG]Using VirtualAnalogServer

yarp: Port /icub/joint_vsens/torso:i active at tcp://
[INFO]created wrapper <virtualAnalogServer>. See C++ class yarp::dev::VirtualAnalogWrapper for documentation.
[WARNING] AnalogServer device:
  AnalogServer is using deprecated parameters for port name! It should be:
       name:         full name of the port, like /robotName/deviceId/sensorType:o
       period:       refresh period of the broadcasted values in ms (optional, default 20ms)
[INFO]No ROS group found in config file ... skipping ROS initialization. 
[INFO]left_hand : no ROS initialization required 
yarp: Port /icub/left_hand/analog:o/rpc:i active at tcp://
[INFO]created wrapper <analogServer>. See C++ class yarp::dev::AnalogWrapper for documentation.
[WARNING] AnalogServer device:
  AnalogServer is using deprecated parameters for port name! It should be:
       name:         full name of the port, like /robotName/deviceId/sensorType:o
       period:       refresh period of the broadcasted values in ms (optional, default 20ms)
[INFO]No ROS group found in config file ... skipping ROS initialization. 
[INFO]right_hand : no ROS initialization required 
yarp: Port /icub/right_hand/analog:o/rpc:i active at tcp://
[INFO]created wrapper <analogServer>. See C++ class yarp::dev::AnalogWrapper for documentation.
[DEBUG]embObjAnalogSensor::fromConfig() detects embObjAnalogSensor Using value of 10 
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToRun() called for BOARD 2 
MANAGEMENT-appl-status: sign = 0xaa000000, board EB2 -> name = aEMS00v2mec
                        version = 2.3, built on date 19 6 2015, at hour 10:55
                        control loop timings: RX->400us, DO->300us, TX->300us
                        state = applstate_running
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToRun() detected BOARD 2 with name aEMS00v2mec and version = ( 2 3 ) 
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToRun() successfully sent BOARD 2 in run mode 
[INFO]created device <embObjAnalogSensor>. See C++ class yarp::dev::embObjAnalogSensor for documentation.
[DEBUG]embObjAnalogSensor::fromConfig() detects embObjAnalogSensor Using value of 10 
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToRun() called for BOARD 4 
MANAGEMENT-appl-status: sign = 0xaa000000, board EB4 -> name = aEMS00v2mec
                        version = 2.3, built on date 19 6 2015, at hour 10:55
                        control loop timings: RX->400us, DO->300us, TX->300us
                        state = applstate_running
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToRun() detected BOARD 4 with name aEMS00v2mec and version = ( 2 3 ) 
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToRun() successfully sent BOARD 4 in run mode 
[INFO]created device <embObjAnalogSensor>. See C++ class yarp::dev::embObjAnalogSensor for documentation.
[DEBUG]covariance size is  9 
[DEBUG]Subdevice xsensmtx
XSensMtX init check: device ok.
[INFO]created device <xsensmtx>. See C++ class yarp::dev::XSensMTx for documentation.
[INFO]No ROS group found in config file ... skipping ROS initialization. 
yarp: Port /icub/inertial active at tcp://
[INFO]Server Inertial : no ROS initialization required 
[INFO]created wrapper <inertial>. See C++ class yarp::dev::ServerInertial for documentation.
[INFO]Server Inertial starting
[DEBUG]Writing an Inertial measurement.
[ERROR] from BOARD 1, src LOCAL, adr 0, time 140s 373m 486u: (code 0x02000009, par16 0x0003 par64 0x0000000000000000) -> MC: AEA encoder invalid data + INFO = NO MORE
[DEBUG]SkinWrapper part  left_hand  mapping port/taxels-->  left_hand :  0   191   0   191 
[DEBUG]SkinWrapper part  left_hand  mapping port/taxels-->  left_forearm :  192   575   0   383 
[DEBUG]SkinWrapper part  left_hand  mapping port/taxels-->  left_arm :  576   1343   0   767 
yarp: Port /icub/skin/left_hand/rpc:i active at tcp://
yarp: Port /icub/skin/left_forearm/rpc:i active at tcp://
yarp: Port /icub/skin/left_arm/rpc:i active at tcp://
[INFO]created device <skinWrapper>. See C++ class skinWrapper for documentation.
[DEBUG]SkinWrapper part  right_hand  mapping port/taxels-->  right_hand :  0   191   0   191 
[DEBUG]SkinWrapper part  right_hand  mapping port/taxels-->  right_forearm :  192   575   0   383 
[DEBUG]SkinWrapper part  right_hand  mapping port/taxels-->  right_arm :  576   1343   0   767 
yarp: Port /icub/skin/right_hand/rpc:i active at tcp://
yarp: Port /icub/skin/right_forearm/rpc:i active at tcp://
yarp: Port /icub/skin/right_arm/rpc:i active at tcp://
[INFO]created device <skinWrapper>. See C++ class skinWrapper for documentation.
[DEBUG]SkinWrapper part  torso  mapping port/taxels-->  torso :  0   767   0   767 
yarp: Port /icub/skin/torso/rpc:i active at tcp://
[INFO]created device <skinWrapper>. See C++ class skinWrapper for documentation.
[WARNING]CanBusSkin id list contains more than one entry -> devices will be merged.  
[INFO]created device <cfw2can>. See C++ class yarp::dev::Cfw2Can for documentation.
[INFO]Skin on can bus  9  uses NEW configuration version!!! 
yarp: Port /diagnostics/skin/errors:o active at tcp://
[INFO]created device <canBusSkin>. See C++ class CanBusSkin for documentation.
[WARNING] from BOARD 2, src LOCAL, adr 0, time 141s 349m 95u: (code 0x0000000d, par16 0x01c4 par64 0x0000000000000000) -> SYS: the TX phase of the control loop has last more than wanted. In par16 there is the total execution time in usec + INFO = NO MORE
[WARNING] from BOARD 2, src LOCAL, adr 0, time 141s 360m 190u: (code 0x0000000d, par16 0x0223 par64 0x0000000000000000) -> SYS: the TX phase of the control loop has last more than wanted. In par16 there is the total execution time in usec + INFO = NO MORE
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToRun() called for BOARD 2 
MANAGEMENT-appl-status: sign = 0xaa000000, board EB2 -> name = aEMS00v2mec
                        version = 2.3, built on date 19 6 2015, at hour 10:55
                        control loop timings: RX->400us, DO->300us, TX->300us
                        state = applstate_running
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToRun() detected BOARD 2 with name aEMS00v2mec and version = ( 2 3 ) 
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToRun() successfully sent BOARD 2 in run mode 
[WARNING] from BOARD 2, src LOCAL, adr 0, time 141s 902m 96u: (code 0x0000000d, par16 0x01c3 par64 0x0000000000000000) -> SYS: the TX phase of the control loop has last more than wanted. In par16 there is the total execution time in usec + INFO = NO MORE
[INFO]created device <embObjSkin>. See C++ class EmbObjSkin for documentation.
[WARNING] from BOARD 4, src LOCAL, adr 0, time 141s 921m 95u: (code 0x0000000d, par16 0x01c4 par64 0x0000000000000000) -> SYS: the TX phase of the control loop has last more than wanted. In par16 there is the total execution time in usec + INFO = NO MORE
[WARNING] from BOARD 4, src LOCAL, adr 0, time 141s 931m 190u: (code 0x0000000d, par16 0x0223 par64 0x0000000000000000) -> SYS: the TX phase of the control loop has last more than wanted. In par16 there is the total execution time in usec + INFO = NO MORE
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToRun() called for BOARD 4 
[WARNING] from BOARD 4, src LOCAL, adr 0, time 142s 473m 80u: (code 0x0000000d, par16 0x01b5 par64 0x0000000000000000) -> SYS: the TX phase of the control loop has last more than wanted. In par16 there is the total execution time in usec + INFO = NO MORE
MANAGEMENT-appl-status: sign = 0xaa000000, board EB4 -> name = aEMS00v2mec
                        version = 2.3, built on date 19 6 2015, at hour 10:55
                        control loop timings: RX->400us, DO->300us, TX->300us
                        state = applstate_running
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToRun() detected BOARD 4 with name aEMS00v2mec and version = ( 2 3 ) 
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToRun() successfully sent BOARD 4 in run mode 
[INFO]created device <embObjSkin>. See C++ class EmbObjSkin for documentation.
[INFO]created device <parametricCalibratorEth>. See C++ class yarp::dev::parametricCalibratorEth for documentation.
[INFO]created device <parametricCalibratorEth>. See C++ class yarp::dev::parametricCalibratorEth for documentation.
[INFO]created device <parametricCalibratorEth>. See C++ class yarp::dev::parametricCalibratorEth for documentation.
[INFO]created device <parametricCalibratorEth>. See C++ class yarp::dev::parametricCalibratorEth for documentation.
[WARNING]There was some problem opening one or more devices. Please check the log and your configuration 
[ERROR]One or more devices failed opening... see previous log messages for more info 
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToConfig() called for BOARD 5 
MANAGEMENT-appl-status: sign = 0xaa000000, board EB5 -> name = aEMS00v2mec
                        version = 2.3, built on date 19 6 2015, at hour 10:55
                        control loop timings: RX->400us, DO->300us, TX->300us
                        state = applstate_running
MANAGEMENT-appl-status: sign = 0xaa000000, board EB5 -> name = aEMS00v2mec
                        version = 2.3, built on date 19 6 2015, at hour 10:55
                        state = applstate_config
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToConfig() detected BOARD 5 with name aEMS00v2mec and version = ( 2 3 ) 
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToConfig() successfully sent BOARD 5 in cfg mode 
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToConfig() called for BOARD 1 
MANAGEMENT-appl-status: sign = 0xaa000000, board EB1 -> name = aEMS00v2mec
                        version = 2.3, built on date 19 6 2015, at hour 10:55
                        control loop timings: RX->400us, DO->300us, TX->300us
                        state = applstate_running
MANAGEMENT-appl-status: sign = 0xaa000000, board EB1 -> name = aEMS00v2mec
                        version = 2.3, built on date 19 6 2015, at hour 10:55
                        state = applstate_config
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToConfig() detected BOARD 1 with name aEMS00v2mec and version = ( 2 3 ) 
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToConfig() successfully sent BOARD 1 in cfg mode 
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToConfig() called for BOARD 2 
MANAGEMENT-appl-status: sign = 0xaa000000, board EB2 -> name = aEMS00v2mec
                        version = 2.3, built on date 19 6 2015, at hour 10:55
                        control loop timings: RX->400us, DO->300us, TX->300us
                        state = applstate_running
MANAGEMENT-appl-status: sign = 0xaa000000, board EB2 -> name = aEMS00v2mec
                        version = 2.3, built on date 19 6 2015, at hour 10:55
                        state = applstate_config
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToConfig() detected BOARD 2 with name aEMS00v2mec and version = ( 2 3 ) 
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToConfig() successfully sent BOARD 2 in cfg mode 
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToConfig() called for BOARD 3 
MANAGEMENT-appl-status: sign = 0xaa000000, board EB3 -> name = aEMS00v2mec
                        version = 2.3, built on date 19 6 2015, at hour 10:55
                        control loop timings: RX->400us, DO->300us, TX->300us
                        state = applstate_running
MANAGEMENT-appl-status: sign = 0xaa000000, board EB3 -> name = aEMS00v2mec
                        version = 2.3, built on date 19 6 2015, at hour 10:55
                        state = applstate_config
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToConfig() detected BOARD 3 with name aEMS00v2mec and version = ( 2 3 ) 
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToConfig() successfully sent BOARD 3 in cfg mode 
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToConfig() called for BOARD 4 
MANAGEMENT-appl-status: sign = 0xaa000000, board EB4 -> name = aEMS00v2mec
                        version = 2.3, built on date 19 6 2015, at hour 10:55
                        control loop timings: RX->400us, DO->300us, TX->300us
                        state = applstate_running
MANAGEMENT-appl-status: sign = 0xaa000000, board EB4 -> name = aEMS00v2mec
                        version = 2.3, built on date 19 6 2015, at hour 10:55
                        state = applstate_config
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToConfig() detected BOARD 4 with name aEMS00v2mec and version = ( 2 3 ) 
[DEBUG]ethResources::goToConfig() successfully sent BOARD 4 in cfg mode 
[INFO]Closing Server Inertial...
[DEBUG]Server Intertial closed
[ERROR]Error in startup phase... see previous messages for more info 
[WARNING]Interrupt # 1 # received. 
[INFO]Interrupt received. Stopping all running threads. 
[INFO]interrupt1 phase starting... 
[INFO]Entering action level 1 of phase interrupt1 
[ERROR]park device do not exists 
[ERROR]Cannot run park action on device left_arm_calibrator 
[ERROR]park device do not exists 
[ERROR]Cannot run park action on device right_arm_calibrator 
[ERROR]park device do not exists 
[ERROR]Cannot run park action on device torso_calibrator 
[ERROR]park device do not exists 
[ERROR]Cannot run park action on device head_calibrator 
[INFO]All actions for action level 1 of interrupt1 phase started. Waiting for unfinished actions. 
[INFO]All actions for action level 1 of interrupt1 phase finished. 
[WARNING]There was some problem running actions for interrupt1 phase . Please check the log and your configuration 
[INFO]interrupt1 phase finished. 
[ERROR]Error in interrupt1 phase... see previous messages for more info 
[INFO]shutdown phase starting... 
[INFO]Entering action level 2 of phase shutdown 
[ERROR]left_arm_cartesian is not a wrapper, therefore it cannot have detach actions 
[ERROR]Cannot run detach action on device left_arm_cartesian 
[ERROR]right_arm_cartesian is not a wrapper, therefore it cannot have detach actions 
[ERROR]Cannot run detach action on device right_arm_cartesian 
[INFO]All actions for action level 2 of shutdown phase started. Waiting for unfinished actions. 
[INFO]All actions for action level 2 of shutdown phase finished. 
[INFO]Entering action level 5 of phase shutdown 
[ERROR]head_mc_wrapper is not a wrapper, therefore it cannot have detach actions 
[ERROR]Cannot run detach action on device head_mc_wrapper 
[ERROR]torso_mc_wrapper is not a wrapper, therefore it cannot have detach actions 
[ERROR]Cannot run detach action on device torso_mc_wrapper 
[ERROR]left_arm_mc_wrapper is not a wrapper, therefore it cannot have detach actions 
[ERROR]Cannot run detach action on device left_arm_mc_wrapper 
[ERROR]right_arm_mc_wrapper is not a wrapper, therefore it cannot have detach actions 
[ERROR]Cannot run detach action on device right_arm_mc_wrapper 
[ERROR]left_arm_as_wrapper is not a wrapper, therefore it cannot have detach actions 
[ERROR]Cannot run detach action on device left_arm_as_wrapper 
[ERROR]left_arm_as_wrapper is not a wrapper, therefore it cannot have detach actions 
[ERROR]Cannot run detach action on device left_arm_as_wrapper 
[ERROR]left_arm_VFTserver is not a wrapper, therefore it cannot have detach actions 
[ERROR]Cannot run detach action on device left_arm_VFTserver 
[ERROR]right_arm_VFTserver is not a wrapper, therefore it cannot have detach actions 
[ERROR]Cannot run detach action on device right_arm_VFTserver 
[ERROR]torso_VFTserver is not a wrapper, therefore it cannot have detach actions 
[ERROR]Cannot run detach action on device torso_VFTserver 
[ERROR]left_arm_as_wrapperMais is not a wrapper, therefore it cannot have detach actions 
[ERROR]Cannot run detach action on device left_arm_as_wrapperMais 
[ERROR]right_arm_as_wrapperMais is not a wrapper, therefore it cannot have detach actions 
[ERROR]Cannot run detach action on device right_arm_as_wrapperMais 
[ERROR]left_arm_skin_wrapper is not a wrapper, therefore it cannot have detach actions 
[ERROR]Cannot run detach action on device left_arm_skin_wrapper 
[ERROR]right_arm_skin_wrapper is not a wrapper, therefore it cannot have detach actions 
[ERROR]Cannot run detach action on device right_arm_skin_wrapper 
[ERROR]torso_skin_wrapper is not a wrapper, therefore it cannot have detach actions 
[ERROR]Cannot run detach action on device torso_skin_wrapper 
[INFO]All actions for action level 5 of shutdown phase started. Waiting for unfinished actions. 
[INFO]All actions for action level 5 of shutdown phase finished. 
[WARNING]There was some problem running actions for shutdown phase . Please check the log and your configuration 
[INFO]shutdown phase finished. 
[ERROR]Error in shutdown phase... see previous messages for more info 
Module failed to open
pattacini commented 9 years ago

see remaining points in

pattacini commented 9 years ago

@lukeboorman news on that?

/cc @super-ste @julijenv @robotology/icub-support-admin

pattacini commented 9 years ago

/cc @maggia80