Closed arrenglover closed 5 years ago
@julijenv can we have a look at this please? It is blocking us from using the robot motion and cameras at the same time. I opened it 7 days ago but didn't hear anything - is there some new protocol I should be following? these guys should be made aware of the issue too (@aikolina @vvasco @Iaxama @marco-monforte)
Hi @arrenglover , sorry I have been passing quite often to your robot to fix the face and people wer working on it, so I was like it didnt show up again. my bad. I would need you tomorrow to check that failure, when r u around?? let me know
@julijenv - I'm working on the robot from 9am - 2pm tomorrow. Let me check the problem still happens by myself to not waste your time (something might have changed if people have been working on the robot). I'll add a message here if I need your help.
@julijenv - thanks for coming this morning. I did have some troubles again today however, I'm not sure if it was from the ethernet connection, as first thought, or some problem with the ZCB. I've talked with @marco-monforte and @Iaxama to make sure we investigate exactly where the problem is coming from. @ChiaraBartolozzi - this is the bug I was talking about. I'm not sure if it's ethernet related, or something in the HPU driver causing the Kernel to pause for a moment and the ethernet to drop. We'll keep investigating
I switched off the event-cameras and tried to move the neck yaw and got the same error as @arrenglover (i.e. link up/down of eth0).
Not sure if this information is going to be useful, but I noticed that the error was happening frequently when moving the neck yaw between -20 and +20 degrees.
I also tried to move the head in idle manually and it seemed that the neck pitch and roll were more stiff compared to neck yaw.
@julijenv - I would like to do some experiments as soon as possible. Can you give me a time when we can look at this together? Thanks a lot.
Hi @arrenglover , if you are around the robot I ll come to look for this issue right know.
@simeonedussoni @julijenv - FYI: I had no problems all afternoon using the the temporary network cable.
ciao @julijenv @arrenglover @simeonedussoni Ho sostituito il cavo e ricrimpato il connettore di rete. Ci sarebbe, se possibile, far modificare la staffa (vedi immagine) in modo che ci sia un po' di spazio e che i fili del connettore di rete non tocchino il metallo. IL cavo che si e' rotto e che e' stato sostituito non e' adeguato a fare movimenti continui, come quelli che fa il collo, infatti si e' usurato dove ci sono passaggi in continuo movimento. @julijenv ho preso dal magazzino un pezzo con cod.13824 dovresti fare il tickets per poterlo scaricare su commessa. @arrenglover @julijenv appena possibile, fare test per vedere se il problema era effettivamente quello.
it has been teste dand we can now confirm that the ethernet connexion is 1Gbit so everything ok.
Description of the failure
The icub-zynq ethernet connection resets under head motion.
Detailed conditions
I start the robotinterface and run an application called
that moves the head pitch and yaw randomly. At the same time I am logged into theicub-zynq
(ssh icub-zynq
). and use thedmesg
command. I get the following output:Can we check the physical connection of the ethernet link of the ZCB in the robot head?
Add log files of the failure