robotology / idyntree-yarp-tools

Tools based on the iDynTree library that depend on YARP.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Uniform yarprobotstatepublisher and ROS's RobotStatePublisher #46

Closed traversaro closed 1 year ago

traversaro commented 5 years ago

As correctly observer by @valegagge , it turns out that yarprobotstatepublisher behaves quite differently from the ROS's RobotStatePublisher:

From of the point of view of tf functionalities, the two methods are functionally equivalent, but the ROS's method may be more useful when debugging the tf tree in rqt.

It probably make sense to switch between the existing behavior and the ROS's behaviour with a specific option.

traversaro commented 4 years ago

We had a discussion on this issue today with @randaz81 and @elandini84 . I shared with them this pseudocode:

if (mode == SHALLOW) {
    // In shallow mode, we publish the position of each frame of the robot w.r.t. to the base frame of the robot 
    for (size_t frameIdx=0; frameIdx < sizeOfTFFrames; frameIdx++)
        if(m_baseFrameIndex == frameIdx)    // skip self-tranform

        iDynTree::Transform base_H_frame = m_kinDynComp.getRelativeTransform(m_baseFrameIndex, frameIdx);
        iDynTree::toYarp(base_H_frame.asHomogeneousTransform(), m_buf4x4);
        m_iframetrans->setTransform(m_tfPrefix + model.getFrameName(frameIdx),
                                    m_tfPrefix + model.getFrameName(m_baseFrameIndex),
} else {
    // mode == DEEP
    // In deep mode, we need to distinguish the following cases:
    // For the frames that are frames of the link, we publish their location w.r.t. to their parent link
    // For the additional frames, we publish their location w.r.t. to the frame of the link to which they are 
    // attached (note that this transform are actually constant)

    // The traversal is the data structure that contains information on which link is parent of which other link,
    // as in iDynTree the model is an undirected data structure 
    iDynTree::Traversal traversal;

    // We generate a traversal using the base frame index 
    m_kinDynComp.model().ComputeFullTreeTraversal(traversal, m_baseFrameIndex);

    // Process links
    for (size_t linkIndex=0; linkIndex < model.getNrOfLinks(); linkIndex++)
        if(m_baseFrameIndex == linkIndex)    // skip self-tranform

        LinkIndex parentLinkIndex = traversal.getParentLinkFromLinkIndex(linkIndex)->getIndex();
        iDynTree::Transform parentLink_H_link = m_kinDynComp.getRelativeTransform(parentLinkIndex, linkIndex);
        iDynTree::toYarp(base_H_frame.asHomogeneousTransform(), m_buf4x4);
        m_iframetrans->setTransform(m_tfPrefix + model.getFrameName(linkIndex),
                                    m_tfPrefix + model.getFrameName(parentLinkIndex),

    // Process frames, only if the reduced model option is not passed 
    if (!this->reducedModelOption) 
        // Process additional frames (that have all indexes between model.getNrOfLinks()+1 and model.getNrOfFrames()
        for (size_t frameIndex=model.getNrOfLinks()+1; frameIndex < model.getNrOfFrames(); frameIndex++)
                LinkIndex linkIndex = m_kinDynComp.model().getFrameLink(frameIndex);
                iDynTree::Transform link_H_frame = m_kinDynComp.model().getFrameTransform(frameIndex);
                iDynTree::toYarp(base_H_frame.asHomogeneousTransform(), m_buf4x4);
                m_iframetrans->setTransform(m_tfPrefix + model.getFrameName(linkIndex),
                                                  m_tfPrefix + model.getFrameName(frameIndex),
traversaro commented 1 year ago

(I moved the issue to the idyntree-yarp-tools repo from the idyntree repo).

S-Dafarra commented 1 year ago

I think this is already implemented, isn't it?

traversaro commented 1 year ago

Right, this was fixed by .