robotology / robometry

Telemetry suite for logging data from your robot 🤖
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Try to enable compression in .mat file save #115

Closed traversaro closed 3 years ago

traversaro commented 3 years ago

As suggested by @S-Dafarra .

Nicogene commented 3 years ago

Today I tried on my laptop the telemetryDeviceDumper after #118 then without the compression, attaching to the gazebo icub simulator running demoYoga.

Here is the data:

It is divided for the limitations in the file size of GH.

This will be our term of comparison when we will enable the compression

Nicogene commented 3 years ago

Here and here we have the performances of saving buffers of integers without compression

Nicogene commented 3 years ago

This is the impact of the compression in the benchmarking (always in Release)

see #123


Buffer Manager Test
  Benchmarching section scalar int

benchmark name                       samples       iterations    estimated
                                     mean          low mean      high mean
                                     std dev       low std dev   high std dev
oneVariable-1x1                                100            24      2.196 ms
                                         23.289 us    22.0523 us    29.0057 us
                                        11.5012 us    1.30895 us    27.2576 us

oneVariable-1x1                                100            25      2.205 ms
                                        189.423 us    188.531 us     190.38 us
                                        4.71909 us    4.00428 us    5.67096 us

oneVariable-1x1                                100            14     2.2904 ms
                                        3.84534 ms    3.82939 ms    3.88533 ms
                                        121.131 us    59.8298 us    254.113 us

Buffer Manager Test
  Benchmarching section vector int

benchmark name                       samples       iterations    estimated
                                     mean          low mean      high mean
                                     std dev       low std dev   high std dev
oneVariable-3x1                                100            26      2.184 ms
                                        23.7464 us    23.5317 us    24.0815 us
                                        1.34468 us    939.276 ns    1.90603 us

oneVariable-3x1                                100            25     2.1775 ms
                                        210.662 us    209.416 us    212.311 us
                                        7.22334 us    5.66413 us    11.2294 us

oneVariable-3x1                                100            14     2.3044 ms
                                        3.78658 ms    3.77177 ms    3.80836 ms
                                        90.1273 us    66.2636 us     151.99 us

Buffer Manager Test
  Benchmarching section matrix int

benchmark name                       samples       iterations    estimated
                                     mean          low mean      high mean
                                     std dev       low std dev   high std dev
oneVariable-3x2                                100            25     2.1725 ms
                                        27.0848 us    26.6739 us    27.8695 us
                                          2.792 us    1.71097 us    4.27228 us

oneVariable-3x2                                100            25       2.21 ms
                                        220.268 us    218.948 us    221.918 us
                                        7.52388 us    5.84708 us    10.4822 us

oneVariable-3x2                                100            13      2.184 ms
                                        4.25831 ms     4.2465 ms    4.26993 ms
                                        59.8258 us    54.1948 us    66.3546 us


Buffer Manager Test
  Benchmarching section scalar int

benchmark name                       samples       iterations    estimated
                                     mean          low mean      high mean
                                     std dev       low std dev   high std dev
oneVariable-1x1                                100            26      2.275 ms
                                        7.06808 us    6.04746 us    9.04823 us
                                        6.98648 us    4.12175 us    11.0471 us

oneVariable-1x1                                100            27     2.3112 ms
                                        16.0549 us      15.14 us    19.5875 us
                                        8.14875 us    1.68754 us    19.0175 us

oneVariable-1x1                                100            26     2.2828 ms
                                        127.115 us    126.024 us    128.614 us
                                        6.51239 us    5.06768 us    9.06838 us

Buffer Manager Test
  Benchmarching section vector int

benchmark name                       samples       iterations    estimated
                                     mean          low mean      high mean
                                     std dev       low std dev   high std dev
oneVariable-3x1                                100            26     2.3244 ms
                                        8.48223 us    7.87719 us    9.18527 us
                                        3.33351 us    2.91963 us     3.8745 us

oneVariable-3x1                                100            27     2.2896 ms
                                        17.3417 us    17.2061 us    17.5309 us
                                        811.123 ns    628.317 ns    1.08676 us

oneVariable-3x1                                100            26     2.2958 ms
                                        168.912 us    165.697 us    174.555 us
                                         21.257 us    14.0929 us    33.3633 us

Buffer Manager Test
  Benchmarching section matrix int

benchmark name                       samples       iterations    estimated
                                     mean          low mean      high mean
                                     std dev       low std dev   high std dev
oneVariable-3x2                                100            22     2.2704 ms
                                        7.54132 us    7.31777 us    8.07836 us
                                        1.66523 us    807.941 ns    3.28624 us

oneVariable-3x2                                100            26     2.2932 ms
                                        22.2203 us    21.9476 us    22.6629 us
                                        1.74048 us    1.17876 us    2.40411 us

oneVariable-3x2                                100            25      2.285 ms
                                        264.646 us    260.733 us    268.992 us
                                        20.9638 us    18.0406 us    26.2273 us
Nicogene commented 3 years ago

I tried the same experiment of after enabling the compression here is the data:

Here is the data, it is ok there are no artifacts: immagine

For 2 minutes of acquisition of encoders/accelerations/velocities of 32 joints we have:

~ 9.2 MB uncompressed ~ 5.7 MB compressed

The differences in computation seem more significant, we have to decide if we want to lose something in performances for saving some space.

cc @AlexAntn @traversaro @S-Dafarra @drdanz

S-Dafarra commented 3 years ago

Nice! Would it be possible to save in another thread without blocking the circular buffer?

drdanz commented 3 years ago

Since the impact is rather significant, I believe that it should be a user choice, we could have an option to select is compression should be enabled or not...