robotology / superquadric-model

Framework for modeling and visualizing objects through superquadrics
GNU General Public License v2.0
6 stars 4 forks source link

Errors/warnings while compiling under Windows #11

Closed pattacini closed 8 years ago

pattacini commented 8 years ago

I've got the following warnings and errors while compiling the project under Windows:

2>C:\dev\superquadric-detection\src\superquadric.cpp(67): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
2>C:\dev\superquadric-detection\src\superquadric.cpp(78): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
2>  main.cpp
2>c:\dev\superquadric-detection\src\superquadric.cpp(67): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
2>c:\dev\superquadric-detection\src\superquadric.cpp(78): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
2>C:\dev\superquadric-detection\src\main.cpp(800): warning C4244: 'argument' : conversion from 'double' to 'int', possible loss of data
2>  superquadricDetection_IDL.cpp
2>  Generating Code...
2>main.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl yarp::math::SVDJacobi(class yarp::sig::Matrix const &,class yarp::sig::Matrix &,class yarp::sig::Vector &,class yarp::sig::Matrix &)" (?SVDJacobi@math@yarp@@YAXABVMatrix@sig@2@AAV342@AAVVector@42@1@Z) referenced in function "public: void __thiscall SuperQuadric_NLP::computeInitialOrientation(class yarp::sig::Vector &,class std::deque<class yarp::sig::Vector,class std::allocator<class yarp::sig::Vector> > &)" (?computeInitialOrientation@SuperQuadric_NLP@@QAEXAAVVector@sig@yarp@@AAV?$deque@VVector@sig@yarp@@V?$allocator@VVector@sig@yarp@@@std@@@std@@@Z)
2>C:\dev\superquadric-detection\build\bin\Release\superquadric-detection.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
pattacini commented 8 years ago

Bear in mind that the code must be always platform independent, any time in the development workflow. Hence, this issue has the highest priority.

giuliavezzani commented 8 years ago

Work in progress f86eefe

giuliavezzani commented 8 years ago

Solved error and warnings on windows. @pattacini Can you test it on your pc? It works on my Windows. 38ed960

pattacini commented 8 years ago

Nothing changed :disappointed: I've got the same warnings and the same error...

pattacini commented 8 years ago

Actually, not the very same warnings, bust still:

2>C:\dev\superquadric-detection\src\main.cpp(978): warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 'double' to 'float', possible loss of data
2>C:\dev\superquadric-detection\src\main.cpp(979): warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 'double' to 'float', possible loss of data
2>C:\dev\superquadric-detection\src\main.cpp(980): warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 'double' to 'float', possible loss of data
2>C:\dev\superquadric-detection\src\main.cpp(1104): warning C4244: 'argument' : conversion from 'double' to 'int', possible loss of data
2>  superquadricDetection_IDL.cpp
2>  Generating Code...
2>main.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl yarp::math::SVDJacobi(class yarp::sig::Matrix const &,class yarp::sig::Matrix &,class yarp::sig::Vector &,class yarp::sig::Matrix &)" (?SVDJacobi@math@yarp@@YAXABVMatrix@sig@2@AAV342@AAVVector@42@1@Z) referenced in function "public: void __thiscall SuperQuadric_NLP::computeInitialOrientation(class yarp::sig::Vector &,class std::deque<class yarp::sig::Vector,class std::allocator<class yarp::sig::Vector> > &)" (?computeInitialOrientation@SuperQuadric_NLP@@QAEXAAVVector@sig@yarp@@AAV?$deque@VVector@sig@yarp@@V?$allocator@VVector@sig@yarp@@@std@@@std@@@Z)
2>C:\dev\superquadric-detection\build\bin\Release\superquadric-detection.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
pattacini commented 8 years ago

You could close this issue mentioning the commit that sorted it out. Well done :smile:

giuliavezzani commented 8 years ago

OK, Fixed it. :) d7aab2a